So his approval rating is in the tank after his abysmal response in properly handling the hurricane...

So his approval rating is in the tank after his abysmal response in properly handling the hurricane. As if it wasn't the lowest ever in history, already, but it is now ever lower.

Top this off with a monster of a hurricane now headed toward Florida. How long until the republicans realize what an utter failure he is, and impeach him?

Other urls found in this thread:

But he isn't a failure

You can't impeach him because he hurt your feelings. Sorry.

so? really don't pay attention to the losers.
keep crying kid. you'll get that attention you want so bad.

>So his approval rating

Snowflake, he's @ 45%. Fuck off. Clinton still lost. No amount of whining and crying is going to change that.

He's at 45%. It's gone up.

The division politics played by the left is failing as people help each other in disaster relief regardless of race, gender, or sexuality. The left is looking even worse by bitching about this because their lies are becoming more and more obvious to those who weren't paying attention before.

To top this off, Hillary's out on a book tour still blaming everybody and everything except herself.

What a joke...


I'm going to die laughing when his approval rating drops below the percentage of people that voted for him

Impeach him for hurricanes?

>The division politics played by the left
Are you actually retarded?

Yes, the ones who were the most accurate during the presidential election.

Actually, he handled hurricane Harvey exceptionally well. Probably be a good idea to watch something other than CNN. Fox could clear the shit out of your brain so you might start there.

>Actually, he handled hurricane Harvey exceptionally well

Do these digits count as a full house?


>something I dislike and can't argue against is bait.

sure kid. love them tears boi.


>Who can believe this giveaway?

>try forcing people to decide between deportation and weathering a hurricane

> go watch Fox its totally legit.

I don't like him, he's a lifelong democrat - but to impeach has to have been proven to have committed an impeachable offense.
Hasn't been proven, may not have happened - what can happen though is you quit being such a butthurt little faggot and ignore politics and the orange turdnugget like I do and you'll be happier.

Did you know mistaking laughter for tears is a sign of autism?

Get tested

dude, Obama waited and Bush waited a few months to act.
Meanwhile the Trump is trying to handle it while the hurricanes are still destroying your cities.
You can't do much against a force of nature that wants to wrack your shit.

By "Trump" do you mean "citizens from neighboring states"?

Did you know mistaking cum for milk is a sign of homosexuality?

Get tested

Yeah when he is actually legitimately impeached, the faggots who say shit like this right here will be the same ones chimping out. I can't fucking wait.

Trump could suck all of the water out of Houston with a straw and spit it into the Gulf of Mexico, and the libs would be bitching that he should have instead dumped it into the Indian Ocean. No matter what he does, they bitch, moan, and cry like little pussies.

Funds dumb shit. Stop watching CNN.

If they are in the country illegally, they can seek shelter at ICE holding cells and then they can be shipped home and this time come back legally.
I don't mind immigrants - the ones who come here legally are decent people who follow the laws and generally work their asses off.
Illegals on the other hand tend to be criminals or gravitate to states that give out welfare freely to them like California.
They are a drain on society in terms of legal, law enforcement, and tax dollars that could be far better spent helping homeless, veterans, and mental health issues.
I knew the orange faggot in office wasn't a real republican, he's the same old same old that Clinton or other career politicians would have been - only the left is butthurt that their criminal princess got "robbed" and isn't in the big chair committing more crimes.

By "funds" do you mean "charitable donations from private citizens"?

You can't list the problem and call it a solution, and you can't list appeals to emotions and authority as a logical argument.

You are making a case against human rights and you have nothing to substantiate your opinion. Guess who's signature move that is?

7.9 billion in federal funding.

>Things that haven't actually even happened........the post

HAHAHAHAHAHA! Which Britebart poll did you read to get that figure?

Oh never mind, here confirms it's Rasmussen, the group that polls "targeted groups" to get the results its looking for.

This man has fucked up pretty much everything a politician can fuck up. He BARELY won the election (didn't win the popular), so he should have been concerned from the get go.

So far, Trump has destroyed environmental protections, played a lot of golf, signed an executive order of a travel ban that is still being challenged now in the supreme court and that probably won't go through, fucked up repeal and replace, fired most of his cabinet, hasn't hired the rest, proposed a budget that defunds everything but the military and a wall, has insulted most of our allies, fucked up trying to make friends with Russia, and is currently poking North Korea with a stick while they're pointing an h-bomb at us.

