UK sluts

UK sluts

Other urls found in this thread:

She does look like a slut to.







Where is she from?


Keeping up the Teesside theme


Sutton, Surrey

Ts17 here

Nice one dude. You know these girls posted before?


Teeesside girls kik group #teessideslags

Hollie S, Hannah P and Amy K

Fuck, switch Hollie and Hannah the other way

Any more Amy? She's fit as fuck.

Any Eastbourne by chance??

You know her?

Sadly not but she definitely stands out

Not wrong pal

I'll keep posting Amy


Yes mate!

And Amy K if you know her


Yup she's fit. You got kik for more stuff!

Nothing but used to know her, same college.


You know Amy K and Hollie S too then? I've got some pics to share but on kik. You got a user name?

Anything of Liz K eastbourne?

Newport or nearby? South Wales anyone?

No havent seen the other two before. Just drop them all here and make everyone happy

Hannah and Hollie

Do you know someone called Chloe R?


Anyone got any Discords? got my account blocked and lost them all

Nah I don't. Is she mates with these girls?

Went to the same secondary school I think but she went into porn thinking she could use her powers of slagging and get paid for it

Sutton isn't in Surrey idiot. Not since the lines were redrawn.

lets see her then user

Most still refer to it that way you dunce.

What school again? Wish those girls went into went into porn haha

St.Michaels or Campus not 100% sure


Yeah St.Michaels is where Amy K (or Amy L on FB went).

You got kik Sup Forumsro?








No, should I?


Yeah if you know those girls I would


lol fucking shopped

What you got?

seconded, what you got user?

Better question is, what do you want?

everything! lol

and Sup Forums ends up with nothing

Amy, Hollie or Hannah?

all of them user, do it for Sup Forums

I've got stories and stuff

Need a private convo on kik for sure

share with Sup Forums user, do it for your brother anons

Proof you know each of them?

I went to St Micks

Just share and be done with it

no one has an idea who they are user, this is Sup Forums, share and tell stories, they are never real!

KNow the girls?

Don't recognise them, they are younger than me. I don't recognise them from Billingham, but look familiar though. Are they from Billingham or Norton?

Both Norton and Billingham. You on kik?


This is Emily from Liverpool.
Find her social media and I'll dump her nudes.


Post the stories then

Any proof you know these girls?

Nice a Slutton girl.

so howd you get to know her this well?

Only know Hannah, she went to Bede College too, heard a story she did a photo shoot for a friend who was doing photography or something for a project. The picture posted above is one of the tame ones. There were barely covered nude shots but then a female lecturer stepped in and caused a massive issue saying it was borderline pornography

You know the photographer and the other girl in the photo?

Leeds ?

Think he name is Jess but can't remember who the person photographing was. Just a student who knew them and asked them to help with the project


And this girl?



Nah you don't know them.

Can chat on here for me;

Any Sunderland / Durham??

I'm determined that one day there will be someone I know in one of these threads

Where you from?

Who is that one then?

girls I knew were on here once but I missed the thread and haven't seen them again.

Scotland - bellshill area

Hollie S man