I think I want to leave the Catholic church
I think I want to leave the Catholic church
do not trust Argentinians
what a homo
>le current year
>being catholic
Talk about being behind...
did breitbart invade this board? this is some grade A clickbait
If you didn't already leave after the pope made out with every single nigger foot he could find on a migrant, it's already too late.
the fuck?
where is my crusade?
fuck this pope is the anti-christ.
I mean when Jesus says he brings a sword I don't think he meant he's up for a round of beheadings.
Nobody will care because nobody is religious anymore except for a few african countries.
Which are all moving to Europe
this pope flip flops more than the sandals he wears
This disgusting bishop needs to shut his mouth. He's way too politically Active for a religious leader
>Catholicucks worship this guy
Shinto masterace
What else would expect from a BBC worshiping reptilian?
The long time feared dark pope is here. He must be hanged and ridiculed in the history books.
And we know how this evil figures live. Look at Soros. They're not gonna kill theirselves y'know? It's a dirty job but someone's got to do it.
Prophecy of Malachy's everyone:
Time to attack Rome again.
Charles I didn't nothing wrong.
Sup Forums is dead, man. Has been for years. It's just a big commercial now.
>I think I want to leave the Catholic church
just crown an antipope.
ignor this
be a catholic and don't give a shit about the pope
he's leading the world nowhere anyway
Catechism of the Catholic Church 2241
>2241 The more prosperous nations are obliged, to the extent they are able, to welcome the foreigner in search of the security and the means of livelihood which he cannot find in his country of origin. Public authorities should see to it that the natural right is respected that places a guest under the protection of those who receive him.
Political authorities, for the sake of the common good for which they are responsible, may make the exercise of the right to immigrate subject to various juridical conditions, especially with regard to the immigrants' duties toward their country of adoption. Immigrants are obliged to respect with gratitude the material and spiritual heritage of the country that receives them, to obey its laws and to assist in carrying civic burdens.
>Immigrants are obliged to respect with gratitude the material and spiritual heritage of the country that receives them, to obey its laws and to assist in carrying civic burdens
>oblidged to respect heritage of receiving country
>obliged to obey the laws
>obliged to carry civic burdens
Get this integration crap out of here.
Why are these fucks still allowed on Sup Forums
i knew he was no good the moment he defended gays during his first year. im hoping you europeans can kill this dumb fucking cuck. i am catholic myself and i am tired of this faggot
Fuck off Akmed, no Christian worth his weight in salt would follow this twat.
Its like Catholics ore Orthodoxians don't even realize that giving the head of church this amount of power will make him subject to popular political ideologies.
>being a catholic even after getting you ass handed to you in the thirty years war
>all our beaners are catholic
As if the pope destroying Europe wasn't enough.
I hope they choose an even more progressive Pope when this one dies.
>New Pope says that Islam is the most compatible religion for humanity and you should convert instantly
>Massive conversions take place around the globe
Except for Britain, France and Germany who long since became Muslim majority countries
Ayy lmao
That little fucking nigger is trying to sue the school district for millions of dollars.
Ok, so why is he still alive?
>being a slav
>choosing roman heresy over and over again
This has to end
What else could you expect from one of the last kangz
This fucker is a disgrace to not only catholicism, but the whole christianity itself.
I'm glad I became orthodox.
seriously either he is a jew or a jew controlled plant
>That obvious blur to make the lips bigger
Fucking kek.
>Having a man to pretty much represent the word of god on earth
Catholics, everyone
Is anybody surprised at this point? He's an obvious SJW plant and the Church at this point has obviously been taken over by the forces of darkness.
>but muh gates of hell shall not prevail against it
How's that going for you? It's obvious that this has happened.
>1st ever Jesuit Pope
>Sup Forums too retarded to realize it's the Jesuits, not the Jews
Ratzinger is still fucking alive and Catholic Sup Forums is too goddamned cucked by their pedophile priests to see the warning signs and escape the Whore of Babylon
I do wonder what real Catholic opinions of this pope are
Hoping for a schism lmao
This makes me ashamed to be a Catholic.
Thankfully I'm a sedevacantist and am waiting on the real Pope to gain power.
Atheist here, its clearly time for a new religion.
Just take all the bullshit out of it and admit its about building a community. You'll get more followers.
The voice of God on earth....honestly the only thing keeping me a Catholic is the fact that I'm a potato bigger.
> what is an Orthodox Patriach?
>Atheist here
Opinion discarded.
Go and educate yourself. On this particular topic.
REAL Catholics, aka the traditional ones that don't go to V2 masses and only go to Latin masses, do not believe in Francis and don't follow what he says.
