Quick Sup Forums, I need an excuse to leave the house that does not involve groceries or food...

quick Sup Forums, I need an excuse to leave the house that does not involve groceries or food. My 90 year old grandma always needs to know where I'm going, and I cant say food because she'll want something from where I'm going.

If you need to know: I'm headed to the dispensary to buy lots and lots of hash and concentrates.

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You have to help a friend set up a new router.

i dont have a , i just wrecked it and am stuck doing lyfts and buses so that wouldnt work.

How about you are an adult and you want to go see friends or do something? Id like to think you are staying with her because she is 90 with no one else to help her out, but I have a feeling its more about you and your inability to be a functional adult.


I dont have friends. I mean I have friends. I just hate people and have never gone out with anybody, so that is completely out of character.

"Out" then leave before she says anything

You have to check the TV antenna

Then I guess yer fucked kid. Sad you are an adult to needs to explain to a 90 year old why you need to step out of your house.


Tell her youre going to the dispensary you massive fucking faggot

Is this 60 fps porn? fucking weird
How old are you?

Say your going to buy something off Craigslist then say the dude never showed.

when I come back she will ask me where I was. Then she will be mad that I didnt ask if she needed anything.

Where the fuck is the sauce...

why are you afraid of your grandma you little bitch

29. and yes thats the best webm I own on my mobile device.

Come back when she's asleep

Tell her ur a cocksucker and ur mouth is dry.you need sperm to freshen up

I dont want to give her a heart attack because im already dark skinned and ethnic and shes white; if she found out I do marijuanos then shes going to assume i am some kind of rapist thug or something.

I really hope this is bait, otherwise you need to take a look at yourself. I feel bad for your grandma here. What type of edgy faggot says he hates people in general but wants advice from /b about how to sneak out from his 90 year old gram grams house. Do you even have a job? Do you do shit for her around the house? Or are you a shitty stoner waste of flesh mang. I smoke myself but people like you are why most people think stoners are annoying fucks who do nothing in life. Cause most of you are.

i aint spending 10 hours outside of the house just to do that.

Dude, you're a goddamn adult.
Live your fucking life.
Is she paying for your stuff? Are you living at home? Do you not have a job?

I have a job. I live in her house with my gf because rent is ridonculous here.

AHAHAHHAHAHA HES 29 AND WORRIED HIS GRANDMA WILL LOCK HIM OUT OF THE HOUSE!!!!! Holy fuck let you be real and not bait, you are the best kind of trainwreck

So shes doing your stoner ass a favor and letting you AND your gf stay there on the cheap cause she cares about you? Then guess what nigga her house her rules. You dont like it be a man and get a better job, or 2 jobs. Same for your GF she shouldnt be a leech either.


Who fuckin . its legal. She can stfu.


lol this disrespectful faggot.

Oh im sorry your arbitrary bullshit doesnt affect anyone but you you dense faggot
Same goes for OPs one foot in the grave granny

Tell her you are going to see Jack Kevorkian.

Get on hud pay like 100 dollars a month rent utilities will run 150 to 300 and Netflix 10 dollars no fucking cable go too food banks. If girlfriend does not have a job hook her out on backpage 150 to 200 a hour. Or get her on ssi it's not hard.

Tell her youre going on a date with a woman.

go smoke your shit in the park or something

come back in 2 hours and tell her it didnt work out.

Say you're going to mcdonalds and get her a damn dollar burger on the way back faggot

Tell her to suck a jackrabbit's dick.

just don't fucking talk to her

What's hud? And my girlfriend is like 300 lbs, not gonna work out.

>Be me
>Be adult
>Do whatever the fuck I want

About all there is to it.

>Audible kek


>Living together with whale girlfriend and 90yr old grandma while being a 29yr old friendless degenerate stoner loser
Wow dude I know this is Sup Forums but kys

This is a bait thread.


Tell her you're going to return some videotapes.

House sitting.
This way, you can leave for days at a time and she'll think you are at work.
Worked with my mom at age 17, it'll work with your grandma.

Tell her you joined the volunteer fire dept. and take a bucket of water with you

Or I just dont need to rely on others who are weak in order to do well in life, lmao. You just sound like a nigger who doesnt understand struggle or respect for what others have done for you. Typical nigger shit.

What the fuck are you talking about? Would you refrain from going to buy smokes? Beer? As an adult you can do whatever the fuck you want. Being real with people you live with is far more healthy than sneaking around to smoke legal weed behind their back like a fucking 14 year old.

I know this is hard when you're twelve, but you're just going to have to wait for a big person to help you.

is it just me or are the two shots not syncronized? she's moaning when he's pulling out

tell her you're going to Six Flags to buy a bible