As someone with a diaper fetish don't stop

As someone with a diaper fetish don't stop.

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nice try cuckfag

So your telling me that a feminist girl dumb enough to piss herself wants sympathy from cyberbullying?
She deserves all the hate

Where is diaper picture? Need it for reasons

No remorse for those who claim cyberbullying.

Just another dumb bitch princess who traded their real-world identity for a digital one, and now her whole bubble is collapsing when the rest of the world refuses to comply to her fake safe-spaces.

Not sure if this thread is a troll, but the principle remains.

It's Ivy Hernandez, the feminist that fell for #pissforequality
If she is dumb enough to fall for it she should be ok with people making fun of her for it

You have no idea how embarrassing this is for her and her family. Her life, her secrets, her shame are ALL being show PUBLICALLY and no one wants to help but me. This is sad, I understand what type of site this is and its pretty horriffic. I want NOTHING to do with it but since this is where it went on, its best to start from this and work your way up. I want nothing but the best for Ivy and I want to help her get rid of this horrid past she has to endure.
But People that keep uploading her video and sharing her pictures,THIS needs to stop! How can I make this stop? This needs to be over already so everyione can just MOVE ON

I need them for scientific research

Ivy should kill herself.

>You have no idea how embarrassing this is for her and her family.

I said: "Just another dumb bitch princess who traded their real-world identity for a digital one, and now her whole bubble is collapsing when the rest of the world refuses to comply to her fake safe-spaces."

Why the fuck would I want to get an 'idea' of her problems, when she herself began her own problems the moment she logged on to a computer?

>Her life, her secrets, her shame are ALL being show PUBLICALLY and no one wants to help but me.

You forgot to mention, "her fault" to begin with.

>This is sad, I understand what type of site this is and its pretty horriffic.

The reality of Sup Forums is more of toxic truth buried in common sense from those who know how the world works. She set herself up from the get-go, no one's fault but her own. Yes, I blame the victim. And just because that toxic 'truth' is horrifying to you and her, just re-enforces the pettiness and self-entitlement of these self-victimizing internet princesses who expect the world itself to be a personal safe-space....never going to happen.

>I want NOTHING to do with it but since this is where it went on, its best to start from this and work your way up.

The best way to beat Sup Forums, is to never post on Sup Forums to begin with.

>I want nothing but the best for Ivy and I want to help her get rid of this horrid past she has to endure.

Why? To validate your own mistake of replacing your real-world persona with a digital one. To set a precident and make the world cater to your belief how life on the internet should be lived?

>But People that keep uploading her video and sharing her pictures,THIS needs to stop!

I personally am not an instigator of this, I speak out of principle. Nor would I advocate to stop this behavior because this level of 'shaming' NEEDS to exist as a cautionary tale for other dumb bitches who feel the need to make their mark on the internet.

>How can I make this stop?

You can't. What happens on the internet, stays here FOREVER.

>This needs to be over already so everyone can just MOVE ON

DUMB CUNT, do you not understand!!!!!!.?....It is not OUR responsibility to move on, it is hers (and yours). Dumb bitch made the mistake of doing what she did, without any thought of reprecussions to herself in the future. And SHE/YOU expect the other 7 billion people of the world to pick up the tab and alter their thoughts on the manner so princess can live the rest of her life quietly? Quite an arrogant assumption.

Tell me, if this girl decides to have sex unprotected (like how she doesn't protect herself on the internet) and winds up getting herpes or deadly STDs along the is it my fault if down the road, I hook up with her and find out she has herpes and I decide to take my pants and run out the door? Would you label me as an insentive prick for not fucking her?

If you're cyber-bullied, don't do the internet. Do not use Facebook, Twitter, etc. That way, no one will be able to bully you. It's easy, humans did it for thousands of years.

>tfw newfags fall for this BS trolling & don't remember piss-chan

>chick wears diapers because shitty bladder
>drawing attention to it is defamation


The girl just has a diaper, ddlg and fetish for being embarassed, she's using this as an opportunity to satisfy all her needs.

Alright so what's the real story here someone fill me in

>Ivy Hernandez is a girl that fell for the Sup Forums prank #pissforequality and made that video of her urinating on herself. Video was instantly spread everywhere.
>She was made fun of when the media took notice but her family quickly silenced the media stories with lawsuits
>She spent some time in the hospital recovering from a mental breakdown due to friends and family humiliating her, where she developed semi-incontinence.
>Now apparently due to leaked images, wears diapers to control her bladder leakage
>her mother 'forced' her to wear diapers due to her bladder control problem
Basically she was bullied for peeing herself and she started peeing more because of it.

Damn that's fucked and sad at the same time.

Sauce ?

>leaked images, wears diapers to control her bladder leakage

Found one

Too bad she's actually kinda cute

this bait is so old.

please kill yourself.

Wtf? That's nasty

Pretty good read

So she blames her mom and the internet for her stupidity. No wonder she is fucked up. I bet her mom is the one that told everyone and posted her pics

This is like a virtual witch hunt for her. Because of some assholes on the internet with nothing better to doo with their lives, they post and share her pics, vids, and info JUST to humiliate her! You CANT do things like that! Its not right! I have to speak up about it if no one else will

So if someone posted her tits you wouldn't mind?


More pls?

Ivy, we know you're into being humiliated, just post pics of yourself in diapers so we can speed up the process.

No. She wanted celebrity and she got it. Now that she is a public figure (due to her own actions BTW) she is fair game, same as any other celebrity.

You want to remain anonymous don't spam your identity all over the interbutts.

Those are special pull up pants designed for people who wet the bed
