Sup Forums I started my first day of my last year in high school today...

Sup Forums I started my first day of my last year in high school today. For the past two years I've been slowly going deeper into depression. I kept thinking that after highschool , once I graduated I would be happy. I just now realized that I was wrong. I don't have any social life. Im average intelligence but I always just fail my academic goals. I don't know what to do. Im scared that I won't make it through this year , I'm scared of disappointing my parents with my suicide. Pls help me

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There isn't any magic way that you will fix the shit that is messed up in your life. As much as positivity is shit on here, here's my best advice for you.
>Stop giving a fuck about the opinions of people who don't matter
>Start doing what YOU want to do
>Start working out
>Study your fucking ass off
>Stay busy
Crying like a bitch won't fix anything, and if your life sucks so bad you want to an hero, well fuck it, you have nothing to lose. It can't get any worse.
From one faggot on the internet to another, I hope to see you on the other side.

Thanks I needed that Sup Forumsro

If you're too scared to do anything, even an hero, then that's fucking sad. Laughable type of sad.

Ditto what he said kiddo

3rd year in college almost had to drop out due to poor grades but a teacher made me realize something that seems to not be taught in classes. When you do poor in a subject or on a chapter, work on your weaknesses. There are times were I didn't even know where i struggled until I took that class and realized we got tests and homework back to see where we were weak so we could improve. Don't be afraid of failure bro. Even with life. If a girl rejects you or people act weird around you it's probably because your inexperienced and you did something wrong.

Anyways Feels thread?


Get into the maritime industry





life seems shitty user but you've still got some time.I'm pretty much in the same boat as you but a few years later. I have staved off suicide by giving myself an ultimatum. pic related i have set my mark at 30 and if by then I, through all my effort, have not made a marked improvement on my life i will depart peacefully and quietly into the void from which i came

tl:dr you still have enough time for some hope




I like that idea , I think I'll give myself the same ultimatum.


on another note waitched this youtube channel (kurzgezagt in a nutshell) talk of "optomistic nihilism" which put death in a whole new perspective just watch the next 20 seconds or so (its the "close your eyes" part that got me


its funny though they made that video to adress the existential crisis their other video give people through their perspective




Am I alone here?



im here but don't have much to contribute

you are still a fucking kid.. go live life, get some experience, make some mistakes and learn from them.

night guys i'm gonna jerk it and sleep



chill Sup Forumsro it's already been addressed

Then hero


High school sucks, pretty much everyone except jocks and sluts think high school was cool. Late teens and twenties are usually considered the pest part of a persons life.

pretty much this

Just remember that your future is more important than friendship. Honestly just don't focus on fulfilling the needs of anyone but yourself. School sucks, but it's way easier when you don't have fake friends holding you back. Being social is for leeches who thrive off the attention of others. Also, everyone has the potential to improve, remember that. Someday your life will be worth living.

on the one hand that was fucking beautiful whether or not it was satire

on the other hand this is Sup Forums not Sup Forums dont turn every thread you see a small opening in into pro-nazi political shit

Look buddy you can do whatever you want with the right amount of effort. You say you aren't happy due to academic goals well the solution to that is studying. Maybe you aren't the guy who doesn't need to study to make A's and that's fine. But maybe instead of being on This site you could be reading books and improving your intellect. Being proficient in math and science is indispensable. You can do it user but you need to put forth the effort. Nothing good comes easy.


hey, was in the same spot as you 2 years ago. suffered through senior year, got rejected to almost every college I applied to. wanted to kill myself. literally only stayed alive for speech and debate. went to prom bc my mom made me. Some random girl came up to me, admitted she liked me all year, danced with me then we fucked all summer. It happened to this user; it could happen to you agon. kill yourself at the end of the year if you're going to: girls are about to get way more desperate.

inb4: pics or it didn't happen

Good Luck, user.

you are not alone.

No, just stop.