White people control hurricanes now

White people control hurricanes now

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Harp system and chemtrails you white piece of shit.

The late Hugo Chávez thought America used a weapon that caused the earthquake that fucked up Haiti a few years ago.


>Harp system and chemtrails
being this retarted

What the fuck is up with idiots these days?


Lol you retarted mate

Hii im new to quadchin what do ido here

Oh my bad I will believe they are contrails from planes like your retarded.

I think he said it at the UN too.

white people can't fly planes
this is the cringest thing I ever saw

Fapping to traps and porn threads

just kill yourself

It's retarded, moron. I'm not a fucking pastry.

You are a lemon tart

White people still own us as slaves nothings changed? Only we are slaves through shitty work opportunities and capitalism
We was prospering and wealthy in africa now where did all the fuckin gold and diamonds go WHERE? Fuck you and your personal army that call themselves "police"

Yeah you want someone to kill themselves cause they think differently than your gullible ass? Fucking dumb sheep.

Why the fuck would airlines waste money spraying random chemicals all over the place?

Why haven't any of the millions of people who work in, on, or around planes come forward with evidence of these massive chemical tanks?

Where are these chemicals manufactured and why is there no evidence of the supply chain necessary to distribute them?

Why does every single jetliner in the ENTIRE WORLD regardless of country or origin operate these chemical sprayers, even those with wildly different agendas?

Give this wild ape a nanner

not the other user but lemme ask you something

why is it some airplanes always make smoke, some never make smoke, and there's these odd ones that not only turn on and off their smoke, but they also draw grid lines and X's in the sky? also why do these seemingly voluntary smoke lines stick around way more than planes that always leave trails?

do you really think random airlines go off course to draw these chemical grids over cities?

HAARP could be doing anything though, who knows what their weird antennas do.

So many tinfoil headed idiots in this thread

We wuz kangs n shiet

It's not airlines. This is the problem. Sheep assume they know what their talking about. You have no idea about what I believe but assume I think major airlines are the cause.

to add to my post here:

here's a document outlining how to control weather effectively by 2025
this was released in the 90's I believe

>WaKe Up ShEePel

what's it like being autistic

condensation. air holds moisture, it's called humidity. when the air changes temperature the amount of humidity also changes. if air temperature rapidly cools, the contraction of air squeezes out water. the air around a cold glass does this, causing condensation. the air flowing over the wing of a plane is suddenly subjected to a change in pressure/temperature. this squeezes out the water droplets that then create a misty vapor which is slowly reabsorbed as the air temperature/pressure equalizes after the plane passes.

Of course we do weren't u at the meeting when we discussed it ? We all agreed to use hurricanes because Black people cant swim

These people could look up pilots spraying designs in the sky. Probably cause the motherfucker realized what he does is fucking shit up. I think there are a few that try to let people know. There are videos of one guy making dotted lines intentionally showing you he can cut it off when he wants. It's not contrails like these people believe.

>why is it some airplanes always make smoke, some never make smoke, and there's these odd ones that not only turn on and off their smoke
Differences in temperature in the air and the exhaust

>but they also draw grid lines and X's in the sky?
Because flight paths intersect you doofus

Then why is it that every single jet engine regardless of whether it's operated by an airline or by a government is able to make the same sort of trail? Your theory doesn't make any fucking sense

Critical thinking = sheep, brilliant

get lynched

ever realized how hurricanes are white, too. just look at the damn space pictures.

As I said you can go find the video where a pilot is going in a flight path and makes dotted lines. I guess the guy was just changing his altitude rapidly while flying a straight path. Excuse me while you think critically.

I've lived in New Orleans my whole life. The population was on even footing race wise before Katrina. Now my city is 80% black.


I'm white and FUCK FLORIDA

thermal pockets can cause this. he might've felt it as turbulance.

Link me the video if you think it's such great evidence.

Smoke trails and cropdusting is something that exists; it is certainly POSSIBLE for a plane to be equipped with sprayers, but what you're alleging is that this spraying is occurring on a large scale. One video of a guy controlling his smoke isn't evidence of a worldwide conspiracy.

Also address these questions please:

>why would we want to mess with the weather
Where did you find this pdf?
Mess sounds like a retarded word to use in this context.
We also sounds stupid.
How 8 would imagine they'd say this in a real study
Purposes of weather manipulation
Or some such thing

chemtrail people should just kill themselves
worse than flat earth famalan

>worse than flat earth
Chemtrailfags are pretty retarded but nobody is worse than the flat-earthers

Also, I will say that as I've heard it, the use of chemicals has been used to seed clouds to cause rain and to direct hurricanes too, however, they have only been used to direct them farther away from population and it's not very effective

I've seen planes at various altitudes in the sky my whole life. If you go outside on a blue sky day and look up to see multiple planes making trails, but later see that said trails turn into massive dark clouds. What would you think?

i think you can do this with dry ice and some other stuff, but that's more of an experiment since you'd need unrealisticly massive amounts to make any appreciable change to a large area.


>dodges all my questions and ignores all my points
Typical delusional conspiratard. When his beliefs are questioned he just deflects and tries to sweep any critical examination under the rug.

>, but later see that said trails turn into massive dark clouds. What would you think?
Firstly I've also been seeing contrails my whole life and I've never seen them turn black like that.

Secondly there could be any number of possible explanations for a dark contrail and immediately jumping to "worldwide conspiracy wake up sheeple" only makes sense if you're suffering from humongous confirmation bias. Engines emit smoke when they operate, you know. If you see faint dark trails after a plane it's just the exhaust.

not surprised, they'll believe anything