She just want to show her new haircut

She just want to show her new haircut

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Haha yes "just want" like other same bitch.
Moar please ?

of her hair or her ass?

her haircut is boring, her ass not

well I also like her hair tbh

maybe, its okay.
but the hairCUT is nothing special

true but her ass isnt special too, just abit "fatter" then the normal ones

but its nicely shaped


have you got more ?

yes like 200 pics of her but i need to rest now

show us 15 and go to sleep
otherwise you'll have very bad dreams

>She just want to show her new haircut

Gorgeous. I wish she had a better camera.

She just want to show her new haircut

which hair ?

more of her

back on notebook

so go on

i dont have acces to my wankbank from here

so what ?

so ill jizz in my pants but wont post more sorry

tell her she is fat.
she will cry herself to sleep tonight

why ?

for the lulz
also she will try to please you and be more beautiful for you. i bet she only gets to hear how hot she is.

well i fucked her bcs i told her how beautifful she is lol

sending someone pics of your cock is not fucking someone

haha you got me - not

well whatever. pics or it didn't happen mate. wanna see that ass out of those pants. i am sure it is fatty wobbly wobbly then

Stop lying.
You told her how beautiful she is, in your mind. Have you even talked to er?

i cant proof it anyway so it dont make sense to argue.

come on you got some nice nudes if you were a winner

you can't English, so no sense arguing.

I know one thing, telling a pretty girl she is pretty have never gotten anyone laid.

you posting more of her or not

i already told i wont.

please learn English.

whos that fuckface ?
OP is back

i wanna feel that fingernails on my dick and see her titties bounce

guess her age





So a woman can not be proud of her hair and ass?

nop, getting warmer



>Downgrading your hair by making it wavy.

is that a Bingo ?!

Now i gonna rest for real. Good Night.

sleep tight

what about the Bingo ?

you dont thave to go to bed, thats a swedish girl

shes german