Good evening, user. How's your week going? Feeling down? Need a hug?

Good evening, user. How's your week going? Feeling down? Need a hug?

Let's talk.

Other urls found in this thread:

Fenn, why are you such a fegget

I dunno, you tell me.



This is what gets quads

Who can fathom the whims of user?

Bah. What's up, user?

I guess I'll visit here.

I know right? Fucking bullshit, mate.
Is you.

I want to give love, i dont want a fuckbuddy or friends. I'm seeing someone but i know it wouldn't work with her (she could only see me ib the weekends)...

I meet with my friends now and then but it's been months since i met someone i thought it may work with.

I should not be laughing this hard at that

Indeed it was magnificent.

Hello Rem. How's things?

Do you have any existing connections with women that you could explore?

It's okay to enjoy something immature now and then, user. Revel in it and feel like a child, even if it's only for a moment.

user, you have to understand that people has things to do, it can be work, studies, chores. But they cannot be constantly with you 24/7. Why do you think it may not work?

Can I have a hug? I made it through the day without breaking down in tears

*hugs you close* You did good user, I'm proud. What went wrong?

Here, life can be so utterly cruel, can't it?

We talked I think last night about me getting out of the hospital. The change is slow but I'm making progress doc says, I went to a grief support group and they have been very welcoming.

That's good to hear, user. Do you still feel you need more? Are you here just to chat for a while?

I'm gonna be here for a while, you're quite pleasant to talk to :)

Stay as long as you want, user. Do you think talking about normal happy things would help you?

I wasn't here last night, mind filling me in?

I'm gonna go on a date this Saturday. Things are good.

OK OP, let's talk. I've been living with my girlfriend for 3 years. I know I love her. I know she loves me. Here's the issue though. 2 years ago we moved half way across the country to Michigan where she was born. Last week I got a call about a job offer coming available next spring in Connecticut. I would literally double my salary by taking this job. Problem is though, she doesn't want to move with me if I take the job. Do you think I should take the job?

You're doing great, user. Good luck; I hope it goes well.

Pretty fucking cutting it close
>roommate just moved in for a month, is already leaving
>got let go at my second school job because I don't have enough credits to qualify to work
>but I'm graduating
>had to pay for graduation and school parking pass ($250 all together)
>down to $20 until payday friday
>school job only allows me to work 20 hours
>been job searching like its on sale
>running out of patience and weed
Looks like I'm gonna have to give up weed until I land a second job.

Take the job, you can find other girls.

My ex has finally moved most of her stuff out and had been sleeping wherever it is she will be leaving. All there is left is some odds and ends and her cat. I'm gonna miss the little fucker. I'm super down about it.

Apply for a job at a medical marijuana dispensary

The emotional investment is a bit high unless he can disregard that.

Money won't make you happier. I'd stay with your girlfriend. Also, it's been 3 years. I think it's time to pop the question. She's probably waiting for you to do it.

This is a complicated situation and a huge decision, user. Take your time, if that's possible. Ideally, you would take the job, move, and take her with you. Do you think you can convince her to do that, or is she dead set on staying here near where she was born? Talk to her about this.

Damn user, you're really scraping the bottoms of your pockets. Holding off on the weed until you've got more cash is a good idea. Are there any other expenses you could cut?

Have you considered getting a cat of your own? Letting animals go is really hard.

But will I find a girl like the one I'm with now? One I would uproot my entire life for? One that's WORTH uprooting my entire life for?

That would be nice. I need to talk about happier things, where should I start?

Well, lately I've been spending a lot of time with my friend's pack of dogs. Do you know any good cuddly animals?

Girls come and go. Don't let this drag you down. Get back out there and find someone new.

I'm living with 20 bucks for 2 weeks, luckily I already paid all I had to pay.
The cat or the girl?

>But will I find a girl like the one I'm with now?

That shouldn't be the only criteria you look for in a mate. Also, she clearly isn't worth uprooting your life for since she won't even consider doing the same for you.

Are you the kind of guy who would dump his girl in favor of a job?

