I have DACA, AMA. (I want to kill myself edition)

I have DACA, AMA. (I want to kill myself edition)

Dont worry too hard man, there are other ways to get citizenship. When the time.comes it will be righy

you can apply for a two year extension

>inb4 bait xd

whats it like being an economical liability on a country because your parents are degenerates


See ya. :^)

Will help you with extensions and filing fees if you publically denounce whatever country you came from as a complete shithole and yourself having nothing to do with its peasant populace.

projecting this hard user


Nigga literally how. All they did was give the spics a working permit if anything they are giving them a way to put their asses to work.

Little backstory before we continue.
>Be Parents (poor, starving)
>(economy so bad it takes 1 week of labor to pay for steak)
>"Let's cross border and get user a better life." Even though ours are shit.
(Citizenship tales about 10 years, drug cartels, corrupted government and not enough jobs and pay to afford it)
>work for boss (he takes alot of taxes and deductibles since they're not legal)
>get paid shit but better than in Mexico.
>(5year old me) not a clue what's going on
>grow up and find out I'm undocumented
Shit sucks man
>Obama becomes president and tries to get immigration reform.
>Fails to pass congress so out of despiration he uses EO to create daca
>Find out I'm eligible
>seek better job, parents pay taxes, I pay taxes. Shit is good
>Find way to become legal
(Only way through marrying a citizen.)
Mavni program is removed so I can't join the military for citizenship. Not even to serve* have to be resident, citizen or legal
>out of luck.
>not bad life
>trump gets elected president
>"we will terminate Daca "ammesty"
>Daca is over.
From how much I pay, did I get vetted what are the requirements etc.
No legal way for citizenship. Don't know my home and can't even speak it fluently

Only way is through marriage and that's fucked up. If I love a person I can't just bring up citizenship because it feels like I'm a burden.

Mine ends Sept. 2018 I have no option to renew

dunno if its true but apperently youll only get deported if you had commited a crime

everyone comes with baggage user chill our

It sucks user. I want to kill myself and before I get the deportation order I will put a bullet through my head. The US is the only place I know I fucking hate myself

Spics shouldn't have gotten uppity. Guest worker means they are guests. They don't live here, just visiting.

Even though idk you.. I'll miss you user. And may life work put best for you, please don't take citizenship for granted when people would literally die just to be citizens

Goodbye user. May life provide you the best, don't take citizenship for granted. People would literally die just to become citizens in a time like this I would rather put a bullet through my head then go back to a shit country I never been to :(

shit that sucks user just looked it up

>We are only adjudicating DACA renewal requests received by Oct. 5, 2017, from current beneficiaries whose benefits will expire between Sept. 5, 2017 and March 5, 2018.

Mexico, and yes user. I had nothing to do I got brought here as a child and I hate myself everyday for that. I have no other home and can't even speak the language, sadly mine expires sept. 2018 so I'm not elligible. But thank you and god bless

It suck man. I hate myself and it's tough. I literally want nothing more but to be apart of the US and contribute. I helped with Harvey and Shelters as well as feeding and helping the homeless just to get a big "Fuck you" from the Government.

That still doesn't clarify how they are an economic liability tho, care to elaborate? I'm not exactly an economist but I'm pretty sure you got that wrong user.

How what ? They gave us relief from deportation which means I'll be on the radar if I get pulled over and may be subject to deportation. I've done alot to help the ones in need from Harvey to Shelters, to homeless people and I get a big fuck you. It sucks man

True but that means anything from a ticket to a traffic violation user. It sucks ass and I just want to die instead of being deported to a shithole country I've never been to before. I was raised in the US. Go to school here and work, pay taxes and all I get is a big Fuck you.. it sucks man

Guys. I'll try my best to answer everyone but give me time. I'm washing my dog right now and I'm still stricken by the horrible outcome of things, I love all of y'all even though we don't know each other and I'll show compassion in this thread.