Our faith has been hijacked and we must secure a future for Catholics. I hope our Orthodox brothers will come to our aid.
he is the first non european pope in history, a PC socialist. very 2016
> Portugal
> Injecting 4grams of heroin into you is perfectly normal
> Eating fish on Friday is degenerate
>Papists and Jews
>Not the same
Their grand plan all along. Same logic for the Falklands War, they hated there being a whiter place so close
Basically every Catholic I know doesn't really give a shit about the religion anyway, and uses the name 'Catholic' only as a cultural marker. It for all intents and purposes is spiritually dead. Nearly all of the most degenerate people I know say that they're Catholic.
I'm not religious but I see it as very important to the European identity. A schism like that would be extremely important and dare I say vital right now. I hope you see it this way also.
Literal Anti-Pope
Normally the Pope is someone who excersises their influence with some degree of tact or restraint (I mean, at least in the past 100 years). They got desperate because they got caught fucking kids and they turned to someone they didn't truly understand.
>4grams of heroin into you is perfectly normal
What the fuck are you talking about cunt?
>anything but the truth
How do I become orthodox Sup Forums ? Protestants are mad as fuck too
Bring back paganism! Cuckanity needs to go!
It definitely is a cornerstone of Western civilization. You can't study European History without also studying Christianity.
It has been said that there will be a time that the One True Church will be forced to underground(Not literally, but maybe) because of the pressure it will have from V2.
Several traditional churches have been closed by their Archdioceses, and the Vatican no longer views them as legitimate. The one I go to is only open because the clergy have "pledged allegiance" to the Vatican and Pope Francis. They have a picture of him on the wall(Only because they have to)
Now Catholic Churches are turning into disgusting social areas. Live bands are being introduced into mass. Latin is not spoken whatsoever.
I weep for my faith. A schism is needed, but what I think would better the Church is a cleansing, a return to traditional values. This will only happen through force.
>Traditional values
>Anything in Catholic history
>A vital and important piece of European history, culture and identity for the last 2,000 years needs to go in favour of some ancient bullshit no one remembers!
Literally the equivalent of sub-Saharan blacks claiming ancestry to Egyptians. This "but we wuz first" mentality throws the baby out with the bath water.
Let's just ignore those 2,000 years in favour of worshipping stones and idols... because that's clearly what European culture evolved into.
Odin worship anyone?
How about the Greek pantheon? Who wants to be a disciple of Ares?
We can Egyptian, there is already a substantial following for the god/goddess Kek/Heket.
I've always enjoyed the structure, tradition, ceremony, and code of law that catholicism has as opposed to other Christian sects but I'm not very fond of Francis at all.
To me Protestants, Baptists, and the like tend to come across much the same as the "I'm not religious but I'm spiritual" types and I want no part of it but I could see myself jumping ship to eastern orthodox catholicism pretty easily.
Same desu, also Catholic, also sick of him.
It's one thing preaching peace and love, that's well and good. It's an entirely other thing to dilute the teachings of the Church you are running for media brownie points.
Then why isn't it like this? Who can be against massive immigration under these conditions?
Multiculturalism, the stupidest obvious mistake ever, bringing the bad ideas of the world into your country while stifling your own more successful ones, the same ones that drew the stupid ideas into your country in the first place!
Catholics come home.
Nah. I'm talking about Odin and the Greek and Roman Pantheon. Not actually worship them like they are real but for them to inspire. And Christians are the ones who killed thousands of their own people in order to force a jewish mythology on them.
Attend one of the churches on this list.
Donald: Destroying Europe won't cause me to lose the election. I knew the cucks wouldn't go down without a fight, but this is different. They crossed the wall.
Garrison: You crossed the line first, sir. You squeezed them, you stumped them to the point of desperation. And in their desperation, they turned to a man that wasn't really white.
Donald: Argies aren't complicated, Ben. They're like the Jews. Just have to figure out what he's after, and more often than not it's your white daughter.
Garrison: With respect Master Trump, perhaps this is an Argie that *you* don't fully understand, either. A long time ago, I was in the jungles outside the tribal village of Buenos Aires. My friends and I were working for Joseph Mengles. They were trying to buy the loyalty of tribal leaders by bribing them with precious aryan woman. But their trucks were being raided in the deep inland by some crazy bandit. So, we went looking for the bandit. But in six months, we never met anybody who traded with him. One day, I saw one of those once beautiful white women, cradling a disgusting half argie niglet in her arms. The bandit had been breeding them with the locals.
Donald: So why steal them just to destroy their value like that?
Garrison: Well, because he thought it was good sport. Because some argies aren't looking for anything simple, like the Falklands. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some Argies just want to turn the world brown.
>He said integration was even more necessary today than in the past because of the “grave problem” of Europe’s declining birth rate
Must've been a slow week in the euro-parliament, with Timmermans finding the time to play the pope for a day.
Or if you prefer the Russian style:
Right after we thought he can't be cucked more than he already is, pope Francis is taking himself to the whole new level of cuckery.
After this I'm almost proud being an orthodox.
> It doesn't count because they weren't as good at seizing power