Hey Sup Forums

hey Sup Forums
any advise on how to last longer?
someone recommended me those gas station/sexshop pills. do they actually work? anyone tried them?
(pic kinda related, she's the gurl i fuck)


No, those pills are worthless. They're about as effective as a Flintstones gummy vitamin.
If you want to last longer, think nasty thoughts, change positions, just slow down until the sensation goes away.

Adderall or painkillers. I just started taking addy and i havent gotten laid for awhile but lets just say the next girl i fuck...her pussy is going to be sore

yeah, i tried thinking about shit and didn't work.
the problem is with this specific girl, i can only las about 6 mins with her.
regularly i last about 25 mins with other girls

masturbate beforehand. maybe like an hour or something if you know when its gonna happen.

The difference between a 5-minute fuck and a 50-minute fuck is all in the pacing. Just slow down. You don't need to jackrabbit that shit until you cum.

buy some weed and get high as fuck, its easy as shit to distract yourself then and you can fuck forever.

yeah, that worked a few times, but if i do that i can only last like 3 times max

need more pics of her to effectively give advice

Eat a balanced diet and exercise. Don't smoke. Always wear a seat belt or a helmet when it's appropriate. See your doctor regularly. Avoid risky behaviors.

You should last pretty long if you do these things.


Yeah do those things actually work or are they just placebos?


what do you want to see?

from that list...
i only exercise


I have the opposite problem. How do I not last as long?

Go multiple rounds

this. going slow doesn't make it any harder not to B U S T. just makes it more intense Lmao

No fap, no porn, don't touch your dick until the sex moment...

SO having sex surrounded by that dump is not enough? I would be so concentrated on looking for when a rat is gonna jump from all that garbage on the floor that I wouldn't be able to orgasm

boobs. face.

This is the bullshit. Kegels with men give them stronger errections, but tend to make them cum faster. Undisclosed possible side effect. Only ever heard about it after I was using kegels while performing physical therapy. Now I have to fight how fast I pop in the sack, fucking bastards.

kek, we never fuck in her room

Don't take pills or weird things like this. When I feel I'm not gonna last long, I just stop, change position or lick her. It will give you some more minutes. Do that 2 or 3 times and then you will last much longer. I don't know exactly why but it happens with me


People have literally been able to have dry orgasms by practicing kegels. Maybe you're just weak bruh

You aren't alone, I posted this in another thread.
>Hadn't had sex in a long time
>figured fuck it, I would go down my lists
>No one on facebook biting
>No one on skype either, not even camming.
>Go on steam, got a couple of girls there.
>hit up one girl, know shes fat and kinda meh looking but fuck it, can't be picky
>Messaging asking if she'd give up neck
>She said sure, gave me a spot to meet her at.
>Go to in and out
>Meet her, mexican girl, kind of a jew nose, frizzy ass hair
>chat a bit, remember she draws shit for Sup Forums
>chat about that, she shows me some art.
>Go to where shes parked, right next to my car.
>Her car is a Neon, fucked up, dirty, tons of junk in the back seat.
>She opens it, I sit in the passanger seat
>She drops to her knees and undoes my pants
>Fucking hard as a rock
>She strokes me a bit, leans down, slides her lips down my tip a bit.
>Suddenly nut hard in her mouth
>She giggles a bit and says "Gee, didn't think I was that good."
>She strokes me, keeps me hard.
>Pops her titties out, push up bra made em look nicer than they really were
>When I'm rock hard again, she leans down, getting a little past the head this time.
>Suddenly nut again her mouth, hard.
>She drinks it up and just giggles
>asks if I want to go to her place, embarassed as fuck so I tell her no, that I have to work.

oh my!
will need more of those legs boi!
Just slow down a bit, stop to eat some pussy or ass. that always helps me
if you really need to last long for one session of hardcore ramming, you can always take Viagra.
Only thing with Viagra is: you cannot feel shit, it feels like your dick doenst even belong to you

I haven't had a dry orgasm since I was 12 and I want to again

>fuck skinny girls for along time
>can just keep going and going
>can only cum when shes on her stomach and i fuck her and cum on her back

but then

>fuck a chubby chic
>cum in seconds
>pretend the condom sucks and want to take a break and lost boner
>fuck her again in 20 min
>cum in seconds

i guess it just feels different?

Jerk off 10 times or do kegels and keep it in

Now I'm confused. I thought too much fapping caused erectile dysfunction. Now you're implying it causes premature ejaculation.

Being able to orgasm with no pussy at all, how do you think it's going to escalate when your balls deep in wet hot pussy? And it's not everyone that experiences this side effect, I've already said that. Just throwing it out there for info to all the random fucks trying to find advice on the Internet.

This isn't that hard actually. You have to stop just before you have an orgasm. If you time it right, you'll ejaculate but not actually have an orgasm.

Read the question he's answering again user

That's called a ruined orgasm. A dry orgasm is when you orgasm without cumming. It's basically a way for males to have multiple orgasms

Oh right, I forgot the last part. You then just continue to fap and you have the dry orgasm.

think about the most mundane task.. make a to do list in your head.

works everytime AND my next day is organized...

now let's see her face and boobs

Pussy pic user?

No, I want to tremble and have a full body orgasms for hours again

Take ginseng, a bottle full at cashwise costs 6 dollars for 50 tabs and makes your body naturally produce more energy and improves endurance