I am a non-Human being that was not born on Earth - An Extraterrestrial

I am a non-Human being that was not born on Earth - An Extraterrestrial.

Ask me anything, Sup Forums, this is your once chance.

Show feet

Are humans genetically engineered?

Do your people rape a lot?

My feet looks similar to yours, except in color.


No. My people lack genitalia and reproduce asexually.

Why come to this backwards ass planet? Religious nuts have been killing each other for 2,000 years now, people that make important decisions don't believe science, etc.

We have invested in the Human race, not financially, but emotionally.

Fuck off Asari

do aliens also have traps?

also are traps gay?

I am not Asari.

When can we expect hot alien sex tourism?

No. No.

My kind do not engage in sexual reproduction. You can expect that we will not bring this idea in fruition.

You think it's any different on an alien planet? The universe has too many unanswerable variables that spirituality among sentient beings smart enough to communicate is gauranteed

I'm an autist with a life's worth of analyzing and mimicking emotions. I'll share everything I know. Come pick me up, I want to leave!

Tits or gtfo

How do you know what I meant if you're an alien? Aliens shouldn't even have the time or desire to fucking play mass effect

>My kind do not engage in sexual reproduction.
I'm not talking about your kind specifically.

Hey alien can you fuck off and only come back when you've got hot alien babes that actually do enjoy fucking? Thanks

Do you look like pic related? Also, do you know why certain people evolved to look different (europeans africans asians)? Was it evolution, or once again, alien interference?


Topkek Incel Alien

Dude, you know Mass Effect was a US government funded social experiment to train humans to accept extraterrestrial life, right? They probably helped develop it.

Nothing that you know could possible cause any of my kind to feign interest.

Spirituality is different from religion.

I assure you, you haven't any interest in my "tits" but I won't "gtfo".

I have high doubts that you will consider any of the beings of the collective council to be "attractive" sexually.

I look quite similar. Humans evolved different phenotypes due to geographic location, genetic manipulation to ensure survival, and natural selection.

This kind of thought is humorous.

Has your kind niggers too?

>government develops mass effect
>clanky shitty awkward game

What does this mean?

>Nothing that you know could possible cause any of my kind to feign interest.
Dammit. Pick me up for fun then? I'm a fun guy to hang out with! I'll bring pot and booze!

We have prisoners, who are imprisoned for the crime of refusing to share knowledge.

Thank you.

A self proclaimed autist does not sound fun. Even if you have marijuana and alcohol.

Don't know. Polybius was a crappy game too. Maybe they need a specific kind of people to play them or something.

>A self proclaimed autist does not sound fun. Even if you have marijuana and alcohol.
It's the beer that makes me fun!

are there plans to reveal yourselves through media?
is your species still operating the economy with a concept like our money?

>I have high doubts that you will consider any of the beings of the collective council to be "attractive" sexually.
Human perversion knows no limits.

Dude, count me in if there's tentacles and shit!

Hey I wanna see you guys too. Can't you guys just pick me up, show me your spaceship and then send me back home? I'm a sad boy and experiencing this would fulfill my life-long wish of seeing extraterrestrials.

Dude, I'll share some of my pot and booze while we're there! Super fun!

There is a plan. Allow me to elaborate.

The US Government has a deal with the Ashtar Command to conceal all evidence of ET life. This deal expires soon! The US Government will "announce" ET life, but it will be a staged event to draw fear from the humans, and engage in further war and conquest.

It will be proclaimed that "the aliens" can "inhabit" the brains of humans, and this will be used as an excuse for mass genocide, the likes your planet has not seen for over seventy years.

You would not believe how many humans meditate on this thought.

Do they have spell check where you come from

>once chance

Shut the fuck up you cringy bastard. I imagine you look like Chris Pratt before the weight loss. Punchable with a shit eating grin

You say this on an anonymous message board, but in the face of a non-Earth being who has traveled millions of light years for the sole purpose of ravaging your prostate, I'm sure you would decline.

Soo is that a "no"?

I apologise if my human English is not up to standards. I speak all languages on Earth.

interesting. can you answer my second question?
is your species still operating the economy with a concept like our money?

Speak an ancient forgotten human language.

Know serbian?

We do not use money.

Hey Faggots Zeus here,

Alien fuck off.

No fucking way you know serbian though, even if you are an alien.

