This fucker tried to rape my 14 year old sister

this fucker tried to rape my 14 year old sister
he is a waste of a human life.
here is all of this niggers information feel free to have fun if you want to troll him
name: euan tennant
email: [email protected]
phone: +44 1738506175
address: 14 Soutar Crescent
Perth Perthshire and Kinross PH1 1QB
United Kingdom

have fun

Reported. Enjoy your ban.


If you have evidence then take it to the police.

If you don't, then fuck off. Either way, nypa


I reported this thread to the moderators


stop being such a beta faggot and go and rape the nigger to establish dominance. and forget protection, cos your faggot ass gonna pick up AIDS anyway.

>phone: +44
Eurocuck detected

Global rule #4: You will not post or request personal information ("dox") or calls to invasion ("raids"). Inciting or participating in cross-board (intra-Sup Forums) raids is also not permitted.

pics of sister? she sexy?


>Perth Perthshire and PerthKinross PerthPH1 Perth1QB
>PerthUnited PerthKingdom

"And verily I say into thee, OP is, ever hath been, and henceforth ever shalt be a faggot"
-Sup Forums 21:1-2

If this were even true....have some honor and handle it yourself faggot.


Look at the address he gave, you simpering moron.

He said "United Kingdom", which was in Europe last time I checked (until Brexit)

She's beautiful

>this fucker tried to rape my 14 year old sister
Considering the fact that you're posting on Sup Forums you've probably tried that already too.

>United Kingdom
Eurocuck detected
>enjoy you're refugees

>muh honor

found the autist

>enjoy you're refugees
>enjoy you are refugees
Yep. Makes sense. Third-world education right there; you have nothing of value to add, so go bang rocks together

Fucking man up and do something about it then. You pussy, go kick the shit out of that nigger instead of asking strangers to troll his phone. You're as beta as it gets

when will op deliver

he already did read the fucking post.

People report this but not the other fucked up shit here? What is wrong with you people?

lmao wat are we waiting for again? nudes?