What does Sup Forums thinks about Israel's new minister of defense?
Avigdor Lieberman
בוגי עף כבר מהליכוד ? מקומו עם קאודיליו ושאר הגלובלאיסטים
>Blue eyes
not a real Jew.
I heard that he's in cahoots with the Jews. They even pay his salary.
it's green, you idiot.
Liberman will make Israel Great Again
jewish ppl that Sup Forums likes
>he isn't a jew cause X
any person that doesn't agree with Sup Forums
>he is a jew cause his great-grandmother was a jew / he has a east-urupean surename / NOSE
More kebab removing next fighting round with hamas. I would have preferred Bennet as defense minister though.
>I like being tribal
>atheism is an evil western invention
>numbers are an evil arab invention
>computers and internet should all just disappear!
>america had 9/11 coming to them for not supporting israel 100%!
אנחנו נרקבים בגהנום שאנשים כמוך יצרו אתה יודע. מות כבר, אתה ושאר בני מינך.
thats nice, but in the longterm its more death and decay in the kingdom of israel.
Typical bloodthirsty zionist kike, what's there more to say.
Stop speaking your sandnig language. If you want to post here you have to assimilate.
It's not that i don't understand how you feel, but if i reply to someone porpusely posting here in hebrew ill do the same.
>bloodthirsty kike
so Sup Forums love him or hate him?
>death and decay in the kingdom of israel
>t. Filistim
What's that WE meme?
>so Sup Forums love him or hate him?
Sup Forums isn't one person, but I hate him and netanyahu. These are the same guys that pushed the iraq war and are arming the syrian rebels to kill christians.
I really don't want to be racist, I really don't want to be anti-semitic, but I've never seen a Jew do something that can be considered peaceful or tolerant. Its always them demanding the world apologise to them and then proceeding on to declare how much they hate everyone else and want to kill anyone who isn't them. If maybe Jews were one day like "hmm maybe we should respect Christians, they aren't that bad." "or maybe we should respect Palestinians living in their own homes" I would change my opinions, but everything I've seen reinforces every negative stereotype about them.
Google "we wuz kings".
>arming the syrian rebels
>I'm not antisemitic, but MUH J00S ARE EVIL BC THERE WERE NO PEACEFUL J00S
You're just a disgusting hypocrite.
>google it
no. if you don't know just don't reply. If you do say. you have been among 'red'pillers far too long.
eh, bibi can go fuck himself. and Sup Forums isn't a single person, but the crowd here has a general unity of thought.
jews did plenty of peaceful and tolerent things, its just that Sup Forums twist it all as a chase after shekels. remember oslo? remember the hitnatkut? remember dozens of movies directed and written by jews, both in holiwood and israel?
it's a pity that the Sup Forums of israel has taken over, as an opening to what happens in the rest of the world. we aren't all like that.
anyway just reminding you, during world wars before usa joined in they just sold weapons.
te palistinean problem would have been solved already if not for the 'right of return' which means all arabs that ever lived in israel can return to it's borders, as well as any kids and grandchildrens etc they had.
you really need another source but Sup Forums to get your facts, else its no wonder you will turn antisemite.
everybody knows it
yeah maybe if it weren't for the fact that jews literally killed their only prime minister who tried to make peace, it would be a different story
Every time.
>everybody knows it
the earth is flat.
americans are all racist; they killed their only president that wanted to end slavery.
Oh shit, I didn't even notice... Is it possible that he's a jew maybe? Fuck all my life I lived in a delusion :/
Yes, I remember oslo. An israeli PM dared to try to make peace, so his own people killed him. Not the Arabs, not the Palestinians, not Hamas or Hezbollah, but his own people, because he dared to shake hands with an Arab.
I know there are good Jews, like maybe Bernie Sanders, but even Bernie Sanders at the height of the last war in Gaza approved American bills to give weapons to Israel. Even the left wing of Israel supported the IDF to bomb the shit out of Gaza. Maybe the only jewish parties in the entire country that opposed it are Meretz and the communists, but they are like 1% of the country.
I want to believe that most Jews are good people, but honestly, in the last Israeli election, Netanyahu's coalition won an overall majority after blatant race-bating.
I want to believe that most Jews are good people and are peaceful and not-hateful, but every shred of evidence indicates otherwise and maybe only a small percentage are good people.
Find a Jew who don't care about other Jews and claim that he was peaceful. Nice move.
>his own people
there are extermists everywhere. begin didn't suffer that fate despite the peace with egypt, neither did sharon and olmert despite the hitnatkut.
today's israel has been taken over by Sup Forumstards. just keep that in mind. but really, should israel just let gaza bomb israel while doing nothing to defend it's citizens?
again, Sup Forums has taken over israel. like it does the rest of the world. you might as well lose all fate in humanity in this point.
>blatant race-bating
You gotta understand that race is part of what keeps both us and our enemies united, so racism isn't just some plebeian bygone concept that we can just "grow up" from.
If you're a Jew, Arabs are more likely to want you dead or expelled. This isn't just racist, it's also a fact.
>racism isn't just some plebeian bygone concept that we can just "grow up" from.
yes we can. racism is what unite us against each other; its time to unite everyone FOR the good of all. nationalism and racism have no place in a good world.
>but really, should israel just let gaza bomb israel while doing nothing to defend it's citizens?
No, what Israel should do is lift the siege of Gaza, allow food and supplies in, and not carry out targeted bombings and assassinations.
The war started because Israel started assassinations of Hamas members in Gaza and the west bank. They bombed Ahmed Jabari's motorcade even though there was a ceasefire, which prompted the rockets.
