95% of people between the ages of 15-25 say that they dont mind dating outside of their race...

95% of people between the ages of 15-25 say that they dont mind dating outside of their race, compared to 60% in the 1970s.

In highschool, the fastest growing trend of interracial dating is between black guys and white girls. White girls demonstrated the highest willingness of any demographic to date outside their race.

Is the white race doomed to die when white women are seemingly done with white men?

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On social media platforms such as twitter and Instagram, girls are more likely to be open about their sexuality and preferences.

Hashtags such as #teamblackboys and #blackboyswinning are common and considered normal. In fact #saynotowhiteboys was trending earlier this year.

White and black women consistently praise black men and say they are a blessing, receiving good feedback from such tweets. Meanwhile those who say they like white boys are always shut down.

The underlying issue? Girls between the ages of 15-23 are too young to have a child and lack the mental capacity to understand that they are responsible for a human being.

To them, having a baby is a fad. Its like buying a new car, something they can show off. They post pictures of how much they love their child and how cute it is, but once done they go out and party and leave the child to their grandparents.

Problem with this? Girls want a cute baby to show off, and there is nothing more adorable than a mixed child.

High school cheerleaders always fall for the high school quarterback for his potential and popularity. They love athletes in general.

The issue? Black guys are dominating all aspects of sports. Its not just the wide receiver or cornerback positions, they are starting to take over the quarterback position as well.

White cheerleaders are fucking the black athletes at their school, and cucking white boys.

B..bb..but user! If blacks mix with whites then blacks will die off as well!

Wrong. There are dominant and recessive genes, Black's carry more dominant genes than whites. When a white girl breeds with a black man, that child is black. Those white genes can never be restored, even if that child marries a white person.

As more and more interracial couples procreate, the white genes get washed up.

but who cares?

Simply dating outside your race is no issue, this is a wonderful sight and shows human progress. We are all people after all.

However the problem is that once you go black, you never go back. There are two reasons this holds true 90% of the time.

First, black men are better lovers than white men. They on average have larger dicks and more stamina and rhythm. After a white woman experiences such sexual bliss, she can never go back to white men.

The second is when a white woman doesn't mind going back, but white men dont want them back. This has to do with white men being self conscious and aware of their short comings. They know that she has experienced BBC, and their dicks cannot compete. So they worry they will satisfy her, or worse be compared to a BBC they cannot compete with.

White girls on twitter have no problem whatsoever letting everyone know they are proudly race traitors.


maybe its your small cocks .

>compared to 60% in the 1970s
Where did you come up with that nonsense?

95% of statistics are 60% accurate.

I've never seen this kind of thread before.

who gives a shit
we'll all be long dead by the time the white race would die (spoiler alert: it wont)

take your cuck/interracial fetish back to pornhub

A couple of weeks ago every 4th thread was like this. Very tedious.

>statistics pulled out of ass

Your grandchildren will be brown lmao

Quit fucking posting this nigger

>no sources

We are all going to be one giant mixed race eventually. I wonder if that will actually finally end racism or will we hate each other for other reasons as well. Probably still hate.

Kill yourself. Fucking micro penis, white guilt, faggot posing as an intellectual nigger.

There may be bumps in humanities evolution but in the end the white master always wins no matter what.

White women are also more likely to fuck dogs. Fucking niggers ain't all that different.

You can put those numbers right back up your kosher ass where they came from.

go on those team snow bunny hashtags and its literally fat ugly white chicks and fake accounts with stolen pictures lmao
this is the funniest shit

Awe this is cute.

>U mad, human bois?

I don't agree, but OP's picture made me diamonds

more like fucking vomit inducing
no wonder white chicks cant stand being around blacks
they always say they "smell" and theyre so loud and obnoxious

1) Nota para ven they largest BBCcan compete with a rabbit dildo ir a Magic wand
2) I Guess we'll see more white single moms with brown children

When you post with no evidence, bad b8 m8

no no its cute how unaware you are. Women want chiseled men no matter the race and believe it or not but you have a better chance at finding a chiseled black man over a white one even though there are only what 12 percent niggers.

Fucking tard, I've seen this exact thread like 30 times now.

No. Even when interracial couples have children, the white genes definitely cleanse some of the blackness from the gene pool.
Mixed blacks are far better than black blacks.

reminder these posts are made by a coordinated group of cucks with a political agenda



Yes but even now only 17% of new marriages are interracial. That's still 82% of people marrying in their race. All this blacked shit is about dividing people. Is not even reality.


Sauce? Also, maybe 95% of people SAY they would date outside their race. Its a huge social stigma in 95% of the country to say otherwise. If surveyed, i would also SAY i would date a black woman, when in reality, i never would. Fuck off with this cancer.


>women want chiseled men
No they want rich, hot white guys
They dont give a fuck about some roided up fugly incel lmao
Its all about face and status
Which sorry blacks will never have




A much higher fraction of black women get BLEACHED every year. What's more, these are the most attractive of the pathetic black race, whereas race mixing white women are (in most cases) obese genetic duds

No they do not.


