How does Sup Forums deal with the fact that East Asians are smarter than whites?
How does Sup Forums deal with the fact that East Asians are smarter than whites?
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They aren't explorers.
We can go into space Ivan.
Don't they cheat a lot though?
IQ tests are racist against whites
They aren't creative and inventive
Anglos are the most creative and inventive race
I don't give a fuck
and white people aren't flooding their countries
they don't produce nearly as many geniuses, make as many discoveries, and aren't as individualistic.
whites are still better at civilization when they aren't being cucked by jews
If East Asians are so smart, then why does China routinely copy EU / US designs? Same thing applied to Japan up to the 90s when they stopped blatantly stealing designs.
As my economics professor said, even with their IQ (supposedly not inflated by handpicking best children from rural areas), they lack in creativity.
Their reasoning is built up differently from the start. The Chinese memorize characters from a very early age, their entire cognitive system is wired to memorization and recalling memories. This is great for academics, even applies to math, but does jack shit when applied to creativity.
These IQ maps are memes. Look up the criticism of this study;
The retard author just fiddled around with results until he constructed an IQ map that fit with Western cultural views.
oh i wonder why
As a result of female infanticide and sex-selective abortion combined, there are an estimated 30–40 million more men than women in China today.[28] This female deficit is expected to generate a wide range of adverse social, political, and economic consequences.[
Whites have a guilt complex and lack of in-group preference that other races have.
Jews are more intelligent than whites, and much less productive. They rely on craftiness and in-group preference for their race's survival. Muslims simply have a strong in-group preference and collective mentality which means in the long run they will defeat whites through invasion and reproduction
add Austria to Germany and get BTFO angloscum
Whites are also so insecure that they will give this a million (You's)
I'm fine with them being smarter, that doesn't make me feel insecure any bit. I'm only jealous when SK makes good electronics and we don't.
>and lack of in-group preference that other races have.
I seriously believe this is artificially constructed due to said guilt complex(which might be due to our christian roots)
if you look at our history, we've been pretty racist/had a strong in group preference until maybe 50 years ago? that's when it started to go away, which is probably due to cultural marxism and political correctness replacing christianity
>What's Moore's Law and how does it apply to the first region of the world to industrialize?
The Chinese were far more technologically advanced than Western Europe until only a few hundred years ago. They were drinking beer and mining natural gas and piping it through bamboo to their towns when most of Europe still lived in caves. They invented gunpowder and great fortifications and siege engines that dwarfed anything the Europeans had during the medieval age. Anglos invented the most in the last 300 years because they got a headstart in industrialization and we live in an age where technology and discovery is happening exponentially. As China industrializes they'll do the same.
Says the slav
You lot are worse than chinks
It's directly linked to the rise of marxism in general, alongside women getting the vote.
No, we should compete for prosperity of humanity.
>Whites have a guilt complex
I think this is an exclusively Germanic thing. And by proxy French, because they're all half-German, half-American or half-British from all the soldiers passing through.
This is autistic af
What do you mean deal with the "fact"
Sup Forums already answered this
Eugenics is the answer
stop posting these retarded threads so a bunch of chinks and stormfront faggots argue their shitty points over and over again about who is "Superior"
not an rebuttal
Small peepee
Small frame (we taller)
Isn't a spastic nigg that can't control testosterone
Feminized, so submit to authority easy
Can science
Not a rebuttal
>Lithuanians are turkroach tier retarded
I definitely don't try to deny it. It doesn't bother me at all. Because despite what SJW faggots say, we're not "white supremacists" in the sense that we think white people are inherently supreme and objectively better than every other race in every way. We're white identitarians; we love and value our people because they're ours. Does a man only love and prioritize his family because he thinks his family is objectively better or smarter than every other family?
At least they don't suck US cock so much as your country does.
Asians have similar IQ to Whites.
The mean IQ of Chinese in both rural and urban areas is 103, the same as non-Hispanic White Americans. Cities like Shanghai are often extrapolated for the rest of the country, but Shanghai is the most developed city on the Mainland which would create a skewed population distribution. As well, because of the Hukou system, the Chinese government control internal rural-to-urban migration in their country that artificially inflates the IQ (the rich and educated have been fast-tracked). As well, migrant workers and their children that number in the millions in these tier-1 cities are forbidden from partaking in proxies for IQ (like scholastic testing).
Japan and Korea are mainly mono-ethnic countries and if you look at individual ethnicities in Europe and not national IQs, the Dutch and Southern Germans for instance have IQ scores in similar ranges as them (105-106).
East Asians in the West are mostly the product of relatively recent migration, where immigration standards are high bar refugees, and hence are a self-selected elite and aren't representative of their native populations.
muh dick isn't an argument
Who the fuck are Anglos the most inventive race? You have everything thanks to Rome. You even submit to other race religion.
Not an argument
They have no balance between body and mind, that and godlessness.
Kek says I'm right.
Something something morr creative
, happy medium. I dont know.
>highest iq in europe
>Shieet, I don't have an argument
>Oh I know better put a funny meme lel xDD
Fuck off.
They are robots.
>China has more people
>Therefore their IQ average is higher
Why people keep saying this shit?It's only logical that higher pop. means more smart people , it's the bell curve for fucks sake, (even) mathematics if you will.
If whites would have had chink's pop. we would have been ayy-lmao tier by now.
Stop forcing this fucking meme, specially considering that for Europe & America nationality =/= ethnicity or race.
Your original post wasn't an argument.
Being the first country to industrialize has nothing to do with the fucking Roman empire from 2000 years ago
But Russia has high in group preferences and Germans are half Russian.
How does that fit into your calculations?
Not sure if bait or genuinely retarded gypsy
They don't allow common people do a test.
