How do you make money?

How do you make money?
Wagecucks stay out.

Rent yourself as a pool stick

I assume with paper and ink. And some kind of printer/press?

>ITT: people with no talent, drive, or passion ask how to make money without working hard because they were raised in a generation where post-modern thought has confused them into thinking they are special despite being what is essentially a useless human being who nobody cares about.


I sell paintings.

IT management for a transportation company

mad wagecuck detected.

Tell me more.

I sell my hairy butthole to men who like to fuck those. Feels amazing.

i organize gangbang, bukkake and orgies

My vocation: IT con computer's shop since 12 years ago. Switching soon to IT in town hall.


Your job sounds boring. Is it enjoyable at all (aside from the money)? I'm genuinely curious.


ITT: people with no talent, drive, or passion ask how to make money without working hard because they were raised in a generation where post-modern thought has confused them into thinking they are special despite being what is essentially a useless human being who nobody cares about.


I made great money sucking cock in high school. Still do it occasionally. I'm 30 now.

how many leases/exclusives a month?

What is more they steal all the working peoples money when they take welfare.

wagecuck here
your only real option is to do the same, so better to give up on your dreams now and accept reality
i make good money though so it's not that bad


depends, i don't sell a lot of exclusives but i make most of my money through soundcloud/youtube monetization. i do sell around 4-5 leases a month tho (25 euro each)


All money is not paper, you ciscurrencied bigot. Some money is metal and requires a mint! I'm triggered.

are we really to the point where people lease a pair of headphones? or did i miss something?

somewhat related, should I start trying to become a police officer? I'm currently studying psychology and can switch degrees if i want to but I feel that I want to be a cop. what do?

beats as in instrumentals for people to sing/rap on

>how do you make money?
>people who work for money stay out

do you think there's literally anything in this world that allows you to acquire currency without working in some manner? even prosties have to work a lot of dick to get paid.

how many do you have on yt right now?
how often do you upload new ones?
average views?

thinking about dipping my toe in this already crowded pool.

Psychology is a good degree to have. Just maybe add a criminal justice minor.

Also, don't be a cop if you just want a gun and to be able to legally beat up minorities. There are enough pigs, we need more good cops.

1. Get a salaried position with either: extremely liberal labor hours policy or a system of accountability so bad you can fall through the cracks.

2. Accept jobs outside of your place of employment for money that you can accomplish from within the office (or at home, if you can secure such an arrangement).

3. Proceed to double dip and sell your time twice.


>Culinary student
My instructors have a lot of contacts so they advertise contract jobs for us.
Haven't done one myself but from what I hear from my seniors, they get RM100-RM300/25$-75$

I just talked about big money their you fuckin mintgender cislord

I go to this thing called an office. I sit at an invention called desk and use my computer. I type stuff, read news, piss about, and leave after some hours. I do this 5 days a week. Once a month I get money in my bank account.

You should try it. If not, sucking old guy dick is another alternative. Since you are a fag this shouldn't be an issue.

why the fuck would anybody tell you how to make money and possibly create competition for themselves? you must be stupid.

I work as computer engineering researcher on scientific projects. Projects usually last for 1-4 years so my fried coined me a nickname "mercenary scientist", so that's what I am.

because it's fun to talk about it.

I want to be a cop to be useful to the community. I've had a strong sense of morality for a while and being a cop, in my opinion, would be getting decent money at while doing something fulfilling.

1-4 years is on par with how long people typically stay at jobs, so you're basically the same as everyone else

join my pyramid scheme
get rich quick

I am in IT for like 20 years (yeah...i'm old 38). And I love what I am doing..never stopped loving it. At work with people all around the globe with different companies and different fields. Meet interesting people and fuck 20 years you get to be REAL good at what you're doing so I am seen extremly well at work and people dont bother me.
It happens that sometimes I dont have anything to do for weeks because I did my job good and people assume I work at some automatization of processes but usually they dont realize that what they think its hard to do (because they dont know how to do it) its actually quite easy if you understand how things work. I could automatise lots of processes at work effectively cutting people overtime and let them leave home with less money but I dont do that...and for that I am with a decent wage when I could probably be at least double.

Also AMA.

Make a pay per view live stream and kill yourself on it.

> Back in my day...

