Delusional Lifters Thread

Delusional Lifters Thread

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He might not be as delusional. Sure he looks like a fat slob. But he probably feels a slight difference and is feeling good about it.

dubs is truth, let him enjoy showing off, he'll probably stick at lifting that way unlike the autistic fucks laughing at him

Get out of here with your filthy logic and disgusting understanding.

Also, dubs thread.

>that moment when you have 2 necks in the back of your head that look like a face

Nice going, you scared the dubs away... Lemme see if I can bring them back


Do I get one more try?

Step away. Ill handle this

someone overlay this on that


Thats neck muscle bro.



Holy shit

>mocking people for working out
He's a fatty but he's working to change that, why would you want to discourage him from becoming healthy? He didn't even say he's where he wants to be at yet, his back is "coming in" which means it's still WIP.

That's a big fat head

Looks like the hat from harry pooter

isn't this what happens when you use insulin instead of roids for gains?


>If you skinned him, tanned it and turned it into leather, you'd have enough to make two jon snow coats.

Isn't that the stuff that stop diabetes from growing?

ITT: morons that don't understand strength vs endurance vs mass vs definition

look at sumo wrestlers or the world's strongest men like Geoff Capes- not exactly well defined

Yeah, let's make fun of people who're improving themselves. That'll make us better

get out, you are too new

you must be new here

Ohhh i thought he was just big boned. Thats still a medical term right?

I don't think this is the site for you.. the door is that way >

Wait. So ive been using insulin all wrong? I could have been a bodybuilder, instead im here treating my diabetes. Fuck!

googles your friend

Looks like a ninja turtle.

Well damn you learn something new everyday. Thanks lol

>everyone should be a lardass like me
>stop working out, it makes lazy faggots like me look bad

if you look like that dude, you're well and truly boned


>have a 6 pack
>you are still too new

Leave him alone you unmitigated douche. If someone wants to better themselves and not be an obese fuck their whole life, good on them.

95 pound wuss detected

this guy gets it

>back of your neck looks like a pack of hotdogs

The fact that he uses the hashtag fitnessmodel makes him delusional

>have a 6 pack
Then why are you being such a cunt about other people working out?

That dude gets all the fat pussy he wants. Just takes off hus shirt and flexes his back

I didnt catch that. You might have a point there. But whos to say what perfect fitness is.

Check 'em.

I wish i was 95 lbs. I could atleast sit comfortably.


Oh jeez rick, you sure do suck at getting dubs

its because hes bragging about it. if he just went about his weight loss like a normal person no one would give him shit. but if he wants to act like hes 2 weeks away from being ripped while being a 5'8 300 pound manlet then we have the right to make fun of him

Lol what are you rolling for?

This. If people took the time to look at the hashtags used in ops post, and took time to see that this guy lost weight to a certain point, and is now maintaining and "building muscle" then they would understand the point of this thread. I'm all for supporting someone who is bettering themselves, but this guy slacks, eats bad the majority of the time, and talks about his biceps growing, and his back coming in.. he's delusional... dont even get me started on the comments he gets. He truly believes he has a ripped body, and just needs to "lose a little fat to reveal the shreds"

It's called pulumboism or something

What kind of hotdogs you eating?


Quit being so edgy op

250 lbs of muscle

Kek. Dat roid belly.

Dude i hate it when people say shit like this. Like that one image of that leather face girl with the sheep and everyone is calling her beautiful and saying they wish they were as beautiful as her. Like wtf no they dont

All that muscle is in his right arm.

Because this is Sup Forums you faggot.
Everyones a cunt.

such newfaggotry its insane


You still cant dubs. Your calculations might be off. Oh jeez

In current year, everything has to be acceptable.

That my friend is some serious abuse of HGH (Human growth hormone) a lot of people don't realize not only does it add mass it grows your organs, head, hands ect. And it doesn't necessarily do it even, stuffs bad mojo if you abuse it.

Im Mr meeseeks, look at me! I can help you get dubs!

Why are his nipples so sharp? Has he been exercising them too?


It's an honest mistake. She meant to say gorgon

He's just so edgy that his nipples really COULD cut glass.

>discount nanomachines son

it's called Gynecomastia

Lol that makes more sense

Since they claim thay semen has protein. If i eat it do i just gain back the same amount of protein or do i get more from it.


here you go fag
