I have a really strange medical problem. I was wondering if anyone here could help me out?

I have a really strange medical problem. I was wondering if anyone here could help me out?

I'll post in detail shortly

Ok, I'm waiting.

I experience a huge amount of nausea whenever I work. I will rock up to work on my first day, feeling fine. I'll work for a bit before being struck down with nausea and I have to go home sick otherwise I vomit violently or will pass out

This only happens at work. It has happened at least 8 different times, over a wide variety of jobs. Taking anti nausea medication and benzos hasn't done anything to stem it

What do i do? I work at the moment, I managed to get a job through nepotism where I don't actually do anything but it's starting to become too much and I'm getting sick again

I'm asking here because I can't really afford much medical help (because I can't work pretty much) even if someone could help me save money by giving some advice which would save one or two consultation visits that would be great

Sounds like anxiety. Do you dislike your job?

Where exactly do you work?

Sounds psychosomatic. You probably have some kind of anxiety or panic attack because you realize subconsciously or otherwise that you're in over your head. You go into fight or flight mode over the stress of it all. You should consider finding another place to work, preferably somewhere where you feel like you've earned it.

Withdrawal symptoms of some sort maybe?

you're just pretending to be sick in order to go home

It has happened nearly 10 times

Places where it has happened and I've gotten fired or kind of became apparent my employment there wasn't prosperous include bricklaying, machining, working in a warehouse, working at a chemist

All doing mundane stuff. Typical first day stuff

Yeah that's purely psychological. I always feel sick and exhausted in the last couple hours before I have to leave for work. Once I get there it goes away though. Haven't found a solution.

I have no addictions

I experience no symptoms of anxiety disorders
I managed to hold down a job at McDonalds for 5 years growing up, only noticed this when I left to get a big boy job and this happened, rinse repeat at 10 different jobs to where I work now. Which is alright, I don't do much but it's slowly starting to really effect me

Anyone point in the direction of sorting this out or knowing what is wrong with me

This whole thread is people pointing in that direction.

It's psychosomatic.

In other words, it's all in your head, and you should get over it.

pretty hard to figure out whats going on.
first of all dont trust retards who say its psychosomatic.
there is not a single scientific evidence that psychosomatic disorders exist. its just some scientology shit that got pushed into medical society.
psychosomatic disorders is just the other way of medicals saying "i dont know and dont care"

maybe you eat something when you go to work that you wouldn't eat at home?
food allergies etc.?
chemical sensitivies? are you working at places that use some kind of chemicals?

Try saying prayers

Eat a dick you faggot

Thank you. I'm well aware, wasn't biting into it. Blood sugar levels are fine, have a test kit because mum is a diabetic. No food allergies, the range of jobs I've worked is too wide for it to be chemicals or anything, no chemicals in a chemist shop (the part selling perfume and chips) none in a warehouse storing fishing rods

>Eat a dick you faggot


Possibly cyclical vomiting syndrome but I'm no doctor. I got something similar called cannabanoid hypermesis syndrome which is just Cyclical vomiting syndrome caused by smoking too much weed. What you have sounds similar to mine

I'll give it a look. Get off the stuff, no good for you

someone is poisoning you with a directed energy weapon
you are probably being gangstalked
have you noticed that you are being followed around during your daily activities?

Yeah when I stopped smoking for like a week it subsided

I have. Thank you

It's likely anxiety or stress about going to work
It can cause nausea

whats about blood pressure and heart rate?

maybe its a orthostatic issue? are u sitting most of the time in your free time and standing at work?

Laying down usually. Can play a game of basketball fine though. Bp and heart rate usually a tiny bit high

Also same guy I don't know how your insurance is, but maybe consider an upper/lower endoscopy to check out what's going on in there. At the very least it could rule out a lot of different things for the doctors

Australian. So probably no cost to me. Only ever happens at work so I think it might not be that

Well good luck I hope everything gets worked out user.

Can confirm. I get very nauseaus in stressful situations to the point where I've vomited a couple of times because of stress. I learned to accept it though.