Oh no I was trying to get this user to explain me his logic since I myself fail to see the connection

I mean it's not that bad. Were it not for corrupt politicians and the cartels Mexico would be a decent country user

Care to elaborate user? No disrespect man but I'm not seeing what you're stating. Also It's messes up that many people get married just for proper documentation. It makes me feel like a parasite it's depressing man

Don't give up hope, there are some people trying to reverse this. Many americans love you and want you to stay

Also, I pay $600 plus another $600 for my laywer to get that shit processed. On an economic level anons. There are about 800,000 dreamers (Daca recipients) each pay roughly $600 every 2 years. The US would be losing millions, we're a cash cow and we don't even qualify for EBT and food stamps since we aren't citizens. If y'all want to get mad at anyone, get mad at the citizens who abuse that power and leech off EBT like it's nothing. That's why they support republican. They now illegals pay taxes and don't benefit while the citizens get richer and fatter by getting EBT and not contributing much. Sorry this is a rant but I'm really upset right now

Dont think of it as baggage man, its just what happens in life. Obviously dony bring it up, unless soyo


fuck I used the wrong now I look like an idiot

Dont think of it as baggage man, its just what happens in life. Obviously dont bring it up, unless marriage is something you and your significant other are truly into each other, then they will back you up with citizenship.

But also remember that there is supposed to be a penalty to change your status anyways. You are supposed to leave the country for between 3 months to 2 years , as per cases Ive heard about.

Deportation isnt going to happen unless you commit crimes and/or have warrants for arrest.
I did hear about a woman who was flying recently who was detained for being illegal.

Its a modern despardo tale I claim all rights to when I steal this for a film adpataion 20 years in the future when we have a sjw norm and i profit on everyones progressiveness
>im only half kike

Alright, ill take your advice user. Thank you so much and may you be blessed

Hehe. Thanks for having my back user. Appreciate it

I hear you user. But I'm a nervous wreck when it comes to cops, also if they detain me for a minor traffic accident or any accident they'll send my info to ICE and I'll be deported. It's terrible I just don't know what to do. I really do hope congress gives us protection, I just want a better future and the ability to work here without fear of deportation would be wonderful. But it's all smoke in mirrors. I can't imagine others going through the pain I am right now. It's no fault of my own and I don't want to return to a place I don't know. Just imagine your dreams and hopes being put on hold... we've been on limbo since president trump won. It's morbid really, I wake up every morning wondering why many people hate us and I only have my parents to thanks as long as my 2 dogs which I love with all my heart. If it wasn't for my parents coming here I would be eighter homless, part of a cartel since life is terrible or better yet... dead on the streets of a country ran by corrupt government officials who work with cartels to fuck everyone's life up.

Then get to know your fucking home dipshit

Do what you have to do to succeed in life user. All i can tell you is please... please don't take citizenship for granted. I wish everyday I could have been born here... in this magnificent country.. where others are treated differently and as outsiders viewed as rapist, criminals, and "bad hombres". Just know... There are always 2 sides to an issue and although there are cases where dumb ass people do stupid shit and slander everyone else in that racial category, just know.. There are hardworking people who care deeply about the US and would take a bullet for one of you who we still view as brothers. We only come here to earn a place in life and be humble to our jobs, treat others with compassion and strive to do best in life but... The US only likes to scapegoat the rest of us "Damn Illegals" as horrible monsters. Let me tell you this.. I helped people during Hurricane Harvey and I know a buddy... with daca who died helping others. But of course everyone places your group as "monsters"


Ever thought about Canada bro?