The god of lightning?

Show us a picture even a blurry one of your hands or any body part for that matter.

Also how are you using the internet? Surely not through a regular computer

Grand architect of universe (GOD)- Yes or No?

do jew exist on your planet?

Remember ALF? He's back! In Sup Forums-Form!

Sand nigger?

Fuck off space niggers, we're full.
You can chill on the moon if you want.


Conas atá tú?

Do you suck dicks OP??

Auer fajter dej ban an hamel, gelejgt banne den nom, deb kjillhm, den wal ban fet..

See if you recognize this!



I do not have access to a digital camera to capture images in a format recognizable by your browser. I am currently orbiting your planet.

In a manner of speaking.

Your moon is already inhabited.

Táim go maith


>I'm sure you would decline.

What was it like when kratos stabbed you with your own blade

Your "Human" English? What?

>once chance

So you've mastered FTL travel but you can't learn the proper grammar of one language on some backwater planet.

Okay then.

This may sound confusing, but English was invented by humans.

How absurd of me, making a grammatical mistake in a monkey's language. I hope they don't notice!

Is your race a bunch of steers and queers op?

>Táim go maith
Now tell me which one of these words is the pronoun of the sentence.

Hajde da pričamo na srpskom, onda.

>Auer fajter dej ban an hamel, gelejgt banne den nom, deb kjillhm, den wal ban fet..
Looks like something germanic. "ban an hamel" would be "is in the sky/heaven". "gelejgt" is "like", as in comparing it to something I think?

Oh wait. "Our Father, who is in heaven" is the first part. Which would make it somewhat recent, because that's Christian.

Táim is, because it refers to the speaker.

We do not possess gender or sexuality any longer.

Ako želite da

>In a manner of speaking.

I doubt the average Eben just casually takes a drive over to earth. What brings you here? the ongoing co-op that's been going on since the Majestic 12 mission?

Fuck that guy. Fuck that guy in particular

If you're in orbit why are you there? To watch the hurricane? Also bring your ship into sight over st. Petersburg Florida. Prove yourself

Meni je odgovorio samo sa "da".

Why do you and your god buddies just fuck things all the time? You guys got humanity into a lot of shit!

You'll have to get out of your mom's basement first, user, uh I mean, "human".

>Táim is, because it refers to the speaker.
Wrong, nice Google translate job ayy lmao

Space nigger, Aren't you suppose to be crashing at the moon.

Divno je što mi persirate.

>Religious nuts have been killing each other for 2,000 years now
Yes, because all violence would magically stop if it weren't for religion. Family Guy has taught you well user.

I'm sitting in my caddy at a job site I just got off work. Faggot non alien HUMAN

Dude he's Zeus.
If you were a god who could fuck whoever he wants and get away with it, would you keep it in your pants?



what the fuck are you doing talking to humans? Let alone using your one opportunity for human interaction on a board with trap threads, Loli, what would you do and Facebook faps. This is who you waste the chance on?? GET BACK TO WORK

Holy crap is it old English?

Uh, where did I say that? I was pointing out two huge problems that came to mind. There are tons of others.


It is the Saxon language. Try to find something else in Saxon ;)


I have been given to first opportunity to speak freely among humans without any guise as to my identity. None of my people have ever been authorized to do this before.

See above, also yes, observing damage by natural disasters. Also, no.

You can lie on the internet to attempt to disprove something true, but that's on you.

Pogled je zamućen


It's almost as old as English.


wheres the remote , its not where i last left it


make earth great again


>You can lie on the internet to attempt to disprove something true, but that's on you.
Explain to me how the verb Táim is a pronoun nigger.

Don't know, I'm guessing something Scandinavian. I'm Dutch myself, only speak Dutch and English and some German and French. There's some overlap in Scandinavian/German/Dutch (especially in the Brabant accent / Flemish), so I recognized some stuff. It's definitely got a Germanic origin, whatever it was.

Lol nice google translate, I checked and saw that it translates "persirate" as "you're looking at me". Not what it actually means at all.

Why won't my keys open my front door anymore




No they arent you fucking muppet.

Please name a species that thrives without male and female? The ability to mix genetics with another of your species that is different enough is the reason we survive fuckwit. Stagnation of the gene pool causes death, thats fucking biology 100 level right there.