Would you eat his log? I know you want to

Would you eat his log? I know you want to.

I want a log

Fuck off Boogles or woteva your called


I imagine his intestine would be blocked with impacted shit. So no chance of a log, just a shit ton of ass-gravy

He can make some amazing logs. Probably the most creamy, dreamy, and steamy ever.

You are disrespectful of Andy buddy

I wouldn't be a bit surprised if this slob crowed funded his surgery, because he refuses to diet.

Boogies logs are superior to Andys.


Would feed a whole village for a month

Boogies logs are bigger. Can put down the throats of way more people.

He makes bank off of YouTube ad revenue. No need to crowd fund.

OP you need to GROW THE FUCK UP

I already explained, there will be nothing but poop slurry coming out of such a fattie's asshole. No way did he ever chew his food properly


You want some Doritos and Mountain Dew flavored logs.


I get what you're saying and I'm not being a dick, but Zach Braff is a multimillionaire and that greedy bitch used crowd funding to make a movie recently.

Open wide Buggles