He's also being sued for allegations of sexual harassment, over allegations of failing to pay his contractors, and over potential ethical violations while serving as the president. He's ALSO under investigation for obstruction of justice, which curiously is now being headed by a special investigator after Trump fired the original investigator.

What, EXACTLY, has this man accomplished of which I should be proud? That time he told the trannies to get out of the army? Telling the Dreamers they don't deserve legal protection? All those deft and tactful phone conversations? His paid-entry rallies that he still has about once a month?

The man has no interest in carrying out the duties of the presidency. He just wants another title on his resume.

explain how he fails, i'll wait.

keep crying...

Are you saying he's wrong?

He's done absolutely nothing except appear for a few photo ops. A colossal failure. By this point during Sandy, Obama actually did stuff rather than just talking about it.

What did Trump do? Pardoned Joe Arpio.


Ok this is the second fucking thread. Will you fags stop shitting up Sup Forums with your shit b8 threads



Because CNN said so

Lol are you saying that Trump's entire platform isn't hate mongering and pissing on partisan politics?

Isn't that exactly why you voted for him?

Lets get one thing straight. I agree with almost your entire op..except for the part about a "monster hurricane"

1.its going to be cat3 or lower by the time it gets to florida

2.meteorologists arent anywhere near accurate enough to predict jack shit a week in advance

3.its mostly going to scrape. Barely. The east coast. Minimal flooding. If any.

4. All this panic buying and fighting as if the mayan calendar is ending all over again. Ridiculous.



T. Florida resident not going anywhere.

That right there what you're doing. That is division politics.

CNN and the MSM have been doing this all along. Hate mongering, racist, literally hitler, etc are all name-calling techniques used which are not factually accurate at all to push their agenda in dividing the nation. You're a sucker and falling right into their trap.

Calm down shill. Trump has his issues, but not every fucking thing is done out of hate. It's that kind of exaggeration that makes no one take you seriously.


triptripdubs logged

>not every fucking thing is done out of hate.
Lol do you even news?

Look at what he's doing to the dreamers for fuck sake. Do you really think it is for any reason other than the fact that they have brown skin?

Yeah dude wtf. Where have you been?

>make a post on Sup Forums
"Stop having an opinion, you're dividing the country
>actually divide the country on a plethora of issues
"TRUMP 2020"

Do you hear yourself?

No, but I am saying that the divisionist politics is played by the left. You can't honestly tell me that yanking Trump voters out of their cars and beating them to a bloody pulp for voting Trump, or setting university campuses on fire because ofa speaker who happens to hold a different opinion is speaking there, or that showing up to conservative protests who are otherwise peaceful only to physically assault them and cause a riot, or to march down the street calling for the genocide of cops, or blocking a gay rights parade until they cave into your demands, or building an entire network such as MTV news and Buzzfeed predicated entirely on the purpose of making white people feel bad, or calling anyone who disgrees a nazi, or calling the president #literallyhitler because he vowed to crack down on illegal immigration, or calling anyone who thinks feminism is outdated a sexist in any way, shape or form, not divisive politics.

The only problem is aliens coming into this country illegally and then committing crimes or using public assistance while they are here as criminals.
Like I said - I have zero problem with immigrants who came here legally - I have a large problem with criminals.
As for sources -
For example, California made $1.3 Billion in welfare payouts to illegals in 2 years time. - sources for the numbers are listed in the article on crime statistics.
It shows legal immigrants are not our problem - illegal aliens are.
There is no appeal to emotion, it's an appeal to pull your heads out of your asses and follow the laws of our country.
Illegal immigration hurts everyone including you leftists.

This is the shit that libtards actually believe. This is because they believe that he is literally Hitler, and controlled by Putin to get rid of all non-white people. The news says so, so it surely must be true.....

>you can't fix stupid

>implying defending freedom of religion is a hard choice

Let me get this straight: You, a representative of the right, are currently hate mongering as evidence that the left is the source of the hate mongering that has divided the country, right?

That is your considered and unironic opinion?

>happens to hold a different opinion
Hate speech should not be pushed no matter what.

He's actually getting rid of the beaners though, which is about damn time.

It's not an opinion, it's a fact. and it's unanimously agreed upon to everyone that is of working class and not in college. Even liberals have had it with your pesudo-communist horseshit. The left has an identity crisis that is is suffering from. You bitch about rape culture on campus but then turn around and beg to import an entire continent of refugees from legitimate rape cultures. You bitch about women not earning as much as men, and then CHOOSE not to get into fields like oil rigging, construction, mining, or welding. Everything is someone else's fault with the left. There's no introspection. And when you look aimless like that, everyone else takes notice. Trump had an ideal in place. Hillary didn't. And the aftermath of election night, seeing a swarm of fully grown adults crying like children, should heed warning to the entire country about how dangerous it's heading.

