Conversation with friend a few days ago

Conversation with friend a few days ago

>me "my sense of time is so fucked"
>friend "yeah same, time flies dude"
> me "for me it goes super fucking slow, ill think something happened a few years ago and really its only been half a year or some shit"
>friend "oh, that does sound trippy"
>me "right tho? Its like the saying "time flies when youre having fun" thing. Except its backwards"
> friend "maybe you ARE severely depressed lol" -joking tone-
>mfw i might be more depressed than i already thought

Feels thread

Definitely a unique opener to a feels thread, but at least it's not some "my gf fucked Tyrone" garbage.

>That feel when you love someone and they know it, but they never really give you an answer as to whether they like you too...

Fucking kill me
I just want to know if i have a chance or if i should let go


> Be me
> Be desperately trying to overcome my crippling loneliness
> I meet gril she's solid 7/10 (9/10) to me
> she likes anime
> she's super cool
> I talk to her
> we become friends
> I wanna date then marry her
> we text frequently
> she has a boyfriend
> I will defeat him and claim the prize
> she sends me a video of some kids by some train tracks
> stalker mode activate
> I pinpoint her exact home location and address from a 6 second long video
> start leaving coins at her porch in some attempt to give her gifts
> eventually start leaving candy
> she knows it's me oh fuck
> she thanks me
> I go to her house while her parents aren't home
> she answers the door and I come inside
> she shows me her pet chicken it's cool
> her grandmother is basically a vegetal don't mind her
> We hang out and exchange like 2 awkward hugs and a shitty handshake
> I leave
> I still love her
> she gives me money and makes me buy a maid outfit online
> I do as she says because I will do anything for her
> I end up owning a full maid outfit along with a wig
> she tells me to send pics of me in it to her
> I do
> she enjoys this greatly
> remember she's a total weeb and likes traps and lolis and shit
> I do a whole photo shoot (not releasing pics)
> while passes we talk occasionally and send eachother a bunch of hentai
> I surprise her and send her favorite type of hentai (bdsm and Lucina from fire emblem)
> she is happy and thanks me
> I am honored to do her a service
> god is this how you get into a relationship

Why did you put spaces after each ">"? It's bothering me.

It makes me feel better about my life knowing that I can be in control of this one thing

Holy what the what

I wont lie you caught my attention and i had to finish the story, you caught my attention.

But lowkey thats some funny shit, i wont judge you though i know the feel of doing anything for someone you love.
I dont really have any advice for that one though

I've never been in a relationship before and this is the closest thing I have

You're not allowed to anymore. Stop it.

Dubs checked

Yeah dude you try your hardest when its your first, i hope things go well for you.


god he's gonna kill himself when she turns out to be fucking tyrone.

She's dating a tall white baseball playing normie fuck

Can we start saying
>Black Chad

>Nigger chad

And I can't believe its not butter ;)

that's what chris humphries thought.



Slowly becoming a get thread i see

Friend of mine actually was contemplating suicide a while ago - he told me a few months later. Both of us had always joked about suicide and hating life.

We still do, because fuck it. We're so fucked it's almost funny. The job market has collapsed, and unlike the great depression, it isn't going to get better. Student loans are crushing our generation, and if you opted against student loans (and therefore a college education), you're up shit creek anyway. Every position you apply for will have 50 other people who actually do have degrees, applying alongside you.

The rich are getting exponentially richer, and we haven't seen income or wealth inequality this extreme since France. Before the revolution.

We're so fucked. We're just so fucked. Holy shit. Good thing I don't feel anymore.

>Be me
>drug addict since 14
>life slowly spirals out of control
>finally get my life together again
>meet this amazing girl who I help escape her abusive relationship and quit drugs together
>everything is perfect
>we love we dance she sucks me off while playing battlefield she is my first and last
>i propose
>one day she brings weed to my house
>we smoke
>several months later im doing cocaine in my college dorm
>psychosis has set in
>we breakup briefly because while i was having a psychotic break i thought she sucked her dad off
>she didnt
>we make up i propose to her again
>make a toast
>my dad walks in, puts his hands on me when i hadn't slept for four nights
>i break his wrist and chase him around the house with a hammer before being pulled off him by the cops
>end up going to the psych unit
>decide to quit drugs
>off to rehab
>she wont speak to me
>her parents force her to not speak to me
>she isolates and eventually goes back to her dads house where she uses drugs
>2 months later im out and in treatment where i have my phone
>i text her
>she says she cant stay with me
>shes going to rehab in california
>somethings wrong
>the next day i text her telling her ill be there for her no matter what even as a friend if need be
>im not losing her
>no read reply
>2 days later my therapist and friends sit me down
>shes dead
>i know its suicide
>probably would have went back to drugs and kill myself if i felt anything
>go to her funeral
>see her dead body
>lose my shit tears come for the first time
>i cant stop crying shes wearing that dress she always wore for me when she picked me up from the greyhound station
Our wedding date was last July. I'm still friends with her mom and her brother. I can't cry anymore, tears come to my eyes but theres nothing that comes out its been this way for awhile but it doesn't change. Sometimes i'm happy again but I've never felt the same way as did

im acctualy glad i never continued with drugs, im so fucking glad i never got stuck in it, fuck me this is depressing

I also have a group of friends and we all laugh constantly at how fucked everything is and "joke" about suicide, we all even have actually talked about when we would do it, were pretty fucked but all we can do is laugh at this point.

About the college thing, i think whats fucked is that even with a degree it doesnt help that much. What REALLY helps is if you have connections in the job youre trying to get, if you know the right people it helps dramatically more than anything else.
But i do agree loans and shit are fucking everyone

Dam user.. That's pretty sad

How did you deal with your loss?

I wouldn't start

Yeah well not everyone is as smart as you

AA and the like really helped with dealing with it. I'd like to say that I turned this into something better but the only thing that came out of it thus far was that i quit using drugs. It was the one thing that kept me going from suicide.
I was walking into traffic trying to get taken out but I realized how traumatic and unfair that was for the other people around me and especially the people that would have hit me.
I still think about committing suicide and being with her in the afterlife but my family and friends would be destroyed even more. Her moms hanging in there for me and im hanging in there for her ya know.
Tbh it was really just faking it for a long time and now im learning that i can make her old dreams my dreams and carry her with me.

same poster
I'm learning to embrace life and learn that while things wont ever be the same, and that ill never have her again... I can live a better life than before. But now that i'm out of all treatment for the first time and back in my old home i'm realizing that I'm not feeling better and I'm not really feeling that drive that I used to feel. I can do well, but I don't ever really feel well. I don't know what to do to change that. I'm on meds and that helps

I hope you get through this, user. Try and take your mind off of it and focus on other things in life. I'm pretty sure she'd want you to move on too..

I've found other relationships but they never amount to the same thing, I just chase what I had with her and I really thought she would be the one I married and I could see myself staying with her
I feel like I have moved on but not in the sense of forgetting about her forever. Shes always going to be a large part of my life and I don't know what I could do to move past this any more besides going into some relationship again and trying again
Just dont have the drive to try that again after my last ex

I meant, not forget her completely, just find someone else with a different set of qualities.
Sure her personality and her looks are something that you'll never forget, but sometimes life just fucks us in the ass.
Nice trips btw