Hey Sup Forums I'm lonely and was thinking about going to the bar to find a girl to cuddle with, any tips?

hey Sup Forums I'm lonely and was thinking about going to the bar to find a girl to cuddle with, any tips?

ewww. bar girls...

See girl.
Smile at girl.
if she smiles back. sit there and do nothing for a bit. after awhile walk up to her and be like "So, you're not gonna come over and say hi?"

You could also put on some comfy music and talk with us.

I really want a woman's touch though

I like dirty slutty girls, I don't know what's wrong with me

Well, asking Sup Forums for tips on picking up birds are probably not where you wanna start mate.

I always bet on Sup Forums

captcha is cruel today

Go to settings and use legacy captcha, it's better.

thanks, will do

I keep getting the ones where you gotta select them all as new ones appear, so fukken annoying

last night I posted an ad on CL and actually got one real response that wasn't a bot, but it was a girl wanting a "donation" and I'd probably do it if I had some money to blow even though it's probably a cop

Yeah, that's a scam my friend. If you're looking for a hooker, pick one that's upfront about it.

well, it might be someone looking for supplemental income or it might be a cop

I lost my virginity the same way like 10 years ago. That was at Sup Forums's advice as well

To be fair, that was ten years ago. Times are different now, I'd say. Or I'm just a worrywart, who knows.

I was just as paranoid about it then but I really wanted to lose my Sup Forums so I risked it

I'm tempted to bite the bullet on this one cause I haven't been laid in 3 goddamn years, but that would be pretty embarrassing to get popped

If you do get caught and go to prison, you definitely will get laid!

could be cool I guess

>I always bet on Sup Forums
that's why you always lose

my win rate is like at least 44%

user, prison rape is not cool, unless you're doing it.

i'll never be a man's bitch, if I go to prison I'm revealing my power level even if I end up shanked or put in solitary

If you go to prison, you better run that shit or die trying.

slutty girls are the best

get your car up to 88 miles an hour and hope it is a nuclear powered delorian

I will. I used to deal drugs so I always wondered if I'd get nailed with hard time, so I've thought a lot about it. Not that any amount of "thinking" is going to prepare me for prison, but I have accepted that if I went I'd have to unleash the beast within or else end up a little bitch boy

I fucking love them, they are the best girls