If Israel signed a peacedeal with Mahmoud Abbas, released prisoners, and let the palestinians have the westbank and east jerusalem without barriers, checkpoints or settlements, there would be peace and Hamas would respect that. Hamas has basically de facto recognised Israel because they are in an alliance with Mahmoud Abbas and they acknowledge Mahmoud Abbas's recognition of Israel; not to mention their new best friend Qatar is an ally of Israel.
And keep in mind, many of the rockets aren't even by hamas but by groups at war with hamas like radical islamists or whatever.
>If you're a Jew, Arabs are more likely to want you dead or expelled. This isn't just racist, it's also a fact.
Only if you're an ashkenazi Jew, since they are from Europe. Arabs have no problem with mizrahi jews staying there since they are essentially ethnic middle easterners.
You can do what you want, flower boy. Arabs will still see you as a Jew to dispose of.
European Jews are just Europeans who converted to Judaism. Lol @ them thinking Israel is their homeland.
pretty good
dunno what people have against jews
if their people would hold the most power in the world wouldnt they want to do the same things as they do
Pure Ashkenazim are a minority, most of Israel is mixed.
And Mizrahim are also the most nationalist.
Yesssss yessssssss
let's have multiculturalism n shieeeeet bring refugees to europe so they can rape white women, that would surely be a good world :^) it will be for the good of all, i mean surely women like being raped.
Get the fuck off with your shit fucking kike. Nationalism and racism is exactly what Europe needs right now to save herself.
This is why you fuckers were gassed.
>And Mizrahim are also the most nationalist.
That's cause Mizrahis are basically Jews with Arab blood, so they are the most-Arab like Jews. I.e. militaristic, nationalist, no-compromise types.
But seriously, Jews used to have it pretty good in the Arab world before zionism came along. I mean look how Jews were treated in Europe and compare it to how they were treated in the middle east. Jews were regularly high ranking advisers to Sultans, the Ottoman Empire was headed by Greek Jews, Saladin's chief physician was Jewish, some of the richest merchants in Baghdad were Jewish.
Even today in Morrocco, there are tens of thousands of Jews, I think one of their finance ministers or something is Jewish. So Arabs have no inherent problem with Jews, just with foreigners who come by force. If the Israelis were hindus or buddhists or whatever, they'd hate them just as much.
>lift the siege
in other words, an all out war instead? hamas still harboring hostility towards israel, even after the hitnatkut. remember the hitnatkut? have you even heard of it?
the nationalism on the rab side would be easier to kill if they didn't see how hatefull we are towards them. same way you use their hate towards us to justify your hate towards them, the opposite is true as well. so no, not flower boy, just someone who don't let hate cloud their reason.
tell that to preww2 european. you are a kike if you so much have the wrong nose.
first off, get back to teiman ahmed
second off, i don't believe in multicultrissm, but in fusion. those who can't into the country's culture should move to a country that has a culture that fits them, assimilate or leave so to speak.
We never had it "pretty good", we were always a minority that got shat on.
Now we have our own country and we treat our minorities (Israeli arabs) better than most countries would treat them as a majority.
>the nationalism on the rab side would be easier to kill if they didn't see how hatefull we are towards them.
Naw m8, you're literally dealing with brainwash and indoctrination from an early age here with Arabs being taught about how evil Zionists at every occasion Jews are brought up on the news.
We're not being hateful towards, we're being realistic. And maybe it's time you start being realistic as well and accept the fact that arabs are indoctrinated to kill you and giving them free gibs isn't gonna amount to anything good.
A temporary trick to get more shekels.
>Remember dozens of movies directed and written by jews, both in holiwood and israel?
You mean the liberal propaganda they make?
We know exactly what you do. Everything "peaceful" and "tolerant" is aimed to destroy the white countries.
what they pick on the internet, what news they see of what we actually do strangthen their beliefs rather than make them question it. wen people grow up they throw away old shackles; but if what they ware taught is truth why should they cast it aside?
there are plenty of arabs who never would let facts change their indoctrination of the evil of zionism, but they are not the important arabs, they are not the shapers, leaders or poets. the letters, can change the views of their bretherns, but they won't, not as long as we give them every reason they need that israel is out to get them.
realist? you just want a childish 'us vs them' to hold strong in this confusing and changing litlle world.
Kike, please. The whole conflict and it's opposition is funded by the Jews themselves. No one gives a fuck about the sandniggers in reality.
>trick to get more sheckels
>liberal propeganda
thats aimed at israel as much as the rest of the world. especialy our own film makers.
>No one gives a fuck about the sandniggers in reality.
i dont know anything about him. why is he so cool?
You think he is cool or something?
>realist? you just want a childish 'us vs them' to hold strong in this confusing and changing litlle world.
I want them to start questioning shit, but it isn't gonna happen by giving more power to groups like Hamas and the Islamic Jihad.
You want a solution then it can't start by giving shit away to the people who oppress the intelligent Pali's and shoot rockets at your cities.
You wanna stop building settlements? I'm fine with that. You wanna remove our troops from the west bank and trust Arabs to keep their anti-Zionists in check? Fuck off back to fairyland.
>Israel's new minister of defense
Wait, what?
I really didn't follow any Israeli news since the USA elections began, can anyone bring me up to speed?
well not in that sense of the word, just redpilled or whatever.
I hear he fights crime by niight
you are giving the extremists power by killing palistinians and building beyond the green border. freezing the sattlements only weaknes them, 'peace steps' may anger them and make them go in rage, but those also weaken them. the less devilish israel acts, the harder it is for hamas to gain support in the streets.
Bugie has angered Bibi one too many times.