What level are you?

What level are you?

21 soon, also pedo


well i hope to stay a virgin forever then user.

I was 14 and fucked a 13 year old.

Got laid at 17, petite Mexican pussy is best pussy.

She was 22
We're now married

23. Going to an hero before 24

mexican pussy is objectively the worst pussy

Must've found some bad Mexicans, GF at the time had a superb pussy.

>Hung out with Friend of family's 17 yo daughter.
>She was not attractive. land whale.
> Both horny
>Fucked frequently
> She started getting abusive towards me
> Ended it.

13 with this girl in my neighborhood she was 13 as well awkward sex under my deck in the middle of a hot and humid southern US summer (wasnt the only time with her either). last time i had sex was when i was 16. kinda lost interest in relationships and sex after that. im 21 now and like being alone.


Sometimes it's better that way.

25. Got my eyes on them sorcerer powers.

30. The wizard powers are real. Years and years absent of female distraction has provided time for the development of universal power.

>Good looking (so I'm told) and lift, but crippling low self esteem with women has kept me single.
>Friends fed up with me being a single shut-in
>Finally convinced me to join tinder yesterday
>Hot women matching and messaging
>Sperg levels of panic rising
>I don't know how to deal with this feel

almost wizard
and i dont give a shit

30. Spoilers: While you may hold knowledge few mortals can comprehend, you don't ACTUALLY gain wizard powers.

17. It was prom night.

don't take this from me

Virgin at 33. Why don't I feel more powerful?

23, might lose v-card this December though. Old friend is coming to visit from 2k+ miles and we've been doing long distance for a while now.

Best of luck, user

Drop a tab of acid. It will all come together.

Hoping for that 50+

I was 15 she was 23. I was drunk and couldn't get it up but I wanted to do it so bad I literally shoved my flaccid penis inside her. Still counts right?

Why the fuck did she allow that. Couldn't have been pleasurable for her.

Will it help me get laid?

Didn't lose it until 25. Still ended up having a normal sex life. There's still hope, anons...

... for some of you.

ill be 20 (twenty) in one (1) year

I was level 18 when I stopped leveling up.

Good for you Sup Forumsro. In the meantime, though, keep your eyes open. It's not like y'all are married or some shit. December is a long ways away.

loosen my virginity at 12 years old with a hooker and then at 14yo with a normal slut of my age

If you tell the right girl you have cid

Lost it at 14 with a 12 year old boy. No regrets. He was cute as fuck.