If someone rolls trips I will rape the pizza delviery guy tonight

If someone rolls trips I will rape the pizza delviery guy tonight

Poor guy...

better live stream that shit OP


Send pics

Pretty fucked up might do it. Should I seduce him first or just use force?

feel sorry for the pizza guy


Guess you have to now. Tie him to the bed and rape him with a curling iron.

Well played, OP. Go fuck that guy right in his ass.

Fuck I'm a pizza guy

OP is now a bigger faggot, unless OP is gril

well shit

He'll do it he's got fucking nothing to lose

can't rape men

some faggot is gonna get his mozarella stick filled tonight

Well played OP

dubs and im gay

Rollin for pizza guy livestream rape


what the fuck at least give him a tip

Oh he's gonna get the tip alright

He's gonna give him more than that


You sealed your own fate

The funny thing is i've never been joking. i realyl want to do it. and make the news.

Trips and you film it


He might like that, I warned a pizza guy that I'd be naked when he arrived, He thanked me for the tip and ran back to his car, so I don't think he liked it.

how big is cock, op?

O servants of chaos, keepers of the ancient god, I beseech thou verily to fulfill that which I desire, only to be witnessed and kept in records of this eldritch locale!