I was discharged from the Marines before getting to kill a terrorist. How should I handle this...

I was discharged from the Marines before getting to kill a terrorist. How should I handle this. Obviously besides clinically, we all know how that turns out.

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Swat your self and kill the swat team

Become a terrorist, kill yourself

That's what you get for being transgender

I want to join.
can you tell me your experience?

>become a terrorist
>kill yourself
>instant american hero with 72 virgins as a bonus
>Allahu McDonalds

Become a blackwater thug and live out your dream, and make hella bank in the process. Profit?

>less police
>more criminals

Laugh at these memes, check em out

Unfortunately blackwater doesnt exist anymore.

What do you wanna know?

join a foreign legion

Realize that YOU were the terrorist, and then kill yourself.

Shut up hippy

Become a contractor thug, get paid exorbitant amounts of money, kill 18th century tribesmen. Profit?

think they just changed the name

go play video games

I like the ideas gents. But I'm thinking more so small time gigs, maybe the local pedo, rapist or feminist... Last one is a joke.. Or is it o.O

I think so too but ehh then I'm held slightly accountable

Can't. Microsoft keeps banning me cause they bend to the will of pussies. You cant call someone a faggot anymore.. I miss the old days

>But I'm thinking more so small time gigs
Just go and be Batman.
Patrol the streets, looking for muggers, thieves, and destructive hooligans.
Beat the crap out of them, without killing them, and do it all without pulling out a gun unless they pull out a sword, crossbow, projectile weapon, or a gun.
If they pull out clubs, bats, batons, knives, chains, use only your hand to hand combat and melee combat skills to defeat them, making it more exciting.
Make sure to train at martial arts gyms regularly so you don't end up dead.

>s, chains, use only your hand to hand combat and melee combat skills to defeat them, making it more exciting.
>Make sure to train at martial arts gyms regularly so you don't end up dead.

Or.. better idea.. Become a COP!, carry around a "ham sandwich" (a gun with no prints not linked to you), shoot anyone you please, plant ham sandwich.. profit?

I feel like the corrupt cop thing is cliche to do irl anymore

You are correct, blackwater changed their name to Academi, after that whole, "Let's shoot civilians" incident

people do it all the time wtf u talking about, most don't have body cameras and even when they do, THEY TURN THEM OFF.

>wanting to join the muhreens

yup, when you commit atrocities just change your name! everyone will think you're gone like OP.

Plot to Watch Dogs?

Go merc

Enjoy your training and physical fitness, for now you are free. Kill a couple of Muslims and protect the white race. Faggot

reason of discharge ?

Don't haha that's what I tell all looking to join the usmc. If anything, join the airforce or coast guard, you got more of a chance killing someone in one of those branches then in the corps. Plus less fuckery to deal with

I guess in all seriousness, pick up a trade and enjoy life. Be thankful you have the skills that you have, use them when SHTF.

and they don't hold you to the same standards, I knew a dude in the army who said they basically just like 1-2 miles a day in basic...

What kind of underwear did you wear in boot camp? What do you think is the approximate ratio of men in the Marines who wear briefs vs boxers?

Steal a uniform that would fit a 5 foot 11 230lb dude and give it to me

I had too many wet dreams of fucking terrorist neck wounds. Nah but mil life fucks your body up faster than anything

>Steal a uniform that would fit a 5 foot 11 230lb dude and give it to me

just go on ebay dude, tons of vets are left with gear and sell it cheap.

I keep looking but don't see shit

what do you want?

Just a uniform. I can't afford anything like dress blues and shit, but I like uniforms that have legit patches and shit




Military surplus stores. That's where I sold a bunch of mine

plz answer, I really want to know.

Will look into. Every time I ebay, i just get costumes

dude just search marpat.

We don't wear underwear in bootcamp. We'd wear green military running shorts called skivies under everything. And 70 30 m/f. after bootcamp, Briefs all the way

Read that wrong. 80 briefs 19 boxers. 1 nothing

You should stab civilians in need like the one in my other neighborhood. At least I think he was one. I know he was part of the police

That's a bit better. Thanks bro


Holy fuck, I can even buy custom name tapes and patches.

You have made me very happy, user

I agree. But need something fun to do while in trade school.

dude that's like the tip of the ice berg, you can find surplus iotvs, ibas, ach helmets sapi plates etc.

I really want to get all kitted out. Not that I want to participate in stolen valor or anything like that..but because I find it fun to dress up in the bedroom and costumes just make me feel silly.

so Trump DID ban transgenders. thought he was bullshitting.

Being a veteran I only seem to become pissed if the person practicing stolen valor is pretending to be the branch I was in. I could really care less if someone wants to wear army fatigues in public. I see it all the time, especially construction guys. No fucks from me. Plus hey if some shit pops off, you're half way there compared to other scrubs who are gonna be wearing t shirts, hoodies or some shit

as long as you take off any rank patches, "us army" etc and don't claim to be an actual marine, and don't act autistic, no one cares. Also just don't panhandle with any kind of military gear on. Soldiers are left with body armor and all kinds of shit hell even sometimes saw barrels and shit, from the military after service. Military record keeping is bad combine with the government budget appropriation system, basically they have to spend all the money they are given every fiscal year or they get less the next year. If they spend it all they get more the next year. As a result after so many years soldiers are often left with issued armor and tons of other stuff, when they go to CIF they are told "well it's not on the gear roster, I legally can't take it, so its yours kiddo." They want to continually spend more and more, and only have so much space for shit. Hell I had a friend who said he had to shoot thousands of rounds in the armory so they could say they spent the money and buy more for the next fiscal year.