Are you the kind of guy who would turn down a really nice job in favor of his girlfriend?

I asked her to leave the cat with me since its so clear the cat likes me more than my ex, but she said no. I thought about it but I don't want to run the risk of adopting any animal that might not like me. We just have a good rapport.

There is basically no chance to get job at dispensaries. There are so many applicants

The cat. The girl can walk into oncoming traffic.

Relationships aren't even real until year 5.

If you adopt the animal at a young enough age (a couple of weeks) it should imprint on you and see you as its parent/master.

This is the most clever answer so far, and it is a question...
Lmaoing my ass off.
You sound sour.

I'm not sure. We don't know her. What makes her special?

>You sound sour.

I prefer bitter.

I can feel myself going insane and I want to die. My life has been a downwards spiral since I was 16 and I can feel it all coming to a head. Won't be long now anons

We've both been married before. Neither of us wants to get married again. We've discussed it many times, and the conclusion is always the same. And you're right, money wont make me happier, but the job being offered to me is the job I have spent most of my adult working, PLUS management. It is a HUGE step forward for me by taking it. It's almost something I'd be a complete idiot to turn down.

I've spoken to her about it. She is absolutely adamant in her stance on it. She refuses to leave. In her exact words, "Baby, I love you to death, but this is Home. And I am never leaving home again."

I suppose I wouldn't mind a kitten. The one thing I would change about the cat is that she doesn't play. A kitten would be much more likely to want to play, I think. I've already got clearance from my landlord to have animals. Maybe I should.

it was 15 for me lol

Tried to, but everyone and their mothers (literally, my friend's mom applied and now works there) are applying to dispos.
>tried to coax her to put in word to boss
>have spoken to the guy before on good terms
>rather have pretty 21-25 year old baes working there than people who know their shit

I cut my breakfast expense to just $4 a day. I can cook breakfast, but I value sleep more than food, so I sleep in until the last minute before I gotta get up and shower
>using credit card for now
>gonna pay off everything I spent the last week next cycle

I've been there dude. Literally ate top ramen for 2 weeks straight. I added what frozen veggies I had. I secure rent in 2 paychecks ($200 from first, $200 from second). Bills are paid off with my first paycheck, food is bought with the second one.
>weed money used to come from my second job
>easily spent $120 monthly on weed

My week's going trash, lol.

Nigger faggots

>It's almost something I'd be a complete idiot to turn down.

There shouldn't be an almost in this sentence. Taking the girl over the job is complete idiocy. Especially since she doesn't really care about this opportunity you have.

Tomato tomatoe. Had a rough time with females?
Pffft. Same here, I'm still kicking.
Choke on dick ayo.

You've almost recognized that you need help to deal with this, user. Make that extra push and get some, either by talking more about it here, or calling a therapist tomorrow and scheduling an appointment for later this week.

Well, I can't decide for you. I'd tend towards staying with her though. What are you thinking?

Go for it. Go to the pet store or the shelter tomorrow or this weekend, and have a look at what's there.

I'd stay away from the credit card until on stabler financial ground, but if you're sure you can use it without digging yourself in too deep, carry on. You're scraping by, user. I'm impressed.

Well, what's going wrong? lol?

Faggot nigger.

I think if she was the one, she'd find some way to work around this. Relationships are about sacrifice, and if she can't do it, go without her.

>Had a rough time with females?

Not really. I've just spoken to too many people about their relationships and a lot of people have stupid fucking ideas about love.

Dude, cut it out. Too mucho weedo.
After giving it some thought, I gotta agree on this right here. my dude, you should think about your future because she clearly isn't looking for the same as you.
Fair enough, can't say I don't agree.

>What makes her special?
Simply put? I have more fucking issues than playboy magazine. I have PTSD (professionally diagnosed) complete with hyper-vigilance, and night terrors. I have reactionary impulse control problems (to the point that even an ultra right wing state like fucking MICHIGAN wont let me own a gun). And all of the fun little issues that entails, like having random panic attacks in crowded settings (I got banned from the local Meijer for toppling the shelf base in their soap and shampoo isle because I freaked out and had to get out of there). And she STILL sticks by me. Where am I going to find another woman like that?


