Decide to finally try "discordapp" and see what it's about

>decide to finally try "discordapp" and see what it's about

>think maybe it's not like irc and everyone is active and fun and doesn't complain about everything

>full of bots and mods that edit, delete, and automatically delete your messages

>chat in a chat room

>get banned for chatting too much in a chat room

it's like i'm really on irc!!

remember when that happened in real life?!!

remember when someone was abused and killed for talking too much?!!

you have more freedom and fun "in real life" now than you do on the internet.

completely ruining the original purpose for going on the internet.

>no fun

>my face when you get banned for chatting in a chat room and everyone is fucking retarded

bumping for replies







What are you, thirty or something?

discord if for extroverted autistic people basically, very annoying experience


welcome to net 2.0 courtesy of generation gay

Same fag more

Thanks for the colors m8

What are you, ten or something?

yeah. but they're children that whine for using a chat room as a chat room.

thank you

New fag more


Welcomes for the colors m8

Know why it sucks? Because normies. A flood of normies diluted all our cool little free internet communities and imposed their normie rules on us. Now if you want it to feel like the old days you have to find a small niche community that's active.
My discord is hardly moderated at all and it feels a lot like a dive bar.

Nope. I'm old enough to use this site but not old enough to complain about things that are popular while referencing obsolete technology.


>It being less free and "new" means it's automatically better.

You're an idiot, newfag.

Nope. I'm old enough to use this site but not old enough to complain about things that are popular while referencing obsolete technology.

Ah. Because cancer. Cancer. I may have one but I can't do anything with them right now because of reasons.
Well I would like to do things my own way bu thank you for the offer.

>Putting words into my mouth
Kill yourself summerfag.

>Putting my fist in your mouth
Kill yourself cancerfag.

>Putting my dick into your ass
I laughed, but you're still a fag.

>Putting my dick in your mouth
I lol'd, but you're still a faggot

That's what you get for joining normie servers.

if god is real, why do you think he made you such a faggot?

That's what I get for joining cancer servers.

Is there a difference?


Just stay with IRC. Discord sucks hard.