She lost her little angle today

She lost her little angle today.
Don't you feel terrible Sup Forums it's guys like you who bully girls like this to death you bullied her little angle

Other urls found in this thread:

Seems like her problems were acute...

Man some people really are obtuse

"dur hur someone made a spelling miSTAKE TOU FUCKIJG IDIOT"
Seriously though, fuck off

High fucking five man

Fuck off


It was only right...

I walk 360 degrees and turn out of here

Shit, 2 minutes too late to make the obtuse joke.

I feel a straight loser.

god this made me do a 360 and rethink my life.


I don't think someone like that killed themselves, somebody had to be guilty of third degree murder.

this is now a triangle thread.

Real shit.



TL;DR: Nobody fucking cares. I'm gonna go drink myself to sleep now. Anyone care to join me?

I'm baking a pizza right now gimme like 10 mins

What's your poison user?

That is a very particular set of skills you have there. Mine are better.

The Weak should fear the strong
If she is not stable enough for some words on the internet, she needs to die

Why neck ya self and ruin the lives of those who love you just cause some pricks said some shit to you over and over. yea it gets to you but fuck sake stop being so selfish

Some Cuban stuff

This is why my kids aren't going to public school in America.


>sticking a frozen pizza in an oven


Lol idk why I laughed so much


those slices are cut with perfect angles


Kys reddit normie

The opinion of an Apeman is not relevant
Even if he is right this one time

what angle should triangle have to make it rest easy for it's 3 angles?

That's just a reflex

Bullied for what being hot girls are stupid af

people obsessed with spelling are the ones with no substance so they get lost in the are putrid