No one cares dude. We're all lions and corporate America is the Savannah. If you don't grab as much as you can, regardless of whether or not you "earned it", some other faggot will happily do that in your place. The sad fact is: Most modern avenues of employment are not cooperative in nature. Basic enterprise (the only kind of employment an average person can reasonably expect) almost always approximates a zero sum game. It's just a question of who will be fucking who when the wealth pie is divided; why shouldn't it be you?

Anyone get paid for gay sex? How do you find buyers?

>legally beat up minorities.

Try to sell shit for amway.

Thank me later.



i dont
i just dont spend

In my country people tend to aim for longer employments, so it's quiet short for our standards.

i don't personally upload my beats to youtube. i only upload them to soundcloud, but i make a certain "sub-genre" of trap that is pretty popular right now and i have enabled a monetization that when somebody uploads a youtube video with my track on it, i get money from it. i average like 1000 likes on soundcloud

I buy stuff from goodwill and resell them.

Hey IT guy, how are you?
My lil bro's interested in IT but my parents won't support it, seeing it as too much competition and too demanding (hearing stories bout on-call helps and all). Also have an uncle as a SysAdmin and he's an obese, 38yo KV, and my dad uses him to deter my lil bro from trying IT.

Questions, how do I convince my parents that this is something my brothers wants.
Also, how'd you get started with this stuff.

interesting. do you encourage people to use your beats in their vids/vlogs or whatever instead of just buying leases? how much do you get when someone uses your music in a video? do you get all of their ad money or just a cut?

Well if your parents are stuckups they might not listen to ANY of the arguments but let me tell you this.
In my company we still need 700 IT specialists (we need them BAD).
In my country there is a demand for 10k more specialists.
They are actually hiring almost anyone which is not a good thing If you ask me but that is none of my business.
Tell them that IT is here to stay for a LONG time. Think about it. Did you saw a diminishing need for technologies? (Tv, pc, tables, coffee makers, industrial equipment, etc...)
Its like trying to do economics on paper instead of in the old days.

i don't really encourage it, but i don't really care tbh. most of them just discover my music on soundcloud or from other yt videos and use it themselves. how much i get completely depends on the views. for ~500k views i got around 300 euro last month and i'm 99% sure that i get a small cut of it.

If you have a customer, you're an employee.

So how much of that money is yours? The market caps? Or price?

Just kidding, I've only sold 1 painting and only for £15. It did sell pretty quickly though so maybe I just need to knuckle down and paint more?

screencapping this

Thanks man.
That's the thing, he's 15 now learning bout programming and coding. He's been trying stuff on CheatEngine and whatnot. Hell, my mom tried to crush his dream saying "Why don't you just be a computer technician, like those guys who repair things?"

I kinda get my parents position since my brother's been pretty indecisive bout his future. One second he wants to be a mechanic, another and he wants to be singer and now it's a programmer.

Guy's always been the black sheep of the family though. I just hope if I make enough by 4 years, I'll help support him.

>Going to school to be a servant.
This is the future you chose?

i fix computers at a hospital

every job is just being a servant for rich people
get off your high horse
you probably flip burgers at mcdonalds

Tell your parrents this:
I have a friend which was a programmer (heavy stuff assembly and stuff) that worked for a company for 2000 eur/month (that is more than decent in my country) and another company hired him for 5000 eur/month...the company from where he left told him they will continue to pay him 2000 eur/month only if they could help them from time thru time.
So for about one year he got 7000 eur / month in a country where minimum wage is around 300 eur/month

I am at about 3000 eur/month sometimes going up to 4000 (depending on the overtime).

Why does Chad have an ass in front? That's very Chad like.

IT is one of the most prevalent jobs with a good salary at entry level if your bother gets into networking or ccna hes set for life then. but entry level shit is livable

i post celeb threads on Sup Forums

let it go brainlet.

Imagine getting that roasted
Holy shit

CCNA, CCIE all that stuff. Also Citrix / Vmware virtualizations are ALWAYS a gppd choice.
However his brother is into programming at the moment and not system/network administrator.
Or design architect or whatever.
Btw I had to take the CCDA at another company once because they needed someone. I am a system administrator.

That's because I know my place.
All my life I've been that obedient first son, and since I learned how to cook, might as well make use of it and make money out of it.

capping this too. Yeah, IT's pretty much the future now. Parents just have backward-ass thinking
>Me, the eldest son being a cook is okay with them
Why? Because they say "the demand is high so its okay"

IT's the future, my man.

get a chubby gf, make her do everything for you?