This right here!


>Hate speech should not be allowed
>All speech is hate speech
>Remove tongue and vocal chords for extra measure

I mean I don't like the guy, be he's "trying"to do his best. He speaks like an idiot but he means good. Besides even if we wanted him out of office we got an ever bigger autistic as vice. He preformed a well calculated checkmate on the America.

He is being compared to incompetent African presidents

so much this.

no idea where the badly handled harvey thing is coming from. supposed to be sarcastic maybe?

>abysmal response in properly handling Harvey
>Gave over 1 million for relief effort out of his own pocket

>Tfw even your shit news network loves how he handled it.



fake & gay

I don't get it either. The man donated a million dollars out of his own tax free pocket. He flew to Texas to help out with food, water, and supplies. how much money did Obama donate? how much money did Hillary Clinton donate? Out of all the good that Trump did during this disaster, the media ignored all of it and decided to run a story on Melania's choice of shooes as she too helped out with the refugees. How do normal everyday people see this and not think there's a massive problem with the liberal media? That they can't even congratulate the president on a job well done without defaulting to his wife's fucking shoes. Unbelievable.

you... you realize Obama and Hillary arent the president, right?

Are you seriously this autistic?

>still hate mongering
>still blaming others for hate mongering
You've proven my point so exactly that it hurts

So what. It's an opinion piece. All this proves is that CNN is objective and has people who both support the president as well as those who don't. At least they're being objective unlike Fox and Breitbart.


>It's an opinion piece
>Just like every other news article and journal on that site

So what. They gave it the spotlight for a reason. Cry more.



So what? Whenever there was a disaster under Obama, he provided relief through tax payer money, not out of his salary. Trump isn't even accepting a salary and still donated a million out of his own pocket. That deserves a shit ton of respect, but none is given. It's still leltrumpbadbecuztrump.

>impeach him

>he's not serious, he will drop out
>he'll never make it past the primaries
>he'll never win the primary
(wins the GOP primary)
>he just handed the election to Hillary
>he can't possibly beat Hillary
>he's doing so bad in the polls - Hillary doesn't even have to try
>he's fucking up the debates so bad - Hillary's got this
>he stands no chance of winning
(he wins the election)
>WTF - the world is ending
>the electoral college doesn't have to pick him
>the electoral college won't pick him
>the electoral college will pick an alternate - it's their right
(gets the EC pick)
>the senate won't accept the ECs pick
>they have a right to reject the pick and choose someone else
(gets confirmed)
>he's not fit to be president, and won't be allowed to be inaugurated
(gets inaugurated)
>he's going to be impeached any day now....
>Comey is about to drop the hammer on him.
(Comey testimony actually worse for democrats)
>he's going to resign soon.... he's tired of the job and people beating him up all the time.
>Mueller is closing in on him. He is so going to get impeached.
>Really guys, any day now........

you keep using that word...


Rasmussen only polls Republicans, friend. Gallup has him at 39%

>Hate speech should not be pushed no matter what.
Yes, no matter which race it is.
Statements about whites should be as "offensive" and "triggering" to the fucking people constantly bitching about what a problem hate speech is; but it's not & hasn't been for a while.
That fucking attitude alienating moderates & centrists en masse, making fucking TRUMP seem like the SANE choice, is why he got elected.

>Rasmussen only polls Republicans

>Shit I make up on the fly......the post.

>in the tank
>poor response to natural disaster

king nigger gave your tax dollars to the middle east during hurricane Sandy and you dont bat an eye? lmao


>>WTF - the world is ending

LOST! My fucking sides.

Have you seen this video? The guy is a british comedian playing a news reporter, but it accurately sums things up

seriousl, this is your reply?
he talks about autism.

sure kid. any day now. any day.

sure kid.
share blue try hard right here.

sure kid

you must believe it.

sure kid. wonders why she lost.


sure kid

Implying he is responsible for the weather.

His ratings with his base are through the roof basically, of course democrats hate the guy so these polls are total BS. Oversampling up the ass by liberal pollsters...go look at how far off Marist/NBCnews polls were last year near the end of the election. They had Trump down 12 points lol...