So medfags, got a question. Girlfriend got an ectopic pregnancy and they had to surgerly remove it. Well since then...

So medfags, got a question. Girlfriend got an ectopic pregnancy and they had to surgerly remove it. Well since then, sex has hurt her really bad, getting laid once every 2 months if lucky. just touching the penis to entry way hurts her(and im average size), we tryed to have sex sunday and i ended up having to finish with her blowing me, couldnt even put it in. and we dont have time/money to go to doctor, what could cause this?

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Do anal. Pussy is disgusting.

>What could cause this?
It's a longshot but maybe her recovering from surgery??!

found the gayfag

Not gay but I would have sex with most animals.

Problem is, i cant get her to do anal, tryed. she doesnt like it.

She found the perfect excuse to not have sex with you because she secretly blames you for the ectopic pregnancy and everythign else that's wrong with her life.

Welp, i thought that as well, however this happened back in december.

Get that pussy looked at again. Two months is more than enough time. Maybe some dumbass left scissors in there or something.

Just touching her vaginal opening hurts? She's bullshitting you. she wants whatever benefits she gets from being "your" girlfriend while she goes to hook up with that douchebag she told you "not to worry about" to get her nut. Time to find a new one.

Like i said, hard to get the time off for her, and money for it, shit aint cheap man XD

Quite possible.
I wondered that, but now, the pain in the opening comes after a bit, to be honest, it feels like her pussy is too tight(lol i know), and i think thats what hurts her at first. Then agitation over time does the entry way.

Would depend where the ectopic was and what surgical approach they took to get it out.

if it was an abdominal lap then I'm not sure why her vagina hurts, that shouldn't really happen. If any of the surgery involved the main uterine cavity then she could have developed some adhesions that could in theory involve the cervix (although they shouldn't have had to go near the cervix).

Tubal surgery can cause abdominal adhesions too, which could cause some pain during sex, but really unless she's had surgery on her vaginal canal there's no good reason why she should be getting pain when you just put the tip in, unless your cock is like 2 feet long and 12 inches across.

I don't see how the surgery could cause that, so I'd investigate other causes. Infections, endometriosis (unlikely with just the tip), cancer, atrophic vaginitis or lubrication issues, or, by exclusion (whether or not caused by teh surgery) she could have develoepd vulvodynia (diagnosis of exclusion, basically a regional pain syndrome, not common).
I'd give consideration to what this user said , or this one Sorry bruh

t. Surgical Registrar

Oh, you sweet, summer child.

I was afraid of that. They made three insictions, one at belly button, 2 down below and off to each side of her belly button, but i dont know for sure how they did it.

Been around for way too many years...

If you dont act quick and put that bitch on her place, you will be dealing with shit like this all the time, you will become a sex begger.

Trust me, close to saying fuck it all and taking what i want...

Suggest she go see a doctor if you can get the cash (lol Americlaps).


If it's purely a medical issue, then she'll happily go along with the suggestion. Any hesitancy will suggest it's not purely medical, and then you should start giving thought to some of the other user's suggestions.

i.e if she's not keen on the idea she probably doesn't want a doctor to tell her there's nothing medically wrong because she knows there's nothing medically wrong.

On a side note, does she used contraception?

If not, any changes in period frequency, heaviness, pain? Any pain when urinating? Any history of urinary tract infections? Either of you ever had STIs? Have you got any symptoms at all? Been tested recently? Is there any suggestion of a lubrication issue when you bone?

Thought about that as well.

Yes she uses bc, no, no, yes, no, no, i havent, but she has been tested when they did the test(but i only slept with her), yes, we use astroglide sometimes.

Which was the yes to?

Also what's bc? (Bongland reporting in)

I'm inclined to think this is not a medical issue senpai

bc birth control pill, yes on unirary tracts

Look at this

My partner suffers this. It could be temporary. It can be a long journey to recovery. There are physio exercises to try and regain control.

How long has it been since the surgery? I don't have a vagina so I don't know what it feels like. But I did have three hernia surgeries about 11 years ago and it still hurts if you tug on my dick too hard.

You mean 2hu?