What's one thing Trump would have to do to stop you supporting him?

What's one thing Trump would have to do to stop you supporting him?

He almost can't do anything at this point. The other option is Clinton.

But I would be most hurt if he started talking about supporting any form of gun control.

>NATO is actually working as intended, sorry about my previous comments
>we'll continue to act like niggers all over the world and actively support the globalist agenda as we've done up to now


Nothing that would realistically happen, so it's not worth talking about. Sure there are plenty of things in a hypothetical world, but who cares?

Decide not to remove kebab

oppose Israel

yeah, shit like that. If he came out and said he wants to open the doors to 20 million mudslims and redistribute white property to them. I wouldn't vote for him.

But again, shit like that isn't happening.

If I found out he was a high ranking member of the Jesuits or some other Papal-derivative secret society.

Say anything rude about Elizabeth II.

Say the George Bush II was right for invading Iraq.

That's kind of, like, y'know? That's the thing we've been reeling with since he did it.

Support the concept of white privilege

she's not even your real Queen

I wonder if your Queen is perfectly fine (and supportive) of all the multi-kulti shit happening in Britain, or if she's secretly pissed as hell but has to hide her power level.

Do an AMA on reddit

ding dong the witch is dead.
which evil witch?
the queen of england

Then who IS their real Queen???

If he cucked himself

Do you reeeeealllly want to know??

Unless it was exclusively for the_donald I guess

If he talks to Kim Jong.

She'll be fine.

please, redpill me

ITT: Democratic Party data mining.

Is Trump preaching isolationism?






This. Bet it would get him a lot of 'murica points though, so prep your anus


Not exactly, but he clearly isn't fine with US being the world police and getting into pointless pissing contests with the likes of Russia. He'd also make the Eurotrash communists pay for their own defense, so that means less money for Jamal's welfare. Another plus.

does "Saxe-Coburg and Gotha" ring a bell??

He'd have to be a faggot like OP

>remove a woman's choice to abort their child
>pull america into further deficit by wasting money on removing semi-illegal immigrants
>let the Second Amendment kill thousands more people
>have a party who hates him

>Wasting money removing illegal immigrants
>Wasting money


I don't even know. Maybe if he fucked some kids or something, but even then I'd probably still vote for him.

fuck off you One Nation piece of shit
America would fall to shit without underpaid immigrants. Do you really think any business could thrive without paying 5 bucks an hour to fucking job hungry Mexicans? Or would they hire nationals for a higher wage.
You're why people hate Australia, you bitch.

Support refugees.

1776 happened for a reason, Nigel Mohammed.

Start taking donor money. His single best selling point is he's not a puppet, if he throws that out the window he will sink.

You really shouldn't be responding to such obvious bait. Just look at the flag and ignore him. You'd think living in Australia would immunize you to that sort of thing

She's pro Brexit so I guess she's not that happy with it.

Well good luck supporting Trump in the generals then. His PRIMARY campaign has been self-funded, his general campaign will be with GOP money

>underpaid immigrants
You mean underpaid illegal immigrants
Who make up for that gap because they arn't paying taxes


Well, pretty much anything is better for the world at large than Shillary, but when he outright said vaccines are "not helpful" and implied kids get autism from them, I realized he's just a demagogue trying to get the contrarian, anti-establishment vote and not a God Emperor of Mankind reborn.

No it's totally okay to underpay aliens.
America needs it.

source or it doesn't happen faggot


>not a God Emperor of Mankind reborn.
He's the closest we have in the race though so I'll take it

Convert to Islam.