Daily reminder that christianity is the foundation of white culture and the ultimate defense against the degenaracy.
Atheism=jews way to destroy the white culture, or just being an edgy fedora
prove me that god exists
I don't need to prove beacuse the concept of faith is that you BELIEVE not KNOW that there is God.
deus vult brother
and what's the best denomination of Christianity?
Oleeee Islam perdiole oleeee
The Orthodox Church is the one Christ founded, so I'd recommend it
Catholicism and Orthodox are the only legit forms, everything else is literally heresy.
in The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the Fourteenth Protocol:
>"When we come into our kingdom it will be undesirable for us that there should exist any other religion than ours ... We must therefore sweep away all other forms of belief, even if the temporary result of this is atheism"
God bless, Poland
not proof
As a Catholic, I tell all people considering Catholicism to NOT ACCEPT VATICAN II. Francis is not the real pope and you should only attend TRADITIONAL CATHOLIC MASSES.
I want you to hit more than hohols from western Ukraine
No, but strong evidence.
If you want proof of God, then the answer is very simple: the universe has existed for a limited amount of time, so the conditions that made its existence possible either did not always exist, or did but had agency; if they always existed but did not have agency, the conditions for the universe would always have been, and thus so would the universe.
What did he mean with that ?
I respect my Orthodox friends from the East we are the only ones who can fight back jews and muslims
>christianity is the foundation of white culture
Lol, its a fucking Arab religion.
never change aussie
if there was strong evidence it'd be proof
try again jesusfreak
Why not just go Orthodox then? Our entire schism was mainly about whether or not being the bishop of Rome guaranteed you that kind of authority--you, yourself, are admitting it obviously doesn't make you infallible, for instance, so being Bishop of that See clearly doesn't entail what you thought it did.
>the universe has existed for a limited amount of time,
Time has only existed as long as the universe.
Only two forms of legit Christianity exist for whites. Eastern Orthodox, and Roman Catholic rejecting Vatican II and the legitimacy of the current pope.
Recognized Christians outside of this are Copts and the Armenian Church. All else is heresy
European culture(Western culture) is founded upon Christianity. You can't talk about European History without also talking about Christianity.
God bless and fight on
I'd hedge my bets you don't know the history of Arabia
Orthodoxy is just way to foreign for most Catholics. It's seen as a Greek or Slavic thing.
Why? I hear this on all the chans constantly, but the only logic behind it has been:
>Protestant women are slutty.
>Protestant music is shit.
>No comfy old-fashioned rituals.
>They want to destroy the white race (even though Catholicism is literally a synonym for cosmopolitanism).
The Pope LITERALLY came out and said that Islam and Judaism are the same as Christianity and that Christians were just as bad as Muslims.
Catholicism is bullshit and Luther had the right idea of properly reforming the church. He kept everything related to the bible, translated it to the vernacular, stopped praying to Saints and particularly Mary, and wrote "on the Jews and their Lies".
The man was based.
>the universe has existed for a limited amount of time
[citation needed]
True, but bear in mind, the whole of Christendom was Orthodox at one point. The schism only occured in the 1000s I think. Before that, the Pope didn't do much without the go-ahead from the Emperor of Byzantium
His Eminence Hilarion, the guy in charge of External Church Relations for the Russian Church, wants to make a concerned effort with the Catholic Church to fight increasing immorality in the West and the slide to secularism.
He's also a great composer:
Then it is proof, by your definition
So what you're saying is whites have been cucked for most of their history. Makes sense, we should break past it.
>historicity of the gospels
I would say it is bait but given who you are i know you are actually being serious with this shit
Christianity is jewish, it only spread due to the roman empire conquering israel
Belief is different than proof, you mongrel.
There is no concrete proof God exists. It is all based upon belief.
Do you wish for Islam to take over the entire world? Even as an atheist, I would MUCH rather live in a Christian society, than a Muslim one. Understand that Islam is pure, absolute evil and cancer. There is nothing worse than this.
May God have mercy on your soul.
They cant both be legit you retard
artwork is truly hideous.
