Would you?

Would you?

Other urls found in this thread:


Of course

















Where is the Armchair PsychoLOGist?







Hey, Andy Biersack here.

A friend told me you guys started a horrible meme about wanting to eat my shit, and linked me this website. What the fuck is wrong with you? I've had several young impressionable fans messaging me in states of confusion down to severe distress. Is this the kind of thing you want to teach and put in to young people's heads? You guys seriously need to stop and I will be seeking legal action against this website if this continues. That is all and you've been warned.

Andrew Biersack


Omg you guys check out the comments on this vid ive been in tears laughing hahaha youtu.be/atw8q5SyRDg

Timestamped tits or Gtfo

Putting his last name at the end doesnt make it legit lol

Timestamp or gtfo fag


Fucking hell, the comments are hilarious.

Logless Shill






>Would you?

Kill you if I had half a chance? You bet.

I like the logslammer 40k

Wtf? You are almost exclusively the only one posting in your own thread. Too tired to fight with you faggot. Some other time, loserfag.


What? You would kill someone because they posted shopped pictures of a pop star with poop. I think you need psychiatric help.

13 posters, exclusive posting. Pick one.



Forgot the poop









"oh it's just one guy"
animaterr man has 20 subs.

Hitler did nothing wrong

That's a fuck of a lot more people who think this is funny than the logless assholes want you to believe.
Checkmate, poopless cucks.


>Would you?


Grow up.


>Andy Sixx is a symbol of white supremacy

just waiting for somebody to roll for them octs

Seig HEIL Andy Sixx

Yes. Black Lives Do Not Matter

FUCK! "Andy Sixx white supremacy" is trending on g00gle!!!

Heil Shitler.

Yes only log lives matter. Black Lives Do Not Matter

Bumping for octs

Would I what?

Slidde a creamy, steamy, dreamy log of shit straight from Andy Sixx's tight asshole straight down your fucking throat!

If you have to ask...........

Imagine youre fingering Andy Sixx's asshole, when suddenly, his asshole cant take it anymore and then shoots out a giant fucking log of fucking shit followed by an endless ass explosion of diareah squirting out like a fountain

Imagine...octs in a log thread. Ohhh the cream....the steam...the dream.

44444444 belongs to Andy. Less than 1 hour to go



>2015 Elon Musk donates to the future of life foundation to campaign against advancing artificial intelligence
>2016 Tesla begins developing self-driving cars
>2016 Andy sixx meme begins on Sup Forums
>2017 Andy Sixx meme explodes with prototype AI software gathering a cult following on YouTube and Wix
>last week, Google reports a network intrusion by anonymous hacking group in Hong Kong
>same day as network intrusion, Hong Kong authorities raid Tesla's offices
>tesla reveals the model 3
>Facebook instills ban on Andy Sixx meme
>Musk warns Zuckerberg not to advocate for AI advancement
>Zuckerberg retaliates in debate
>last night, Facebook goes offline for 6 minutes
>corporate memo from Zuckerberg to his IT directorate says there was an attempted hacking of Facebook

Musk created the Andy Sixx meme to prove he could create a humanoid AI software, then pretends to publicly oppose it to shutdown people like Zuckerberg.



These threads are fucking great. For me it isn't even the fact that they exist it's the angered responses of people who aren't doing anything but looking stupid and bumping the thread. It gives me a childish satisfaction to see something as immature as sucking a shit log out of the vocalist of a scene bands asshole absolutely infuriate the average Sup Forums user. Scrolling through he catalgoue, seeing his makeup riddled face I just know it's gonna be good. Slight keks rise inside me as I read the first few lines. "Would you suck out a warm log of shit from Andy Sixx's asshole? More keks eminate from deep within, these ones out loud. Then the responses, some dripping with anger, some trying to brush it off as lame and immature but triggered nonetheless. Then the confused response of the OP. "What, you don't want a warm creamy log of shit?" "What did Andy Sixx's hot logs of warm, cream corned shit ever do to you?" Laughing hard, I start to get a bone. This happens sometimes when I'm excited. Then the backlash. The rage that OP would even dare, would ever have the audacity to not only post more talk of log, but question the failing attempts to sage the thread. As more and more log memes are posted I realize I can no longer deny myself the pleasure. Taking my trembling cock into my hand, I begin furiously masturbating to the blissful thought of a pure, creamy, corn filled log entering my mouth and sliding past my uvula, shat straight out of the ass of Andy Sixx. As it enters my throat I gag, but the gagging helps the huge log of shit into my stomach. I haven't eaten in awhile, the creamy hot shitload fills my stomach as if I'd just consumed a large, awful smelling hunk of meat. Sixx meat. Then, log smears lining my lips, I orgasm, harder than ever before, knowing this special gift of Sixx Shit is resting peacefully inside me. Today was a beautiful day. I am become one with the log. I have sucked a log of shit from Andy Sixx's asshole.

It would be nice if it happened in a log thread, but I only care that it happens on a log post. The publicity that comes with octopost would be great for Andy

Logging on




But it's not a meme, it's art.

Disgusting logbois...


hahaah send this to his fans lol

better if he's dead though


Ww why? Does his shit taste good? Did he take a big poop and Ozzy Osborn ate it? Are you gay scat fetishists

Shit, that is so funny. It's 6am and that made me wake my wife up laughing.

Yes, the benefits from eating his shit are almost magical.



What happen

