Why does people hate G. Soros? He is a holocaust survivor who worked himself up to become a billionaire, started a think-tank named after Karl Poppers book, and is a great inspiration to all wanna-be-billionaire-by-speculating
Why does people hate G. Soros? He is a holocaust survivor who worked himself up to become a billionaire...
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Black Lives Matter and Femen
>holocaust survivor
probably that's why
most people like them better when they don't
Make way, posting a superior Jewish globalist billionaire
Because he is globalist scum looking for worldwide open borders. He supports ending the sovereignty of all nations on Earth, including, maybe especially, the US of A.
Go ask Sup Forums though
this is now an uncle Icahm thread
>superior jew coming threw
>implying that schlemiel can hold a menorah to me
That clay dreidel was born into sheckels. Icahn literally came from nothing. Probably the last true activist investor out there and a billionaire solely off his wise investments
>mfw billionaires claim they are activists
I am so, so angry about inequality and injustice. Shame on you.
lol Icahn has saved more companies than Bernie Sanders' good ideas combined. But he'd still find a way to make college kids hate him, for sure
Companies are evil. If you were smart enough to study gender studies you would know this. Shame on you.
someones got to pay for all those supporters bernie
what about solar companies?
I want to start a think-tank named after John Popper's song "Hook"
They are better than most companies but they would be even better if they were run by the government.
Because he donates his money to liberal lobbying associations not conservative ones. That's literally it.
>Jewish family
>came from nothing
Yes goy, great man indeed. Don't forget to get enough sleep for work Monday morning.
He pays people to riot and destroy property. It's not political
>He is a holocaust colaborator who worked himself up to become a billionaire, started a think-tank committed to destroying western civilization, and is a great inspiration to all men who wish to watch the world burn
The only state Soros thinks should have borders is Israel.
I guess he realized during the holocaust how terrible human beings are, and decided to not give a fuck ever and give up his morality. Can't hate 2bh
you think he gives a fuck about israel?
I guess because he accumulated enough power to make an impact on the world and is exercising it. You can't blame him for having an opinion of how things should be and pushing for it. If you had that much power, you'd also be pushing your agenda upon the world.
>If you had that much power, you'd also be pushing your agenda upon the world.
Yeah, my agenda would be to bring peace to humanity without violence.
Depends on whether you think chaos and destruction is an 'agenda' or just the political equivalent of shitposting. At least had some sort of world order arguments to back up his plotting and scheming.
If you look where he funds groups, they're often minorities that can be seen as disenfranchised. But he does nothing for Israeli Arabs, or African Israelis.
It's the one place he doesn't seem to be trying to create the open society.
dunno man all i can say personally i wouldn't be the man i am today without soros and his foundations. his money started me down on my path and a lot of other guys can say the same. i don't have any sympathy for these sjw shits and i don't like the jews, but shit is never black and white.
However, you don't know what his end goals are and just assume them to be whatever they appear to be from your narrow viewpoint.
>Yeah, my agenda would be to bring peace to humanity without violence.
Well, that's naive to the point of retardation.
>Well, that's naive to the point of retardation.
Sure m8, whatever you say. Because we MUST kill each other to survive kek..
No, but as long as resources are limited, we will definitely kill each other for them. And even afterwards, we will still kill each other for other ends, such as pleasure, power and other competitive reasons.
>However, you don't know what his end goals are and just assume them to be whatever they appear to be from your narrow viewpoint.
He's publicly written and stated he supports the ideas of the open society, and that society will be better when all members of it are represented in leadership.
It really isn't a stretch that he is for removing whites from positions of power, and giving that power to minorities.
>publicly written and stated he supports the ideas of the open society
as he has a right to.
femen does more damage than good for his cause i guess that is why they got ditched.
i believe in open society i just don't believe in forcing it can result in anything good or not catastrophic. when cultures mix too suddenly it will be violent shitfest every fucking time.
It's ok for him in his ivory tower to give the recent immigrant populations in Britain more power so they can bring ever more of them in. But tell that to the women of Rotherham. He preaches something he has no part of.
or maybe he has his eyes on the long game and sees this only as a very short painful period of trouble we must overcome sooner or later anyways. who knows. when you look at human history from a perspective a few shit decades are nothing compared to what's in front of us.
but i agree, people shouldn't push dangerous agendas that they are immune to. "beats the nettle with someone elses dick" is what we call it around here.
>Pumped and dump england
>Crashed the malaysian market
>Destabilized eastern europe
>Inciting riots in america for the last 50yrs
>Funding terrorist groups
>Bought millions of shares in guns/ammo while having his political puppets saber rattle 'gun control'
Holocaust survivor? As in "I ran to England, the country I fucked over later, and never saw a day of fat camp" holocaust survivor?
Soros trades on insider info like all the other meme investors like cuban and buffet.
all the ones that consistently outperform the market you can bet you ass work on insider info.
Insider trading is small time for these guys.