If god exists why does he allow the Christian church to have such ugly art
Evidence strongly suggests this is the case, and is the same stuff used to support big bang theory. As we get closer to the beginning, physics can tell us less and less, but there is a good philosophical reason for believing the universe is not infinite in the past. An infinite regress results in mathematical absurdities, which were demonstrated by the German mathematician Hilbert
>Sup Forums unironically believes in a magical jew that will punish them after they die unless they're good boys
>they call this belief "redpilled"
I'm not sure you guys understand just how laughable this all is.
Protestantism is heresy, it changes scripture and interprets the bible to mean what ever they want, hence the billions of different forms of protestantism. The Catholic Church is the one holy apostolic church that was founded by Jesus and Peter.
>applying temporal concepts before time itself existed
>applying your simple notions of logic and absurdity to physical extremes
>not learning anything at all from the past hundred or so years in physics
Yes and it pacifies the goyim.
>turn the other cheek
>while Jamal rapes your daughter
European culture was around a long time before christianity, christianity hijacked european culture, aka christmas was the christians stealing yulefest.
they can, but just in 'schism'. Being schismatic is different from being heretical
Hi I was not raised to be religious but I want to convert to Christianity. Do I need to join a church or just follow the 10 commandments? btw I'm in commiefornia so I don't think there are any good churches for whites
I was raised in a Russian household so the move to Orthodoxy wouldn't be hard for me.
But I only view Francis as the anti-pope. Ratzinger should have never left, and he was forced out. There is a large conspiracy here. I will not abandon my faith, but I pray that my Orthodox brother will come to aid when the time comes to cleans the Vatican of its corrupt pion and heresy.
That is right. And if the conditions which brought about the universe were unlimited by time, then so would be the universe, since there would not be one moment the universe doesn't exist and the next it does; the conditions would be eternal, as would the universe.
Consider Western Rite
Western Rite Liturgy, restored from the 6th Century
Pic related, Romanesque Western Rite Icon (Romanesque was a Western style during the Middle Ages, but this is a contemporary icon)
If you think Christianity is a religion about works, being 'good boys', then you obviously dont know anything about it nor have ever read the Holy Text.
>checks flag
ah yes, that education system
In the history of Church there was better and worse popes, but we must remember that we the people the sons of Christ are what makes our Church. Have faith in God, because you can see what lack of faith did to the Western World- people treat cultural marxism as cult, as their new religion, just like in the older days people viewed communism as their new religion.
God bless you to, and all of his children
could you explain?
Christe, audi nos
Stay faithful, my friends
>Consider Western Rite
No, I'm a catholic and will die a catholic.
Reductio ad absurdum. Next.
Literally the only major argument against this today, like with Stephen Hawking, is the tortoise and Achilles scenario
Anyway, if the universe always existed, we'd be in heat death right now.
There are a couple traditional churches in California. I will not say my church because of how few there are.
But all you need to do is find a traditional catholic church and speak to the clergy. You will need to be baptized, which isn't hard at all.
Welcome brother.
If the argument for them as historical is good, and they were shown to be accurate, that would pretty much prove God, no?
No, I don't spend my time studying fairy tales or spend time debating fairy tales and angrily debate what meaning I'm supposed to glean from them with other autists. I have better things to do with my time. Hell, even posting on this shithole is a better use of time.
Does it matter what denomination you are, as long as you worship God and follow the teachings of Christ?
okay, you do not reductio ad absurdum isn't a fallacy, right? Its a form of argumentation. Are fedoras really this fucking retarded?
Finally. Thank you.
Follow the Renegade Jew Sup Forums. He'll never steer you wrong.
confirmed neckbeard
How are Catholics in Poland? I hear it is a haven, but I've never been.
My gf is actually from Poland(Moved her when she was 11). She grew up Roman Catholic but has since Become non practicing. I need to get her back to church.
Go with what ever feels best for you I'm not going to convince you to do anything.
With regards to Pope Francis, he is a bad pope and there have been many bad popes throughout time, it's not the end of the church or anything.
The Orthodox faith IS your faith.
die in a fire then you'll see him for sure.
also, fuck you. nobody needs to prove anything you fucking faggot.