Nigga thats his




Not OP, but neither. The price is per share and the market cap is the companies market capital. From the looks of it, he just posted a picture of stocks for companies in which he may or may not own stock. He's implying that he does own stock in them by posting this, but really we would need additional proof to verify that.

you just gave me a few ideas, cheers man.

I'm a street pharmacist.

Obtain free, publicly available information. Groom and package said info. Sell it at a huge markup to companies who either can't find this data for themselves or for whom it is more cost-efficient to pay you to do it. There are a thousand ways to monetize this, but it requires some creativity and legwork.

no probs, but it's hard if you don't have a decent following to start off. i had like ~3k followers on soundcloud when i started to get a decent amount of money and now i live off this shit. don't be surprised if you don't earn money for the first ~year or so

nah I want some side money apart from my wagecuck pay

>every job is just being a servant for rich people
Not really, that's just your narrow world perspective. You're so ingrained in being a servant for the rich, that you have come to assume that everyone must be the same. I would pity you if I cared enough.


That's how like 99% of all people make money, brotendo. So it's like, you know, how you should make money too. Get with the program or start lighting stuff on fire in the streets.

Well his cock has two buttcheeks, just saying...

Also tell your family that I am from Romania.
Most likely never heard of it and they have to look it up.
And btw a COOK? Are you kidding me. They have great wages if they are good. have to be good in any activity that you do in order to be appreciated and well paid.

Im in the car industry, heres how it goes you pick up a pretty decent car from a scrap yard (write offs) because anything these days classes as a write off i found a perfectly working skyline all it had wrong with it was the back axle snapped when a car hit it while parked, paid the guy who ive come to know pretty well over the years 1.5k as he wouldn't get much more for the scrap nd hes no mechanic so he doesnt exactly know how much things are worth. Anyway a week later cars all fixed up engine only has 88k miles body is in good condition had to replace back bumper sold it on as Cat D for 6k in a week i made a profit of just over 4k after axle and bumper. You never know what you will find in there, make friends with the scrapyard. Last year doing this i made roughly 130k thats after the fixup if the cars. Go for cars people love and follow religiously. Japs, German. Dont be getting a 7 door family car because no one will be fighting over the cheap price and the work/profit isn't worth it. There you go


get paid to break in, and then get paid to fix what i broke.

Only a very small percentage of cooks make good money.

How much does a cook make in New York City?
Line Cook in New York City Salaries
Job Title Location Salary
Jean-Georges Management Line Cook - Hourly New York City, NY Area $10.84/hr
Red Lobster Line Cook - Hourly New York City, NY Area $11.57/hr
Panera Bread Line Cook - Hourly New York City, NY Area $8.07/hr
T.G.I. Friday's Line Cook - Hourly New York City, NY Area $10.97/hr

Do you have to be a really good cook to be a cook at those places you just mentioned?

They mean nothing to me, ofc :)

Get on the crypto ponzi train before you miss out

Right now is the time to buy in since the chinks crashed it last weekend

Do you have to be a really good cook anywhere? I mean the Chef does most the work and gets better pay than the cook at most top end places. Really a cook is bottom of the barrel as far as jobs go in the restaurant industry. They are right there with prep workers and dish washers. Even the wait staff make better pay than the cooks in most top restaurants.

What stops you to learn more and advance in your carrer then?

what kind of tools do you use?
those pick guns?

do it fam, do you have a pic?

I've convinced well-off people I know how to make money.

And I do. Because morons pay me huge sums, to speak bullshit on how to make money using methods I've never touched with a 10 foot pole.
Let me tell you, being a consultant is all about being a good enough bullshit artist.

depends on what im breaking into, those pickguns are not always a sure bet, so usually i just drill out cylinders, or pick them with regular picks.

another option is to manipulate the doorframe so the bolts go clear the frame. but this is usually done on steel doors with some sway in them.

I'm a pit master. I've already reached my final form.

And how do you get from "Pit Master Cook" to Chef?

ewhoring. i earn the same amount of money my friends do but in the 1/4 of the time.. life's good

i already do all those things, including sucking old guy cocks.

i thought this was pretty much dead.
quick rundown?

You don't, you go from Pleb Cook to Professional Cook to restaurant manager to Culinary director to Chef to Professional Pit Master.