Why haven't you killed yourself yet?
Why are you such a faggot?

I haven't worked up the nerve yet, user. Why am I such a faggot? Can you explain it to me? I don't understand.

Someone being there when you need them isn't that special. I was more referring to what she does for you. Anyone can stick around with someone they care about.

>Where am I going to find another woman like that?

Well, she does sound exceptionally willing to deal with your issues so you might not want to let that go.

Here are your choices. You can either give up on yourself or give up on her but you'll have to do one of those things.

>Someone being there when you need them isn't that special.

It gets harder to find the more issues you have.

It can even be impossible.

Never give up on yourself. Anybody who is worth that kind of sacrifice would NEVER ask you to do that.

Well you could work on your issues. That way you increase the number of people who will be there for you.

>I was more referring to what she does for you

Ironically, I never look at what someone else can do for me. I guess the way I was raised kind of ingrained the idea that, no matter what I did, I'd never see reciprocation. I nearly died from Failure To Thrive when I was an infant. By the time I was 8 my mother had quite literally tried beating me to death (She only succeeded in putting me in a coma for three weeks) I spent three years bouncing around the foster care system (THAT was a fucking nightmare of beatings and sexual abuse) and then at 11 I landed with my grandparents, who promptly kicked my ass out when I turned 15. Been on my own since then. I never look at other people as "What can they do for me?" I always find myself asking "Are they worth trusting?"

>Anybody who is worth that kind of sacrifice would NEVER ask you to do that.

Of course they won't. But sometimes the choice is forced by circumstances outside of either of your control.

Logically, I think this guy should leave her but I can't in good conscience tell someone to condemn themselves to a life of loneliness.

>work on your issues

Been doing that for almost 15 years. I hate using the word, but it is applicable here. It's nearly impossible to work on issues that can be triggered by completely innocuous, every day occurrences

im a teacher also a student, i gain a good salary and make a healty life, have no gf but im not alone really, have support and love from a lot of ppl... why im so fucking sad?

How many dicks have you sucked in the name of Neptune?


Because you're educated. Intelligent people are always sad, because they honestly know what they're missing.

Maybe you realised something you shouldn't have.

Anyway, gonna take shower, be back in 30, if not, luckily I died.


I hope some nigger drags you behind their car down 5 miles of bad road.

Well, you've got the basics user, so at least you're safe and stable. Sadness doesn't always have a reason. Sometimes, you just feel down, and you don't know why.

If it lingers for too long, talk to a real therapist or your doctor. They might be able to help it go away.

Uh, zero I think.

Oh, you again. Hello!

Whoa, why so mean all of a sudden?

Jesus user... You're carrying THAT around? How have you not started using heroin?

That reminds me, whatever happened to that Sabrina poster? kinda miss her.

Because having a girl who cares about him helps him deal with it?

Hey guys you gave me a hug the other day, I could use one again.

I still feel pretty anxious even though I have no real reason to be.

Also I played neptunia 1 and it was pretty good awesome actually, but i'm skeptical about the second game because I hear it's worse and I'm got a little tired of the gameplay near the end.

I guess my last words of advice to you would be...

If you think you can live without her, it's always better to give up on someone else rather than yourself, that's just a fact. But if you don't think you can do that, just hold on to what you got.

I would like to think that everyone is capable of believing in themselves. But I understand if that's not something you can do.


I'm punching wood. Because Asian.

*hugs you tightly*

Anxious feelings for no reason, hm... I don't know what I can do to make you feel more secure, I'm sorry. Have you talked to a therapist?

If you got tired of it, maybe you don't want to tackle a second one right now. You could take some time away from the series, and then come back fresh and give it a try.

Sounds like fun.

I didn't die. Fuck.

Does this mean I still have to put up with you?

Knuckle tempering

Full blooded?

You're my bitch, you're stuck with me FOREVER. Or until one of us die.
Either way, I win.

If it makes you feel better user, I'm glad you survived.