>buffet getting his puppet obama to put oil pipeline into litigation hell so buffet can keep his oil transport train monopoly
How'd you get soros' money?
it was used for my school to get computers for education purposes i first learned programming on those, later on they sold the computers to those interested at fraction of the market price it is how i got my first personal computer. shit changed my life most likely. i work as software engineer and make pretty good money on my way to crawl up into the first 1% from the first 2%.
which organization bought the computers?
soros foundation or something
or the school bought them after they won a foundation tender i can't tell it was so many years ago. but it was understood the money came from g. soros.
>trying to put us on the road to a civilization2.0
>hated by the world
because he's a greedy FUCKING jew
whilst he's there inserting money up his crinkled asshole we've got white jihadists in Northern Ireland, bomb attacks in European capitals and drug smuggling in central and South America
So you have no idea, but someone mentioned the name George Soros in connections with the computers and now you attribute your present day success to him?
Soros is actively funding rapefugee invasion (and groups associated with it) into Europe.
He should be shot on the spot.
I cant wait for old cunt to drop dead.
He's the reason people name the Jew.
He's an inspiration to people who want to make money but he uses it to commit Jewery
I don't get it either, user. Somehow he became the bogeyman of the right.
Which is funny, given that his Open Society initiative was initially directed against the USSR - back when Poland was behind the Iron Curtain, and the whole Solidarity movement literally ended communism.
Soros is fine by me. Kicked off the collapse of communism. Made a billion bucks fucking with the Bank of England for the lulz. Both qualify him as a God-tier capitalist by the standards of the Reaganite/Thatcherite revolutions; how anyone can seriously (read: without political motivations) accuse him of being leftist is beyond me.
These bait posts really need to up their game.
You know the book "Brave New World" where the global party got into power by destroying an significant cultural monuments and culture in general to create unification?
That's what Soros is doing.
i don't know the details because i was a child you dumb cunt but everybody knew where the money came from. pretty sure if it wasn't true the teachers would say so you cant just claim you bought shit and not give actual money to anyone shit doesn't fly. nigga was famous for doing these charities.
>I take everything at face value and never question anything. George Soros took me to Fry's and bought me a computer with his personal checking account
He distabalizes work currencies to make a quick buck, to which the us spends millions of dollars for relief efforts. Or there will just be some form of bloody revolution. Regaurdless he's a bad egg.
>Bernie Sanders
Another communist kike, why do people even give him the time of day? Especially considering he spent his entire career without achieving a single bill of any sort of value (he did pass some re-naming bill or some bullshit).
you are seriously retarded, nobody ever would say "hey soros gave me money" if he didn't. the fuck what kind of retarded world you live in where advertising is free?
> holocaust survivor
>who worked
>Civilization 2.0
Our definitions of civilization differ. Personally, I don't consider being a pig bred for slaughter in the biggest pen in the world, to be a particularly attractive future. We need less government, not more.
Being shot would be too kind for this rat. He should be drawn and quartered, or at the very least burned alive.
Nobody realistically calls him a leftist. He's a globalist. They're their own faction, if you have to see it that way. The "left" happens to contain the most useful tools right now, so that's why he funds it. If you wanted to further the decay of western civilization, would you support the ones that wanted to preserve it, or the ones that wanted to destroy it? That's why he's seen as a supporter of the "left".
anyways i can't find the exact tender info it was long time ago like in the 90's but around $140 million was distributed via tenders from soros foundation alone for similar projects in my country.
i don't know how much of that went to sinister purposes to bring down the western civilization, but mostly what i find is educational institutes received it for stuff they couldn't afford.
>in my country
Fucking knew it. On a scale of 1 to Zimbabwe, how dark is your skin and how many rapists did Soros let you bring with you to Europe?
The bigger question is why isn't anyone talking about Sheldon Adelson? Literally doing the same shit but for conservative causes. I guess rich Jews are only an issue when they help niggers
>destroying black neighbourhoods and burning down black-owned stores
>helping niggers
Fuck off, George. It's not a liberal/conservative thing. We're trying to have a fucking society here.
>holocaust survivor
He WORKED for the nazis. He was (as a jews) taking the jewelry of jews getting in concentration camps.
Also he said on tv (find on yt) that it was a "very enriching experience" and that he "regret nothing".
Kike paid for by Soros pls go
Your kike bucks attempting to manipulate the American public isn't going to work
>holocaust survivor
You do realize most of us on this board are Jewish right?
Rothschilds made Soros
Hey guys, what's going on in this thread?
oh, you know. jew stuff
Carl Icahn would literally curb stomp George Soros
Humanity cannot function in the idealist way these people envision. It's better for the world to be made up of countries(teams) to keep the game of R&D moving forward.
He is Mr Burns
Thread #2 to be moved
White people are to us Jews what niggers are to them
>m-m-master race
>fucking Jewish oppressors
he's a tax avoider, unethical piece of shit. there's more to life than money.