Home alone

>home alone
>parents over 2000km away
>taking care of sisters dog
>steps on neck accidentally while high
>100kg vs 10kg

What do I do? help me faggots

Did it died?

Post proofs

Yes very much. I want to buy a new one that's identical but it's expensive as hell and I'm a brokefag atm

You really couldn't have killed any less expensive breed of a dog?

First thing to do is learn how to estimate weight - rat dogs are not 10kg.

Next chuck that shit in the river and say it ran away.

Probably wouldn't work anyway. Girls can somehow recognize their own rat dog.

>Dispose of dog
>Tell sister dog ran away
>Put up a few Lost Dog posters in neighborhood
>Act broken up over it

Just tell the truth man do what's right

Problem is she turned muslime, and she hates me for getting high, she will know and she will tell my parents(mom knows, stepdad don't, and he shouldn't, really)

She was cool before she turned muslime :(

5-7kg then I don't know


Not this

Get another dog that looks very much like your sister's dog. Name it the same. Spend time training it, bonding with it, getting it to know its name. Treat it really well so that it likes you alot before your sister gets home. When your sister gets home, say you had a great time taking care of [retarded dog name], but that he/she/it has been acting really weird ever since [sister] left. Actually, maybe it was since you took it to that dog park. Maybe it's-- No, you couldn't possibly have brought back the wrong dog. Surely the other owner would notice. Surely the other person would notice that they have YOUR SISTER'S FUCKING DOG. Holy crap. Post notices. Find that dog.

You have not taken the life of your sister's dog; you have give your sister's life purpose.

Pro tip: the shelter where you get the new dog may call to follow up. Make sure your sister doesn't get that call. Don't ask me how I know.

Muslims cannot have any contact with dogs without going through lengthy cleansing rituals.
She is not muslim.

Your life is over. Leave a letter behind describing the accident then move to a new state and never talk to your family again.

>Sister joins terrorist cult
>Thinks a dead rat dog is the problem

Get your priorities straight son

Well then you shouldn't have gotten high looking after the rat dog.

You're a piece of shit and your family deserves to understand what a piece of shit you are so they can disown you before you eventually end up ruining the few things you've managed not to yet. Save them the embarrassment.

She believes that she is, and she is about to get married in that belief very damn soon

I keep stumbling upon paradoxes when she tells about the religion, cause she don't know what the fuck it's about(neither do I)

Admit it, we're all a disgrace here if you see it from that perspective dipshit

You've seen weekend at burnies right?

No, or well maybe, I recognize that stupid face at the right

this shit writes itself

Nah I know when to get high so as to not fuck up this hard.

Maybe you're just an actual embarrassment to your friends and family like OP.

Basically there friend gets killed and they make it look like he's still alive . So all you have to do is......yea your fucked user. Just tell her some nigger stole it or something.

>implying Sup Forums ever believed in morals
/r9gay/ is calling

Sounds like most people who claim to be religious.

Muslims don't deserve nice dogs.

Honor kill her real quick for something slutty she did while younger, or any other offense to your honor that you can think of.

If shes a muslim now, she'll understand.