Sup Sup Forums it's my birthday and I'm stuck at fucking work. And broke on top of that

Sup Sup Forums it's my birthday and I'm stuck at fucking work. And broke on top of that......
Stuck somewhere between living and hating my job .....

Let's have a age/wage thread.

I'll start
28 years old.
Homeless shelter asst manager

suck it up you ungrateful faggot, at least you have a job

Software engineer
$125000 a year

Why unemployable?

$20.02/hr? How are you homeless?

Why are you unemployable ???

What? No I manage a homeless shelter

Ohhhh hahahaha, Ok, i gotcha now.

Happy birthday OP, you have excellent taste in pornstars.

Full time Security/Full time student

But with my GI bill money I do breddy gud. Wife just had our first baby on Tuesday, so that's neat.

Congrats fam. Big step I know I'm not ready for kids lol I can't even keep a fucking house plant.

Also fuck yea proxy is so fucking hott. I'm weird about it cause she kinda looks like an ex of mine.

Happy birthday OP, hope you have a good one.

Cinema host

Fucking wage slaving indeed. I love the job though.

Thisbinsane chick is in the corner writhing like she's possessed and screaming very strange things. But other than that I'm good

The idea of fucking any porn star disgust me, but if I were to do it, it'd be Proxy, hands down. I've been wrecking my dick to her for years

Sounds like a good time. Do the street shits ever try to sell you shit? Have you ever gotten a 20 dollar blow job from a diseased drifter?

>Contract Technical IT Project Manager
> $120,135 and 150/hr (depending on client) Billed ~$350k last year

I work with a lot of mentally ill people and heavy drug users. The thing about the shelter I run is it's called a wet shelter. So we don't permit drugs on site he we don't have a sobriety requirement like many of the other shelters around here. This lady. Here just had sever spine surgery at the same time she's relapsing back into heroine. So her heavy pain killers and heroine together are doing a real number on her. She has zero motor function or complex cognition. She just flops around moaning and screaming random words.

Dude $20 an hour is decent. Around here minimum is $9-10

Happy birthday by the way

Ew. Jesus no. However it always makes me sad to see gorgeous young 18 year old QTs winding up in here with total dirt bags. Dragging them into the world of drugs and failure. Sigh


>and heroine together are doing a real number on her. She has zero motor function or complex cognition. She just flops around moaning and screaming random

psychiatry resident 3rd of 4 years
65k per year (will go up to ~180k per year once graduate)

i feel for u bro, i send all my patients to shelters, and the like least coveted psychiatry job is working as a shelter psychiatrist

Also Happy Birthday. Mine was two days ago.

> male prostetute (its legal where i live)
> depends on unatractiveness of client, but anywhere between 500-3000 per evening 1-2 evenings / week

Fuck yea. Our resident psychiatric advisor is this really funny brittish woman who's been doing this so long I was almost caugh off guard by her really Dark sense of humor about it all. She's super frank and not afraid to tell someone the hard facts. Not like most counselors ive seen.

Love it!

I need this to be my life

Enlisting in the Marines

23 years old

Happy birthday

Technician Associate

Lern to hyphen, spoof-cookie.


I'll learn advanced grammar when you learn basic grammar

>Mechanical engineer

Just finished University, should increase quite a bit soon.
Happy B-Day OP