>worshiping a dead jew
>believing fairy stories
>not just being a decent person
wew lads
I will pray for you.
tell your pretend daddy hi from me
Your whore mascot looks like she has down's syndrome in every picture
Is it though? The schism happened in 1099, weren't both(RC and Orthodox) sides connected to each other in the One True Church? From what I can tell, both are legitimate sects of Christianity and only differ in minor theological differences.
Why should I convert to Orthodoxy over Catholicism?
Daily reminder that Christianity came from Judaism and is as much a Middle-Eastern poison as the other Abrahamic religion regardless if it was used in Europe.
Orthodox Christians are cool I've no problem against them but still Christianity in no way did came from Europe. Many types of Paganism did. Does it mean I want Europe to be Pagan? I don't know, I'd prefer it over Christianity and Atheism anytime, but why not make something new? Actually, just let people think for themselves. Don't force religions or atheism on them, just teach them how to think.
Anyway it's all a very tough question. If we are going to have a race war, white people would need to be united. And as much as I don't like Christianity, if that middle eastern religion will be the thing that will unite white people against the Jew, against refugees and against degeneration then so be it.
But can you fuckers make up your mind on 1 religion/ideology or whatever and get along instead of arguing with eachother everytime and causing chaos?
>christianity best
>NO you worship a kike on stick :DD adeism is better
>no adeists ar fedora cringelards ;DD paganism is the way
>lmao pagans are larpers christianity is best.
Shut the fuck up if you can't agree on a religion how the fuck do you want to have a race war? We would be fighting ourselves rather than our enemies..
>strong evidence
You mean necessarily a fallacy. In this case, you are using it fallaciously.
Get behind thee Satan!
Gee, thanks for your advice schlomo. Fuck, wish the Iron Guard had killed you all
Ummm, no. Try harder. Atheists on the internet have very low IQs. theyof ten claim that the slippery slope is a fallacy as well.
Ahmed you can call me schlomo as much as you want but I'm whiter than you.
There is no proof of God's reality. There is no certain proof of ANYTHING. (There is actually only one absolute certainty: that existence is not nothing whatsoever; i.e., something exists)
It is possible to be deceived about apparently solid logical truths such as 1+1=2. The last word in everything is uncertainty.
ALL knowledge is ultimately founded on faith - almost exclusively blind faith. If you ever realise this (not only at the comfortable distance of your intellect) you might find yourself drowning in despair. There you will discover the "proof" of God, who is the ground of your being.
Kierkegaard, the great Christian thinker, succinctly defined faith and the cure for despair (the sickness unto death):
"By relating itself to its own self and by willing to be itself, the self is grounded transparently in the Power which constituted it."
> Literal synagogue of satan
That "strong evidence" supports quite a lot of gods, not just yours.
See, that is not the Orthodox view. We don't consider your sacraments valid. No, not even your baptism (though it can be made retroactively valid upon conversion). Before you say this view is harsh, the Catholic Church felt the same way toward us until Vatican II, where they went so far as say even Protestants have valid baptisms.
So from a Catholic perspective, both churches are valid. But from an Orthodox perspective, the Catholic Church is heretical and thus invalid. If you want to understand our differences with you, and our perspective, and why we think it is so important, there's this:
The Catholic Church is nothing like Protestants, but they have still made said things which greatly disturb us (Aquinas, for instance, said latria should be paid to the cross).
Hence the pastebin about the argument I made concerning the Historicity of the Resurrection.
nice try trying to project your blind proof onto others lad
Slippery slope can be a fallacy you fucking first grade idiot. Jesus christ. Put down your children's book sometime and learn something.
Atheism is not enlightenment, it's the clouding of human mind.
Hermeticism is the only way back onto the true path.
no, it is just an argument people don't like. That doesn't make it a fallacy you stupid fucking burger
why oh why did this happen to the disciples? they could just say i am not a christfag. they must have seen something what let them be tortured and killed
this. it's also a complete dead-end, spiritually, emotionally and mentally. there is no way there is nothing metaphysical.
gr8 b8 m8
Some German archeologist found Troy based on the Ilias.
Does that mean that the Greek Gods are real?
Kierkegaard is a top notch philosopher. I'm grateful for his works.
Why has no one reported it..
I really don't see how finding Troy compares here, that would be more like finding Jerusalem. My argument isn't that Jerusalem exists, which everyone knows.
>missing the point