Would anybody miss it?

would anybody miss it?

I would. It's the very heart of the West. If Italy disappeared, we would lose so much of our cultural heritage. Italians are good people too, and they deserve better than for some French meanie to wish they never existed.


yes, france on the other hand..

who tickled your prostate Pierre?

where did it go

i'll miss pasta and pizza

Beautiful flag

Miss what?


Why do you miss pizza? But pizza is from America I think?

I'd miss gabagool and macaroni with gravy.

I would miss fettuccini alfredo and taco bell

The Pizza you know is "delivery" only?

if france or italy disappeared i wouldn't even notice 2bh.
the only relevant countries in europe are germany and uk

which one is that?

i would miss bello figo

Would we miss one of the greatest countries in history ?
Um yes.

Yes cant say the same for you France (if you elect macron)


I already miss them.
Please italy, don't leave us alone with france.

I would