My ex cheated on me after we were together for three years...

my ex cheated on me after we were together for three years, please text her number and remind her that her mom's dead +1 (321) 402-9522


Nudes of gtfo

Dubs demands

>I couldn't satisfy my girlfriend please help me autistically rage


nudes or gtfo



i cheated on my girlfriend of 2.5 years this coming weekend one year ago. who wants to come kill me, i'd pay you

1st name of ex?

Or we could text her to find out the name of her ex whose trying to get other people to do his shit for him.

I'm in the 321 where is this chick?

I wanna fuck her dead mom.


Fuck off faggot. Call her yourself.

Gimme ex and moms first name and I will text with screenshots.

find her grave user, i'll do it

No, I said I want to. That's practically dibs. You can be 2nd.

She was right to cheat on you because you're such a semen chugging faggot.

NYPA Asshole.

b-but i wanna go first

You dun goofed op, i asked her for your info and i have it! Dubs decides if i post or not

nypa nigger

>dating someone who looks and dresses like that

You deserved it


post that shhittt nigga

Fucktard give it up

nypa, fagbreath

Op here dont be a fag, idiot. Dont post

Dubs say yep. Check em.

Not op


Rubba dub dub dub, 3 fags in a tub. Post it.


Rollin for victory.


rolling for nudes






Sorry, wanna dp?

You gotta deliver user

Post em bitch.

Let me get these dubs real quick. Boooom

Post that shit bro

Give us sweet justice op

Rolling for lulz

Do it. OP posted her phone number, so he obviously won't mind having his info shared.

Why? Someone already got dubs.

Didn't see that someone got dubs already. I just want fagpee's info shared

op is shitting himself currently

>calls number hoping to get a leg up on the competition
>mopey mexican dude answers
>awkward realization trying to figure out if he owns the phone or is answering it for her
>didnt get noods


user isn't gonna deliver.

Noone is shitting anything. Noone will post a god damn thing. Like usual. Reddit tier plebs fucking drooling over some faggot shit.

Image search original pic. Is it some stock image trash or a fb profile pic?