Whatever my d00d. I'm white and I got me a short, big tittied Italian chick so idc


Its just some sad cuck who believes hes "trolling" but he secretly likes it
He'll probably go masturbate to dogfart videos later meanwhile chads out slaying pussy



holy fucking shit this is getting old

>However the problem is that once you go black, you never go back. There are two reasons this holds true 90% of the time.

>First, black men are better lovers than white men. They on average have larger dicks and more stamina and rhythm. After a white woman experiences such sexual bliss, she can never go back to white men.

I dont even understand this propaganda.
are these just ylyl at this point?




just like the other dumb thread i just posted on, all races segregate, stating the white race is going to die is just fearmongering and feeding into the racial divide, its the same shit the KKK tells people to recruit them.
Think about rural areas, you couldnt find an african american in a 100 mile radius
The evidence you are listing is all anecdotal.

It used to be normal that everyone wanted their kids to date inside their religion/race/creed. Yea that is changing, but think about this, do we really want natural blondes to not exist anymore? Blue eyes? I say we gather up all the blue eyed blondes and force them to procreate, just so we ensure they are not bred out. What do you guys think? I mean, its best for all of us honestly.

As much as this thread and the white-black only demographic and statement is just to fuel insecure white dudes; It is true that black dudes with white chicks can turn off or disgust some closeted bigots. It partially puts me off but that is more a social demographic than pure race because black guys in my area are mostly hoodrat thug wannabes. I work in hotels and restaurants and they just trash the place more than others and the white chicks with them are sometimes hot as fuck but just as nasty.

I'm a white guy and date interracial as hell; Peruvian, Colombian, Portuguese, Lebanese, Thai, Chinese, Indian, Italian and a few white chicks from different regions like US, CA, UK, AU since it's a university city in Canada. Keeps things interesting. A lot of dudes have yellow fever but get salty for girls with jungle fever I guess out of some dick size average thing with black dudes? Girls in my area date a lot of brown dudes, nobody gives a fuck cause they average lower? One of the best things with different cultural women is the way they express loyalty, jealousy, love, etc.

>OP hasn't left his desk in over 10 years and now fabricates reality to match what he believes to be true, based on what he's seen on his favorite website, Sup Forums
I pity you

> A lot of dudes have yellow fever but get salty for girls with jungle fever I guess out of some dick size average thing with black dudes?
That's definitely it m8! Way to go

That's definitely it m8! Way to go

u r a virgin

Where do I join this amazing server? I want to help

not me


u r a cougar




i just dont want aids

I can masturbate to whatever I want to. Its my therapy. I do enjoy the whole obsession with black cock and white girls serving them, but then after i cum I go back to reality. I have a loving girlfriend and a wonderful life. I never bring that weird shit outside of my masturbation. Its not true, but its fun to fantasize about.

It's because you are bred like cattle and encouraged to inter breed like global citizens. Eugenics is only for your masters who fuck their cousins to keep it all in the bloodline. That is not a good thing. Inter breeding is fine it's just you will see humans acting like sluts because of the media.


>not producing mixed race lolis

Fucking disgusting

Also l am not supporting white supremacy by saying this, all l am saying is that the masses are brainwashed to be whores from a young age and you are all encouraged to inter breed like good global citizens. Blacks and whites can both take advantage of this with the woman, you are all cattle. Focus on sex and nothing else don't achieve anything just breed obey and die.

Probably just white apologists, weird cucks and self important niggers (eg all of them)

Is it bad that I got a chubby reading this?

Who cares, look at miley cyrus as an example

I crave BBC

>still talking about race


Actually, the reverse is true. Most white girls in that age group would not ride in an elevator with a black guy. Much less date one.

Oh thank god I so sick and tire of white retards thinking they are elite and better than other races. I sure hope the white race is eradicated eventually, bunch of fucking retards.

The truth is all these threads are made by some white gay person who is brain damaged. This is Sup Forums

Who cares what white girls do? I only date Asian girls and Latinas

I love mudsharks and I'm not black. I love how they piss off trumptards. lol

Then they pretend that it doesn't piss them off when you point it out and they will come up with some stupid bullshit like calling me a snowflake. lol lol

Agreed, white idiots brought it upon themselves tbh. Elitist attitude toward other races has always been the downfall of the white race when everyone else is on board that all races are equal.

So, that represents "athletic" these days huh?

Fuck off, you cuck shill.

>No original character
I'm done

on craigslist it does, just take a look around once in a while it's like rummaging through someones trash can.

She shouldn't be ashamed to say "full figured." The blacks will still fuck her.

>I enjoy seeing my women blacked by other races

The problem is whites aren't elitist enough (also Jews


this the cuck thread?

That seems reliable for a fake article.

Idk what this shit is?


Apparently I'm part of the 5%...


>tfw it backfires and filters out all the shit white genes because only uggos and braindead whores fuck darkies and the result is an even more elite intelligent refined group of whites just in time for when nigs start openly killing whites with impunity like in south africa

yeah pretty sad that you have to rely on these small sample studies to keep telling yourself that white women still want your tiny white dick.