I was at my local gun store in Comifornia and i came across a k98k Rc (Russian Capture) And bought it since it was...

I was at my local gun store in Comifornia and i came across a k98k Rc (Russian Capture) And bought it since it was cheap
>Fast forward 10 days later because of California hate gun rights and must wait 10 days) and i picked up the gun. My grandpa (who lives with us) was a former German wehrmacht soldier back in WWII and joined in 1940 was captured by the Russians after the battle of Stalingrad and sent to a camp but escaped in April and came to fight until 1945. ANYWAY i let him hold the rifle and he felt so nostalgic but then he realize this rifle due to the fact he scratch a cause he was a christian but it scratched it with a bullet but its crappy looking but granted he did it during the fight of Stalingrad. Any who i lend him a striper clip of 5 rounds to let him have his nostalgia and had so much fun with it but then he decided to aim at the Hillary Clinton picture my mom posted on the wall because she supports it. He aimed the gun at the picture and said "Besser du als ich, du kommunistische marrionette!" (For you Americans he said "Better you than I, Communist puppet!") and shot the fucking poster and went through the wall (pics for proof)
>Mfw i laugh my ass off but my grandpa prob has shell shock and was triggered by shillery.




The Russians should've killed him so he wouldn't have spawned the spawn that spawned you, whom spawned this shitpost.


OP thinks he an edgy ww2 gun collector just because he owns a K98k. Kys, faggot.

Should have cum shot it


who actually just has a picture taced up in the middle of a wall like this.
What kind of inbred retard are you that you would either fake this or be this fucking weird.

Put an 8x scope on it with some bullet loops bro

Just go out and shoot someone, put a swastica near the body. There you have something to write about newspaper

Also extended clip

well i have two 98k's, and a mosin, and a lee enfield, and a carcano. just need a garand and a springfield now to complete the set. don't want an arisaka, my dad had one and i didn't like it or the fucking slopes

what the fuck is an extended clip? i have to hear this explanation, this should be good

bullet loops? jesus

Probably the stupidest shit ive read today so far

fuckin fag kek

Pic of your grandpa or youre a cancerous twat that shot his own wall

And put clip holders on the sides and put some huge green and red lasers on it too.


>(Russian Capture)
yeah, right. from the looks of the wood, the bolt hole in the stock, the sling, the fact that it still has a front sight guard intact, i'm sure that's a russian capture. have you flubbed the bolt yet? you will.

its almost like you're retarded and don't understand greentext

>its almost like you're retarded and don't understand greentext
he's also retarded and doesn't understand mausers

Cool story, op

gun owners are pussies.


k98k Rc

Looks to small to be that cart.

Show hole in wall please.

Also when he shot it did the cosmoline fly out of the end of the barrel?

COD2 voice line. You are a liarfag op

Yup. Why else would they be so vocal about owning them. I tell them real men use their fists and they throw tantrums like a bitch everytime.