All I know is that Mexico is Corrupted, Drug and Poverty Infested. The only "home" I know is the US user. My second home is not the home my parents brought me from, That's living hell. My second home would be the bitter taste of death. May it be I shall get a deportation notice if rather kill myself then get sent to literally hell, where the only options would be to join the Mexican mafia or to Trust your politicians who protect the Cartels. It takes about a week of work to afford steak. Most thrive on Cacti because it's easy to "farm" in a way.. Mexico is fighter poor or violent there is no in between. I believe it to be just as bad as North Korea

I'm glad you brought that up user. I have looked up how to get citizenship but their process is too rigorous. I believe they have a merit based immigration system and I have to have a specialty in a certain area with evidence that proves no one else can take that job. It's really hard to get citizenship in Canada user. As much as I'd love to.. It's sadly not an option. But thank you so much for bringing that up

Iisten you whiny cunt my grandfather worked in fucking strawberry fields and payed for 8 kids to come here legally life was still hard when they got here but it was better because it's America.then my dad worked construction for 30 years and now he owns his own construction company that pulls in a few million each year. Do you know how much he started with? Just some used tools and work ethic instilled by his dad. On the other hand your parents took the easy way and came here illegally and never bothered to get citizenship so now you have to pay the consequences.

It's ok, DACAnons. You were here for our peak. Watch our downhill slide from elsewhere. You're strong...you'll be fine.

Nice try
You have to go back

I understand user. But am I to blame ? Why do I have to suffer this if it wasn't my fault. Also not bashing but the "Mexican flag flying people" are citizens.. not illegals. Illegals keep to themselves as they don't want any problems with the Law but thanks for the advice although I do have to note. Since I have daca I'm pretty much fucked in trying to get citizenship in anyway it's impossible.

Not saying bad people. Some are bad though. But it goes both ways and messes up us economy. People can't just cross into a country and live off the grid till they decide. I don't like America atm for alot of reasons. Can I cross the border to Canada and live off the grid

DACA is not terminal. No need to kill yourself

I'd rather kill myself than be shot by some cartel in Mexico user. I am depressed as I can be and haven't had any sleep for fear of my future. "Although they call us Dreamers.. we're the one's that can't sleep" and that's true. I've been through so much anxiety and I know there's nothing I can do to solve it. If congress doesn't come up with anything (which is likely) then suicide is my only option

...but this guy gets to stay here lol...

I have some suggestions:

1. Apply to migrate to Australia. It's probably the easiest English speaking country for foreign immigrants to get into legally.

2. Just move back to Mexico. There are some decent places in Mexico and plenty of places with American expats. Get a job with an international company that needs good English speakers. Wait 10 years and apply to come back legally to the US. If NAFTA is still around you might be able to get a TN visa. Going back to Mexico isn't the end of the world. You don't have to go live in some shitty part of Mexico.

Thank you user. I will look forward to this advice but one question.. why is Tennessee as a visa so specific? I believe they're Republican/conservatives correct ? Why would they instead of most other liberal states grant me a visa ? Not sounding rude but serious question. Thank you again user.

During the past couple of years, I've worked hard to make money here in the US. If I have to get deported when my work permit expires, I'll be transferring all my money and cash advancing my credit cards to send it to my relatives in Mexico to buy a decent sized house in the Yucatan Peninsula. Would definitely love to stay here, but retiring at age 31 in a tropical paradise isn't so bad.

TN Visa = "Treaty NAFTA" Visa

If you work for a company in a skilled position and they need to move you from a job in Mexico to a job in the US, you can apply for a TN visa if you are a Mexican or Canadian citizen. It's generally easier to get than an H-1B or other work related visas.

Oh ok. I'll look into that thanks so much user. Glad to see people can still give advice instead if the usual "go home illegal" I'm really losing my shit and I honestly don't know what I'll do

Yeah and your point? look at other third world countries including north Korea. People are born into countries and situations. The national debt, yes thank you for that. You can't just country hop

Join the military

What do you do for work right now? Have you gone to college at all?

He already said MAVNI program has been removed. It's not currently possible to join the US military if you are illegal and under DACA.

Thank you user.

OP probably contributes more to society under this program than you ever will. Go back to blowing boys in the Waffle House restroom for 10 dollars a pop.

Air Force fag here. Join the military like the other user said. Sign for a six year contract then apply for citizenship while you're in. Just make sure you go Air Force and pick like a cyber related job.

As he has already said and others have answered, it is not possible for an illegal or even someone on DACA to join the US military right now.