Psst hey Sup Forums which nonalcoholic drink are you drinking

psst hey Sup Forums which nonalcoholic drink are you drinking
i call this nigger juice
its pepsi im just bored

My beverage of choice is cum from a sexy pale white boy;)


have heard of it
ive never tried that one tho

What's up faggot?

aww shiiiet already two dubs in this thread
i can do this with my eay

Well, if you want, ill let you make it for me sometime;)
Shit ive been found out

-licks your sexy ear-

Check em

*screams internally*
youve been checked nice singles

get on my level

If the order didnt matter youd have both dubs and quads
Still impressive tho

I hate white people.

scorpion tea

This is now a get thread

this pepsi bottle was full just an hour ago
well i hate you too
never heard of it do tell kind sir

>>not despising all races equally
Wish i was that pepsi bottle, being drained by your mouth;)


anudda one and anudda one

i hate all races equally like the edgelord i am

Sexy and self aware.

Perfection given physical forn

i am perfection in physical forn indeed

You seem like a chill guy. Got any way to contact you?

Put 3 scorpions in pitcher
Pour 1 qt boiling water over them
Steep for 8 min
Remove scorpions
Pour over ice

Are you.... Evalion?

Scorpions are so cool dude weed lmao

join my discord zjMX4x
hats the only way ill talk outside of Sup Forums
that sounds like something a mexican would drink
who is this evalion?

i also have a sub sammich

chocolate milkk :>

Cop detected

Kek! That episode was hilarious

i could go for some chocolate milk after i finish my pepsi
rawr xd

Rawr lmao

don't drink it as soon as you finish the pepsi or itll be rlly gross

You realise the only people that are nice to you in these threads want to have gay sex with you right? If you're not gay why do you continually seek their attention? If I'm not mistaken you posted a pic of your qt girlfriend a while back. What's up with ya?


rawr xd
ill do what i want
its up to you
she looks weird

show me your balls

Implying one has to be gay to like getting their ego stroked

you really think this kid isnt gay?

Op is a faggot.

i am extremely pale

No u

>>implying this isnt the usual

i weigh 100ish pounds
should i be concerned?

I mean he must be at least a bit curious to enjoy all these basement dwelling pedo fags fapping to his pictures. I wonder if he's the one behind the Andy Sixx threads too.

I'd stick my dick deep inside your cunthole to help raise your self-esteem. You stupid sort of hot bitch....


>>implying half the people here wouldnt do the exact same thing to him

if anyone can guess what this is and how i get high off it ill send nudes to this thread rn

thats nice
oh nose

Is that the bodily fluids of a cat?

Also dubs.
Also bumping so more people guess so theres a higher chance of nude gets

i am sad for you

Makes sense
Can we get a hint?

Paint thinner and glue?

you can buy it legally i even got it on ebay
oooh so close

Chlorine and ammonia, you huff it.


rawr xd

Why don't you just smoke weed?

>implying i dont
its like weed i guess

Paint thinner OR glue?


OP Never Delivers. Is always faggot.


>tfw has deliverd before

Y... youve posted nudes before?
*jealousy intensifies*

Pix or it didn't happen.

Is the thing you get high off of edible?

Lol 669


*stares with a blank expression*
you could drink it but it tastes gross
makes yo mouth all dry

Whats the intended use of the thing you use to get high?

Light Ocean Spray Cranberry Juice

I thought nigger juice was for coffee

it doesnt make me high anymore it just gets rid of my headaches
im the only one i know who uses this
that sounds like a homemade drink

>>implyingyou didnt expect me to be here

I honestly have no idea what that is. My guess would be Bath Salts maybe but it's probably something more obscure (like jenkem but not)

Did you just queef and discharge into a bottle of baking soda? Idk. Just show some skin and make some people happy.

Not going to happen. OP is official certified fag.

Meh. Knowing him its probably something no one would ever guess. He likes to tease with nudes and then not deliver

hehe figures
heres a hint
you can freeze stuff with it
skin showed

Now confirmed.

Is it ice?

Home cooked meth or glue you huff


do i look like i smoke meth?

Yes. You may be hot, but you also look like a druggie

Yes. Eat a fucking burger skellitor maybe you'd grow tits to from the hormones

Is this shit even a grill?
Can't fucking tell srsly

Umm... he maylook like a druggie but the fact he doesnt have tits is more because he aint a grill

awww thanks
thanks for the advice sir
again thanks thanks so many thanks

I wish I was normal

Is the drug antifreeze?

No you dont. Normal is for faggots


you guys are so boring im practicing going crosseyed

id contradict you but...... dubs

Just show us a nipple.

Ok little nigger show boobs or dick or w/e you are the fucking boring here


Can we get another hint?


thatd ruin the fun

for some reason only one eye moves