People larp as service members all the time, it's called airsoft. If you're lucky you'll find a group of mostly real door kickers who airsoft seriously and you might learn a thing or two.

Don't know. Don't really give a shit. I got out in the Obama era. I'll tell you this tho, seeing a tranny in the military is like seeing a leprechaun. And if people know one, more than likely, they'd be accepted by the younger kids, yet bullied by mostly anyone who has an opinion

Being OP I agree with all that is said, and back it to the fullest. You make me kinda miss the days waiting at cif..

Not everyone is as understanding as you are. You're actually the first veteran who has helped me with the names of all the bits I need to track down on ebay, I usually just get laughed at.

True about the shit popping off bit. I'd just blend in and start going nuts. Or, go out bush and hide. Either or.

I'm in australia, your gear is far superior but the shipping charges sting a little.

It's all worth it I suppose.

Hmm. I wish Australia did that.

Airsoft is kinda cool.. but I get nervous around other people. But if I could learn some shit that would be neat.

I would have joined and served myself, but I have a complicated medical history.

>They want to continually spend more and more, and only have so much space for shit.

and while there is wasteful spending, this is a good system because it encourages the military to keep buying newer and better equipment, and there's tons of surplus stuff left over for the larpers.

What did you get discharged for? Is it because you're a tranny freak?

>I'm in australia, your gear is far superior but the shipping charges sting a little.

I was assuming you're in the US, things like body armor etc are a no no to ship internationally. It's against the US ITAR regulations. Camo I believe isn't but you'll have to double check.

Hey fuck it. And ehhh superior is pushing it lol remember its all from the lowest bidder. Except marsoc or recon. They get the cool shit

If you wanna still do it join the french foreign legion ya cuck

Nah. Got discharged for 2 bulging discs, degenerate disc disease in the old lumbar, two fucked up knees, and a few concussions from fighting

Legion training is harder than the marines too


>or 2 bulging discs, degenerate disc disease in the old lumbar, two fucked up knees, and a few concussions from fighting

did you mess up 1 knee from carrying a guy and then it bent inwards? I might know you.

Start at the left. Kill all the terrorists you can.

Yeah, I had a look at some camo and that alone is $80 to ship.

I wouldn't buy everything at once and i'd sauce what i could here. I don't want customs and border patrol asking too many questions.

Sorry to hear man. That sucks. Back problems are why I couldn't get in, they're no fun to live with.

A lone embarker

And nope. But I hope that guy got his shit fixed.

Free speech. Don't like it? Don't live in a free country. I don't like the shit eating feminists and liberals who want to kill all white males but they still have the freedom to express their horse shit, and I support that freedom.

>Yeah, I had a look at some camo and that alone is $80 to ship.
you can buy knockoff stuff from china, they ship really cheap too because of trade regulations.

how bad are your knees? I am concerned sometimes because I run a lot and my knees click but I don't have any pain. I've been to multiple doctors and had x-rays done they say it's fine and nothing to be concerned about about.

The left use to claim not all Muslims are terrorist, and I'm sure most reasonable people would agree with that, but when they turn around and claim all white men are racist and bullshittery like that, that's when you're like well well well now hold the fuck up you double standard, hypocritical mother fuckers..

The left is fucking retarded these days, they didn't use to be that bad, back around 2006-2010 but they've become radical.

They could tell something was wrong just from x-rays. I have lateral kneecap tilt in layman's terms. It's common, it's just the muscles that keep your knee cap centered, well aren't centering your knee cap anymore and that strain cause chronic pain. But mris might be needed for you if it's severe enough

I see, thanks for the info. I probably shouldn't worry about it I'm not like in chronic pain or anything. It really doesn't hurt at all just is annoying sometimes to hear the clicking. I get it in my neck too.

I forget. It's kinda like group think, but not exactly? Well whatever it is, explains the radicalization of some of these groups

More than likely the early onset of arthritis. Join the club lol

Know what I just found out?

Airsoft is /illegal/ in australia.

This is what happens when religious nuts run a country.

Ha.. Hah.. Haha.. Wait.. If this is true, what type of crack are they smoking over there? More Research is needed

Yooooo wtf you're right


Fuck this country. I want out.

Fukin kek, boi. Idk why you included recon with MARSOC, but they don't get ish. Training makes recon, equipment is rarely out of standard.

>>am criminal now

Superior compared to australian military uniforms

Hey, at stone bay, and some of their supply battalions, I saw differently

You got called racist? You poor baby. If you're not racist, why would you give a shit about being called racist?

I'm a white male and no one has called me racist, because I don't do stupid racist bullshit.

>I'm a white male

You're a cuck.

maybe maybe not haha. Both my parents have the same problem and they don't have arthritis. Oh well worst case scenario I'll be like Bruce Wayne "Your knee cartilage looks good, that is if there was any knee cartilage left."

Well I'm sure they have some badass gear, no doubt. So do normal ass Marines. But in my experience, the most they get is fukkin nvgs/thermals. Which we get anyways.

If I were a racist, I'd accept that lol the problem is when you get labeled a racist for something that doesn't warrant that accusation, then that's a problem. Me personally, never been called a racist. Though I won't sit here an watch a friend of mine be labeled a racist when he or she is everything but. People say things when they're upset to elicit a more emotional response from the one they're arguing with so they feel justified in escalating an argument, like you're trying to do.

The fucking PJs I worked with had some cool shit though

>>bothered by someone calling him something he supposedly isn't
>>I'm the cuck

yeah, okay dumbass.

Anyone got any info on getting rid of tinnitus?

>> escalating an argument

This isn't an argument. Just pointing out that I don't do racist bullshit and don't get called racist. Even if I were to be called racist, I wouldn't give a shit.