What happens when you take both pills at the same time?
What happens when you take both pills at the same time?
You become successful and live a life worth living without being a neet and having anxiety attacks about how selfish human cucks are.
Australia becomes a free country again
What about if you take neither?
I crush them in a morsel and snort it through a 500 euro bill.
you become a nationalist and a socialist
and it works fine as long as you dont try to invade russia
like some people...
I mean, if we're talking miracles,
Would that mean you bloody darkies can actually shit in a toilet? That'd be the day.
You overdose, and die. Then the jews win.
You'll become agnostic and will be trapped between the dimensions of reality and my little pony
You know it's the Jews. But you work hard and get a partner that also knows and ideally make more white babies.
You continue to shitpost.
They're gelcaps you moron you would have to dehydrate them first.
No way, they are hard candy.
You get to see how there's a red pill, how the guy who wants back into the Matrix eats red meat, how the little fag makes the program for the woman in the red dress, and other red herrings.
There is no way in any parallel that Switzerland doesn't know what "hard candy" is.
Most GTs are not worth turning to powder. Some junkies will shoot them from the cap. Taking both at once would likely best be done with warm water or piercing and mixing the liquid centers. Then eating the caps.
Then you need to poop the brown pill, shut down laptop and sleep quietly.
You enter the reincarnation chain, with every new life changing perceptions from red to blue and back; sansara and matrix basically become one.
So I assume it's kind of initiation process, which everyone had to do at one time.
The fuck is Saitama doing in that image?
you tell me
What if i were to
>take blue pill
>jump Morpheus and shove pill down his throat
Would Morpheus wake up in his bed?
you divide by zero
the pills were just a metaphorical check box senpai
no dumb fuck morpheus was already unlinkt
This happens