You have 10 SECONDS to say one nice thing about AFRICAN AMERICANS

You have 10 SECONDS to say one nice thing about AFRICAN AMERICANS.

They sure put a lot of effort into getting free stuff.

at least they're not black


Bodies naturally built well.

When teachers grade on a curve, they're like extra credit for white people

No skin cancer.

>Bodies naturally built well.

>No skin cancer.

Good basketball players

they are good at stealing, drug dealing and murdering

Beautiful singing voices

Yeah bitch. You will have a few fat fucks in every race but blacks are physically superior.


The average African American has a larger vocabulary than an American president.

they are funny

No, no they're not

I like their music

The average amoeba has a bigger vocabulary than Trump

They each other 96% more often than other people kill them.
A quick call to the police makes them easy to remove.
They provide example of how not to behave and live.

Need some shit stolen? Need a fast footman? American Niggers got you covered
>what can BLACK do for you?

hard working decent people
like obama he was born in kenya and still made it
despite being an illegal immigrant to become the president he is basically the boss dreamer.

never talk to me or my son ever again

None of then live near me.

A picture is worth a thousand words.

I like watching African Sky Hockey.

They're cheap and easily replaceable.

Wrong. You're just impoverished so low body fat isn't genetic, it's just called being poor.

they are not selfish white assholes

they are good athletes

they have big cocks and steal muh white women

they'll all fucking die eventually, best I could do


It sure is

their ancestors where hard workers


IVANA fuck

you could say the foundation of our country were built on the backs of their labor

they made this and it gave me a laugh

they can be slaves again, we need the right person in our goverment to do it.

They can run really fast.

dem niggers do run fast

how can there be racist people in 2017? I guess its a result of identity politics and a lack of education. Sad how people are so stupid that they fall for such obvious bullshit.

If anything, the Homosapien (the current human race for the uneducated) started in Africa, so that is the master race and everything else is just a derivative.

We are all the same. We share one planet. Fuck the racists, their ideology eventually makes them criminals or fucktards of society.