Is Sup Forums the darkest corner of the internet? Besides the dark web of course

Is Sup Forums the darkest corner of the internet? Besides the dark web of course

depends newfag

You could call the asshole of the internet a dark corner, sure.


I thought Sup Forums was the portable public restroom at a biker rally

Seriously. What's a "darker" website you could browse on the clearnet. Likely none


theres lots fag

Look above you shitdick

I came here from a YouTube video because all the murders on this site yes it very scary feels like I'm on deep web but some time I feel like I'm on porn site lots of porn

Sup Forums used to be pretty "dark" in its hayday, but now that it is mainstream there is no way it could even be considered a "dark corner" anymore.

That dishonor belongs to now

How old are you

Well i mean you can still access CP, snuff, tons of darker things on the surface web that Sup Forums used to have, but doesnt anymore. So no I would say Sup Forums is not dark at all anymore.

inb4 hurr durr user thinks hes oldfag.

Sup Forums was once one of the darker corners of the Internet, but its nothing close these days. Also Dark web is simply a deeper layer of the internet.

These days Sup Forums is the darkest mainstream corner of the internet.

Sup Forums used to be. Several years ago. Then the normies invaded it and most oldfags moved to other chans. I just lurk anymore for nostalgia's sake, but this place is a shadow of it's former self.

But you can't name one apparently

Look I'm not saying this site is super dark or edgy but compared to the rest of clearnet it's probably the worst

You can't access cp on the clearnet

you're a normie to the normies
jesus christ

Hey OP, how the fok wwe guys (Dean Ambrose & Seth Rollins) are "dark" for U? Fokken newfag...

Go back to 9gag

thats what we want the normies to keep thinking

Like all the other chans with crazy shit are all gone (122 nbc 180) or extremely inactive (7ch) and as mainstream as it is, this is the last one left

If this site wasn't monitored I would link you some, but lets just say that if you look hard enough its pretty easy to find.

I've been on this site longer than you've been alive

I have accidently, not good man

I've seen some of it pass for legal on /s/ this year.

You used to be able to EASILY find it through bing in like '14/15 but either they've purged it or all the key phrases just shifted. Mostly purged

If you go through enough shady sites you can get to it :/

You're welcome.

>it very scary
>feels like I'm on deep web but some time I feel like I'm on porn site lots of porn

actually we are Anonymous,we are hackers and we will hack the shit out of you, son, you dun goofed, consequences will never be the same.

ever heard of other chans? librechan for example is way worse newfags

Impossible, but if that were true I'd feel extremely sorry for you.

When I was 13 I was interested in sex so I searched it up and kept clicking links until I found some shit and to this day I tell myself it wasn't cheese. I don't know for sure tho. It had a logo in the bottom I think so maybe it was a legit studio.

Fucking KEK'D don't scare the kid


Librechan is barely active and when it was, they tried going legit around 2015. They're as tame as this place

> It had a logo in the bottom I think so maybe it was a legit studio

Oh you poor ignant sunnamuhbich

As if that's an insult. I'd rather be in the dark when it comes to that shit

I Was 13 idk what i saw but i knew it was fucked up

What the fuck

>longer than you've been alive

This fucking kid

No newfag 8ch is

huh i didn't know he was gay

Enlighten me

So then what's darker then this on the clear net kiddos?

Nah I think the bottom left one is the darkest corner

>Sup Forums
sure, their are a lot of cunts on here but we're not satanists like the media would have you believe, at least not all of us.

All you dumbfucks took the bait. Newbies

A lot of that stuff has watermarks from studios that produce them. There were/are in fact many studios that mark their materials. At least 9 big ones I can think of. Many of them were operated in Eastern Europe and Latin America 90 - 2000s due to lax laws and some still today. There are at least 4 I can think of that have high production values and professional quality shoots (lighting, costuming, glossy post-production) of girls aged 7 - 14 either semi or completely in the buff and in the same types of photoshoots you'd find Lexi Belle or Madison Ivy. Or Kylie Jenner on the more tame side

I'm not into any of that stuff by the way. I'm merely a well traveled and very curious internet historian

I too am a well traveled internet historian. Not as well traveled as you, although some day I would like to be.

Ya are finna seething


Basically, most of "that stuff" on the dark web is not what most people think. Most people think it's like home videos or just amateur photos. There's a ton of that but there's faaaaaar more stuff that is highly produced by people with money to burn. It's literally no different from what you'd find on let's say FemJoy for example. FemJoy has individual models that often have a dozen or so photoshoots under their name and each shoot containing 100+ photos.

Same with "that stuff" except the models are much younger. But many of them are well known and have their own dedicated fanbases and collectors with thousands of pictures to their names

Many of these girls were/are contracted off by their desperately poor parents in Eastern European and Latin American countries. They are paid and given incentives such as theme park vacations, expensive clothing, video games etc so that they are... I feel disgusting for saying this but for lack of a better word.... professional in front of cameras.

There are stories of many of the girls getting older and defending their pasts. "work" they would call it.

Sometimes I hate the world we live in

Lel jackie Sup Forums is a trap fucker

I haven't even gotten into the contract killers, wannabe contract killers, corporate espionage, computer camera hacking sites and most popular these days: card crackers and stolen card information.

The latter is something that even normies are starting to do to pay for airbnb, grubhub, steam etc

>shitty porn board like Sup Forums
You guys need to get out more

There was an investigation into contract killers and there's never been a hit that was carried out. Just people posing as killers.

>big bro tells me about edgy website
>hear about it in the news, called Sup Forums
>hear they hacked all types of celebs and got Trump elected
>finally decide to go on
>finally thing I'm /dark/
>realize Sup Forums is the internet equivalent of a day care for adults

You made an attempt, I guess