Other urls found in this thread:


Old station is old. Isn't yours. Fuck off.

1 monitor

who needs more than one monitor anyways pretty damn useless damn cucks trying to be alpha

I admire your cleanliness

>1 monitor

>being a PC fag

Xbox pleb here. Still better than pc.

>doesn't know about reverse image search
>will probably claim to be trolling rather than boosting selfesteem from false praise
>being this sad

Fuck that wasn't supposed to be Australian

> Claims best battlestation
> Posts photo of knockoff Eames chair


False. One monitor, no nitrogen cooling? You've taken a dick on that desk is the only thing I know for sure.

>console peasant
>bunch of cod games that 12 yr olds love

did you upload it through the XBOX browser?

are you some kind of fucking prairie nigger with that indian bullshit on the wall?

Is your name Rob?

>prairie nigger
I so wish this slur was used more often. It makes me laugh every god damn time.

That is a well decorated mid-cent mod abode user.

Would just remove the electronics and read in that Herman Miller chair. Nooo, not the aeron...


Are you eight?
Learn what you're looking at tardboy. OP has an appreciation for art. Practically everything in that picture is.

Or don't you even have the fucking brainpower...


>amp on speaker
>can stand on amp
>cans on stand

What is harmonic resonance...

>Can on mini fridge

>taking someone using the term prairie nigger seriously

Kek so true

my basement battlestation

speakers are not furniture user
wut r u doin

that makes me sad for the world

>Laptop on work bench
>No chair
>no mouse
>no pictures
>no speakers
Is this where you upload your sex slave pictures?

I had no where better to put it. At least I can control it from my chair.
>no remote

This cunt again, congrats your step dad terry makes a lot of money and gives some to you to make your mom happy.


Implying anything less than 3 monitors is "best" is just idiocy.

No acoustic treatment insta-fail sry

there is a chair, my phone camera is just trash


Ahh I see it now. I feel sorry for you with a shitty camera

Reverse image search proves you wrong, since you took the image off the interwebs and called it "mine".

"Your" image is at the bottom of this screen cap.

>implying that this user cant possibly be the same person that posted this picture

If it is then his "best" station is more than a year old, and it still only has one monitor.

So still proven wrong.

From almost a year ago? Yeah, sure.

Also implying that someone NEEDS or wants more than one monitor. Multiple monitors are great but not needed

I could be wrong. I'm not defending OP. Was just playing devils advocate

Nostalgia purposes. I used to be the type of kid to call everyone a nigger on modern warfare 2

Then the OP can easily take a picture of it with a timestamp to prove it.

But he won't.

Because it's not his.

im sitting next to flaking lead paint, a camera is the least of my problems kek

also Sup Forums is filled with cowards now. post your squaller and be judged you fags

The fuck is a squaller

Ok user, but I warn you...


Not bad, love that furniture. But why only 1 monitor?

One of these is new to /thread. The other isnt

the high version of squalor

I thin user means squalor.

Your pc is backwards, how do you access the ports?


What kind of hipster faggot owns a typewriter

wtf are you talking about? The front is facing forward and the back is facing back.

Most cases don't have ports on the sides.

Confirmed, no ports on the side of my case

Tom Hanks.

and other people who enjoy typing

Sounds like Tom Hanks is a hipster faggot. And so are you.

holy shit, hanks has a serious thing for typewriters. Aside from owning a huge collection of them, :


Kek we have a tiny person here. Why do you feel inferior to everyone? What is the root of your anger user?

I fucking hate typewriters.
And I hate hipsters.
Almost as much as I hate you.

Hm. Didn't say anything about being a faggot though I see.

Yeh, fags are ok.

They are never ok user.
Nothing is ever ok.

But I'm ok.. explain that one

wifi lol

theres something strangely satisfying about the sound of an old typewriter

>unable to wrap brain around desktop switching
If you're doing anything besides using the largest 4k or higher screen you can afford, you're wasting your time.

Wrong, there's no console