In a lecture and this dumbfuck teacher left a bug in their code...

In a lecture and this dumbfuck teacher left a bug in their code. I can replace the final "slide" of his presentation with any 10 letter word.

Was debating between "Nigger" and "Cuck", unless you Sup Forumstards have any better ideas

Will post results

Other urls found in this thread:

But quick...

definitely nigger.

is there truly any other option except nigger? type nigger

dubs have spoken

Sieg Heil

Nigger it is!

It will be a few more minutes until he gets to that exercise though. He's slow as fuck.

Have a bump


And another one






>10 letter word


I've watched that guys PHP lectures. Good lecturer tbh


Change it OP. This will have a much bigger effect.

yeah nigger's the best choice. Make sure to post results OP


this would be funny as shit




Op is ded



the FBI caught op hacking

I'm still here - I changed it to GASTHEKIKE

Harmless fun.

FYI that's not it, that's him showing how websites can have security issues

You didn't change it toanything you hopeless faggot...

no one can read that liar

Nigger was funnier. Kys OP, you ruined your own shit thread.

Edgy kiddos


GASTHEKIKES is far better. Stop being a butt hurt faggot.

Well fuck i'm suppose to be learnininnnnn




Lying prick

kike detected

into the shower with u ooderman

You're saying that because you're not the one changing it and you don't have a say on the matter.

Still waiting for you to deliver on either promise though. Feel that itch in your butt ? You faggot sense is tingling.


Why is bullshit's text all scrunched up? I see pixels...

fake and gay op is not at harvard

Nobody even knows wtf a kike is edgy poltards, nigger would offend way more people way more easily. How is your echo chamber?


OK OP here,

So i couldn't get a picture of the alert box, i'm really sorry, but it's just white on white. Instead i took a bunch of photos of the teacher. He just left the room btw.

Here he is after he realised something's not right


Here he is trying to get someone to own up. lel.

This. Everyone knows what a nigger is. Most people will see gasthekikes and be like wot yah k whatevs.

Reading it out loud over and over. Quite a few people are filming him now so i blend in

So did anyone get it?

Says he's going to "hack the hacker"

Bullshit thread. If he's reading it loud over and over, why couldn't you take a picture of the screen?


Yeah like a few people laughed and one autistic kid went "Errrr....." from there it was pretty obvious

OP stop being a faggot.

Why are all of your pictures different sizes...stop it.

Total bullshit

Nod ;-)

because OP took these photos offline this guy puts his videos up online

As with many other thing, this did not stray from the rules of the internet : OP IS A FAGGOT.

Abandon thread.



WOWOW what do you know simple google search of DAVID MALAN PHP pulls this up right away faggot

This is shopped.

This is from an online course. It's Harvard, Stanford or mit but pretty sure it's a Stanford intro course.

Op is a toddler.

Profile Date Time 2017:01:12 12:21:34
7 months, 25 days, 21 hours, 26 minutes, 15 seconds ago

Nice try!

its harvard see

Hooray Internet

Anybody know best place to hide a dead body? It's just been festering in my basement. I won't disclose my exact location but I'm in a wooded area about 5 or 6 miles north away from a local chemical containment company. My first thought was to steal an empty barrel. I haven't acted upon that idea yet because it just seems to risky. Can anybody help me think of alternatives? Should I go for the barrel? What would be the best way? I've been scouting the place and they ship out barrels and crates every Tuesday at 7 in the morning. There seems to be little to no guards on Sundays. Please give your best feedback.

You fucking gimp, it was merely a pho-sho piss take of OP

Don't post on the internet about it

All right, this is gimped then.

Pics or didn't happen