Explain your answer. Call everyone else wrong and stupid, etc

Explain your answer. Call everyone else wrong and stupid, etc...

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Blue then you're free from everything

You will get tired.

This honestly

It doesn't say that


It doesnt say you will fly with the power of your mind either

If humans are considered animals...

I would push whichever button benefits me most at the moment
>does not specify number of maximum button presses

probably blue so I don't have to walk to work. And by walk to work I mean walk to the train stop by down the block and then walk another block from the train to work

Kill all Jews

The only correct answer

green pls

orange and red are somewhat similar, considering you wouldn't be able to see someone who is running at the speed of sound.

Why pick blue when you can pick green? Can turn into a bird that can fly plus you can still turn into anything else

Yellow and pink are both incredibly tempting. Could certainly make a fortune off of either one. Yellow would be more fun and more interesting, though. I might just take pink instead, though because it would give you the ability to help people. I'll go pink.

im always wondering what people are actually truly like and if i knew i could finally get an answer.

Yellow is the obvious choice. The ability to know what others are thinking gives you an enormous advantage in every single interaction.

Red, Blue & Purple are acceptable choices, but clearly inferior to Yellow. The others are absolutely retarded.

Humans are the alpha species, why would you want to downgrade?
Too fast to be practical, only would make sense if you already had Blue button.
Disgusting whores, why is this even an option?
This is literally what doctors do, minus the paycheck.

>if i knew i could finally get an answer
i didnt realize how retarded that sounded at first.

Pink, i could heal my Herpes, and then make everyone think im the next jesus, spout a bunch of shit to bend the world to my whim, and be rich af on top of all that

Then you fall asleep, and fall to your death.

The real answer is purple.

>Tumors will fall through your tissue and onto the floor.

>Bullets/lasers/tasers/bombs/radiation is harmless because none of it will interact with your body.

>wearing a full mask, phase through museum walls, and security. Steal largest diamonds in the world. Break them into dozens of smaller, but still large diamonds. Cut them all into gems. Sell them. Rich forever.

>Nobody can keep secrets from you

>Sneak into any show you want

>Convince people you are God by appearing in impossible locations. Gain a cult. Eventually worshipped by all.

>the list goes on

Re: Pink
Who the hell said you can't charge people??

Pink is for uber faggots

> you must be an uber fag

Your retinas rely on light striking them in order to function. If you were invisible you would also be blind, so that's a hard pass.

No mention about speed, control, or anything else.

Only makes sense if you're an autist who can't read people's emotions. If anything this would just make me into a fucking weirdo, besides it would be TMI most of the time. I guess it would be profitable if used well though.

Why the fuck would I turn my superior human brain into a shitty animal one? What a dumpster-fire of a button

Sounds like a great way to run into a wall or trip and fucking die

Yeah falling into the center of the Earth and getting boiled alive by the extreme heat seems like a fucking phenomenal superpower

Already have a loving faithful and cute gf, why would I mess around with gutter-tier nympho sluts who are fucking idiots and don't care about anything other than mashing genitals?

Literally the only good choice.

Nah, Purple negates the need for you to read minds.

If you're rich and invincible, you already have an advantage in every single interaction.

>what is the unauthorized practice of medicine
The law.

Pink. I'm now immortal, Jesus and the world's greatest daredevil.
I arrive everywhere by crashing a plane.

That's a highly practical application of this option, but I think it edges ahead of the others because it gives selectors the means to immortality. Several jellyfish species have the capacity to revert to previous stages of its life-cycle. If selectors get to keep their consciences while shapeshifting, they can theoretically revert their age on a whim by changing into these jellyfish species so long as they have controlled access to ocean water. Some espionage and assassination gigs should get them the money to construct and maintain an appropriate tank.
Yellow is a close second because of the myriad possibilities of discreetly attaining money.
Blue, Grey and Orange tie with Green on the fun factor to me.


Replaces Pink on self If i am getting old then shift into Dog then back into a human. or shift into a lizard and regrow arm then back to human

Replaces Red turn into a tiny creature and wont be seen

Replaces blue turn into a creature that can fly

almost like yellow cause shift to something small and hear private conversations

almost like orange Peregrine Falcon 200MPH

almost like purple become very small

almost like grey If i am broke shape shift into celeb and take nude selfies then sell them women love money. Also shift into perfect looking guy for them.

However one of the biggest reasons would prob be i would shift into something like a Flatworm if i could, then cut myself in half and regrow from both halfs to create an army of me's

"scientists at Tufts University showed that a decapitated planarian will not only regrow a new head, it will retain learned information as well as planarians who never lost their heads."

This is if the ability allows you to shift into other forms after the first shift and or retain your knowledge/abilitys.

I'll be honest, I've never considered that point for red...

Blue 'cause fuck you fags. I can fly.

Invisible doesn't mean you don't interact with light. It just means your interaction isn't visible. Lenses could still bend light, and retinas could still absorb it, it would just need to be replaced with other light for observers.

Assume you have full control.

agree, mostly

Shape-shit, not fully transform. One could imagine an animal-shaped brain made from human bits that is capable of similar intelligence.


Except, it says you CAN phase through ANYTHING. It does NOT say that you automatically phase through everything you touch. Meaning it's selective, and thus, super useful. Besides, if you phase through the crust of the Earth, you'll phase through the magma just fine.

