Hiya Sup Forums, I know you like traps so I thought I'd try myself :3 do I pass as a trap...

Hiya Sup Forums, I know you like traps so I thought I'd try myself :3 do I pass as a trap? I'm bored horny and stoned so come and have fun ;3

I mean to be honest I'd put it in your ass but that's not saying much.

It's time to stop posting..

And if you serious. Your posting your pix inna den of rapists and murderers. Reconsider your actions before the mods sell your IP to the highest bidder and your life turns into some syd barret fever dream.

you are a man

Going :3 doesn't change anything

More action than I've had in a while so I'll take it :P

If you really want to be a trap you need girl undies and thigh high socks, and post pics of your booty hole with timestamp.

I'm aware, but I'm horny and I do this for fun.

Post feet
Post butt

Why be a trap when being a cute boy is so much better. Also you're already a boy and cute so the work's already done.

Don't post spread buttcheeks. Just post the butt.
I like to observe the curvature and natural stood pose.
Oh, and tummy pic too, faggot do it now for Daddy.

That's my point, no one's ever fucked me. I'd probably fuck you then get over obsessive. You pass man, stop being so pretty and let me fuck you.

I'd fuck you. Maybe I'm just gay. Kik?

Well tell them to stop talking, no one can hear them besides the other whispers in your mind, say fuck you. Why fear what the Gods cannot understand.

you got a cute face, fuckable as shit... dm?

I'll give you some action if you like


I dont know about passable, some manly features there, but still cute

your jaw and chin are quite masculine but other than that you look fairly feminine. I'd fuck you

man do u have kik or discord or anything of that sort? tbh im horny as fuck and i wanna see more of u

Got some lingerie to put on? If so put it on and take a pic

You look nice overall but not in a trap way, just as a person (no homo).

if you are from Lindenhurst, we went to high school together and I want to fuck you

seems qt. only way to be sure is to see some feets.

post kik man

Write the date and "cute lil fuck" on your palm.