>Albanian IQ is lower than Dindu-American...
I'm still smarter than the average east Asian
I'm not expecting anything from ahmeds
Time to go back, zhang.
Do you get mathematics lessons in Romania?
>implying copying things is somehow stupid.
>implying saving on R&D costs is bad.
>implying 80% of the quality for 20% of the price is bad.
I don't think you know how the manufacturing industry works. You should listen to your teachers more.
So your all idea of "being the most creative and inventive" is based in that? What a fucking joke, I though you were talking for real, is like American calling themself the example of freedom. The world didn't start two day ago.
You dumb fuck, average IQ means sum of all recorded IQ divided by the number of people analysed.
Because Britain has invented the most stuff relative to its population, get that through your thick skull you disgusting little argie toad
>implying Romanians go to school.
Lithuanians are hot as fuck.
They might have the hottest girls on the planet.
I have no problem With it. The real issue is that Europe is taking in Africans With below 80 in IQ.
That's because when you are behind on technology, its far more cost effective to copy those that are ahead. Once they are caught up, innovation begins.
>Same thing applied to Japan up to the 90s when they stopped blatantly stealing designs.
also white as fuck
The data that that picture uses comes from the book IQ And Global Inequality which has been criticised for its unsystematic use of literature searches to produce its results. Essentially it cherry-picked published papers on the subject for a range of countries (this is not to say it cherry-picked all of the data, and the data that it did use is still valid, it should simply be noted that it's not the whole picture). A more comprehensive estimate of sub-saharan african IQ test scores is around the low 80s and high 70s, obviously below the average (for those who don't know as IQ tests are updated [because the world is apparently becoming smarter in general, see the Flynn Effect for details] the score of 100 is assigned to the median value of all test takers as a relative approximation of the average value), but much closer to the 'true' value. The cherry-picking was done in several african, european and asian countries.
Basically go look at a wider range of data before judging the intelligence of people as 'smarter' or 'dumber' than average.
Also understand that the average is not the individual. There are very stupid people of all races and very smart people of all races.
I'm not arguing the facts, which by all accounts show IQ to essentially be as follows: east asian>european>north american+australian>south american>middle eastern>north african>carribean>central+subsaharan african, but in many cases the truth is distorted.
This guy gets it.
exactly, and they're not at all inventive nor creative, in fact they didn't even know the scientific method nor western medicine until late 19th century (source: history book)
this chart is against the data from any other source i've found on the web
Didn't you used to have an empire or something? I can't remember.
This, whites have this unspoken of mental feature allowing us to think outside the box. A combination of exploration, pride, understanding of the end goal and will to triumph. There is no word for it and what I am trying to describe still isn't described accurately.
Chinks cheat.
I bomb them and rape their women.
By taking comfort in the fact that if Asians were actually smarter, then they wouldn't have shitty societies that they're constantly trying to emigrate from to come and live in our nice white countries.
China has an average IQ of 100.
>Implying we did good.
The Argies are basically more retarded Brazilians. They chimp out and surrender like cowards. Beating them is no achievement.
I'm only here for the women desu
>able to talk about empires
Did you ever have an empire? Oh wait no...
>'It was raking us with its 40mm anti-aircraft gun until we wiped out the gun crew,' said Thomsen. 'We then used a bazooka, but three out of five rounds didn't go off.
>'If they had we'd have sunk it. But we put it out of action and it was listing at 30 degrees.
>'We whacked out its Exocet launchers with rocket launchers and hit the 4in gun on the front and disabled it. We were putting sniper fire through the bridge so they didn't-know where they were going. It was the first time in history anything like that had been done.
>anglo not sucking his own dick for beating the argies
fuck you're really going against the grain.
>80% of the quality
When a product says "Made in China" it may as well say "Piece of Junk".
'Made in America'
Considering majority of products manufactured in America are utter shite and overpriced.
In fact, the country's so garbage that most products are made outside the country in China/Japan/Asia or Germany/Europe or Mexico
Stay mad, Amerifat
Bosnia and herzo IQ is incorrect in that pic
>aren't as individualistic
Implying that's bad
Maybe not in name
The image is quite funny and true in most cases.
You should probably know I've worked in Chinese and American manufacturing industries and the only thing the yanks do better is package design.
I've seen plenty of designers have to change American designs and ruin patents because your engineers are sub-par.
fuck off
its not about whos the best. its about who is the worst. nigs and kebabs seem to be dead last and next to last
if only we could get rid of them within western societies we would be better off
Why would we care when they aren't even humans? And Im not talking of them as a race.
Pick one
I don't care.
I acknowledge that every race has different abilities they are good at.
>american education at it's finest
i bet if i made IQ test in some chink village i would get around 80. just ufck off. they are preparing for these test much more then whites since we hardly care about anything, we are not such tryhards. Just try to take IQ test more times then one, or prepare with other tests on it . everytime you get higher results, but not because you are getting smarter... IF they were rly so much smarter they would not have been undeveloped compared to us. they were behind for hundreds of years.
If they didn't test the filthy fucking Fenno Swedes and other niggers we'd have 104IQ
I thought Czechs were honorary Aryans and capable of proper communication?
I wasn't defending American products, merely the notion that anything Chinese is anything but garbage. Which they are. And If you honestly think we outsource production to China and Mexico because they make higher quality goods you're downright retarded.
Singapore will never matter. Ever. Stay salty.
Smarter yes but not as resourceful or agressive. You need a mixture of all qualities to varying degrees for success.
Renaissance BTFO China, you had access to explosive powder during more than 2000 years and in just 700 years we weaponized it far better than you ever did.
Deal with it Dang.
How will argie ever recover?
Wonderlust? Intuition?