Stop lying, neckbeard. Although, not interested in this one either

Who needs to heal when nothing can hurt you?

Red could still work


I see Pink as limited in that it heals non-fatal wounds. You'd be better off scaring the shit out of people by getting bitten by a bunch of venomous animals.

On that, you could end up beating everyone in UFC.


Yellow, if there's an off switch. If not, purple. I've always wanted to learn all I can about my surroundings. Anything else seems like it would fall short. Red is the only other one that's passable, and only without 's explanation.
>Flight would either be painfully slow or require lots of energy
>Shapeshifting would also dumb you down to animalistic intelligence
>Doesn't appeal to my niche fetishes
>You could only really heal papercuts and such with the pink, as any major wound could really be fatal without treatment.




master doctor

Did you even read what it said?

"Non fatal wounds"

Meaning when your dare-devil stunt spills your brain on the sidewalk, you're still dead. Plus, it just said wounds. Not all injuries or ailments.


i pick green



I said purple is acceptable, and this sounds nice, but I will still win. If I met this Purple Man, I would read his mind and know exactly what he's doing.

>wait until he goes home and goes to sleep
>sneak in (i know all his security codes) and chop his head off before he can "phase" around

Yellow always wins.





Disagree on yellow. Reading people's emotions is one thing, but their thoughts is a complete new level. People can hide their emotions because they know others can and do read them, however they don't hide their thoughts. Why would they? Nobody can read them anyway, right?

Think of the secrets and insights you'll gather, how that info can be leveraged for profit and power. You're one step ahead of every negotiation you're in. Business, law, relationship, you always have the information advantage.

It's clearly yellow. IF you manage to control the power without going insane from the information overload.


plus, any wound is fatal if untreated, so its incredibly vague

going green

green probably

Read minds not know everything in the mind. Stupid fuck.

You would be right, IF yellow gave you the ability to read minds.

It does not.

It gives you the ability to read THOUGHTS.

Meaning, if I don't think about my security codes or my powers, you know nothing.



Exactly. Doctors fix dissected aortas all the time, which would be totally fatal, meaning that superpower couldn't fix it.

Thats the spirit I posted this for!


Red to steal valuables, gain information that would otherwise never be heard, see some dirty milk jugs and fuck with people to no end


That's the bad thing about pink, you will never find out whats fatal and nonfatal.

Point in case
It's hard to believe, but this safe played a big part in Jack Daniel's death. He kicked the safe in his office, frustrated because he couldn't remember its combination, and his toe got infected. The infection became gangrenous, and his leg had to be amputated. He died due to complications from the gangrene infection on Oct. 10, 1911 at the age of 61.

So his toe injury was fatal. Basically pink gives you the ability to find out what your going to die from if there is something like destiny. Get shot in the arm and able to heal? Awesome! Kick a Safe and cant heal your toe.... Get bit by a venomous animal... Uh Oh.....you just screwed up.

Anything can be fatal depending on circumstances. Pink basically just tells you if your out of range from the antivenom or not.





Very potent.
Minimally grants levitation and walking through walls.
Maximum light speed travel.
Know your phase!
Choose purple.

Kek pink is basically

"Heal anything that is going to heal anyway"


Press them all, because no one said "press only one".

Yellow and then a life of crime

>Maximum light speed travel
>Know your phase!
Brainlet here. I can't make the connections. Explain

Exactly, I've been saying purple this whole thread.

>People doubting the usefulness of controlling physical interactions at that level
>i shiggy diggy

Which one blows up the planet?


i'd press the button that teaches idiots how to spell "extinct".


I tried purple last time. I think ill try Green this time.

>pick green
>humans are animals too
>don't even need the other animals



"Know whats going to Kill You"

>"Which button"
>Not implying that you can only push one
>Even wanting the possibility of fucking yourself over with one of the shit abilities

... and say WHY!!!

>Phase through gravity
>Phase through inertial forces
>Phase through anything
If you don't physically interact with ANYTHING except the repulsive force of the atoms directly behind you, and the attractive ones in front of you, you'll be accelerated forward infinitely.


Right. Because healing people with supernatural powers is "medicine" and they'd arrest me.

Stupid fuck.

standard "phasing" = walk through walls
levitation= standing on air
If you can change your body physics to pass through solid, a natural step is to make your body light enough to stand on air, thus levitation.

Yellow is best. You could become very persuasive and powerful.
Green is pretty good for furry sex.

Grey is the dumbest. Who needs superpowers to bang nymphos?

Blue, flight's badass

At first?

yeah, your flying, minding your buisness, then you start getting noticed on military an airway radars, end up getting shot down

Pink. Do all the drugs I want and heal my brain damage.

this man gets it.
also steal the buttons and make people pay for superpowers, then create a new button that un-supers people and make them pay for that too. hipsters would buy it

FTL is more of a stretch, but not really.
If you can phase to the "frequency" of light then you can either sail or repulse off of it>

surprised nobody checked

Wrong. Everyone misreads pink

>non-fatal WOUND

A wound is caused by physical trauma, not disease or poison, or anything else.

Red. For all the obvious reasons

This really stretches the definition of a "thing" and gets really abstract, but I'm picking up what you're putting down.

Well "phase" is used rather vaguely here. If you can change your fundamental interaction with physical objects

THAT is an easy way to gain FTL

trip quad checked