How old are you? What is your job? What company? How much do you make? I'll start

How old are you? What is your job? What company? How much do you make? I'll start.

>Garde Manger
>Taco Bell
>$8.26 an hour

Your turn! ^_^

32 engineer, 64k Euros

>IT Technician
>$16 an hour

>Electrical Engineeer
>~50k €

>water lab technician

VP something something
Tech Industry
$185,500 CDN (about $150k USD)

>Man whore to over 55 community
>500-1000 a day

Garde manger is an actual chef position in a brigade kitchen. Also called pantry commonly. You are a 26 year old loser at a Taco Bell. I hope you have a wicked drug problem as an excuse or just got outta the pen.

>steel erector
>herculese steel

Im being exreamly underpaid because im a girl. I work my ass off tho.

Forgot to mention

Refrigeration Technician

Why do you think you are underpayed?

300+a day average.make my own hours.

the wage gap isn't real,kys

>Cable Technician
>Charter Spectrum
> $15.25/hr


IT Company
21 Years Old
18.5 an hour.

A coworker slipped up and said starting pay is 1350
Boss told me it was 980
But i dont mind too much. Im the only girl so i get it.

software engineer

OP here. You wouldn't understand the complexities of bein a Garde Manger at Taco Bell. Started at dish washer, working toward Commis, hoping to grab the Saucier or Broiler position in the next 3 years if I'm lucky. And as if most line cooks in finer establishments don't have drug/drinking problems. Are you kidding me?

Im sorry to say youre wrong,but...for MY case, you are.

bicycle mechanic/student

>Logistic consultant

It's alright tbh, it's just above what the avrage person in Stockholm makes.

>£100000000 an hero

What exactly do you do at that job?

>sw tester
>well, whatever
>100k chf/year

>$25-30/hr most nights
>only have to work 3 days a week

im a NEET during the week and a super social bartender on the weekends :) idek if i want to be alive :)

locomotive engineer

you're not as productive as the men you work with, reality sucks but at least it's real

And you wonder why we "forget" to to hold whatever fucking ingredient you can't be bothered to eat. Fuck off prick.

> Crew Chief
> Stanley Steemer
> 15 hr + 13% commission

>own a porn company
>give or take 2800 bucks a month

I do hardly any work. Maybe like an hour or two of work a day. We're in the process of ramping our shit up and increasing our customer base. Right now our goal is making about 6k a month a year from now.

Relax newfag, he's trolling you.

I thought they were made by machines now

Ehhh, another startup. So you don't even make 6k a month now, but you are taking half of it already? Recipe for a successful company.

Tits, cunt.

>Frontend Web Developer
>Facelift (I guess you can figure it out by yourself...)
>$31.25 an hour

I believe we would be friends.

>underpaid because im a girl
Traps don't count, faggot.

Senior technician

>Custom Borker assistant (3rd world country)
>31 USD hr - 40 hrs a week

Legal assistant
Small 1 lawyer Private practice

>grocery stocker / receiving
>Save on foods

hopefully gonna move and get a better job in the next few months

Account Manager for IT firm
$95k plus c. $45k commission
40hrs a week.

>Integration engineer
>SatCom company
>Company is paying for my BS-EE

>someone trying to tell me how my business works without knowing anything

My girlfriend and I are equal owners as we are the producers and actors. We make fetish porn for rich clients that want their fantasies played out.

Our operating costs are almost nothing besides props we need that we don't already have.

we already are friends :)

As a fellow porn company (that Sup Forums liked to troll very much) owner I do know a few things. I haven't worked in the past 8 years, but I do know that if I had spent the money I did not even had, I would not be where I am now. Anyway, good luck. Hope it will last until you will really have the means.

You don't mind too much. Thats your problem. I have 2 male coworkers at my place and they started way lower then me. Because they didn't negociate properly. And with you it's the same. You just blame your tits, but the problem is you as a person. you lazy fuck.

I can't understand at all what you're trying to say, but we've been setting aside about half of the money we make and putting it in index funds.

We know this can't last so we're going to make enough money to cash out and live comfortably.

Clips for sale? Cool.

>Labor pool

Pretty similar to that yeah, but much more customer interaction and direction. We put a lot of effort into playing out fantasies.

We've done abduction roleplays where I stalk my gf around and make it look like I kidknapped her. Its a pretty fun gig, and they pay us really well to do all the weird shit they never got to.

Clips for sale? Cool.

Base is $58k per year not including bonus compensation checks

Get out of here feminist

Be careful. Indecency laws can be a bitch. Just ask Max Hardcore. Also, don't slack on 2257 even though you guys are a couple.

Senior data scientist at Apple
280k a year
go to work at 11pm and leave 3:30pm

>import/export paperpusher
>general electric
>$13.40 an hour

En route air traffic control

I'm the custodian of records so no problem with that. We won't be cucked by the law.

Also indecency laws are so fucking lame. They are so broad in interpretation. Mostly we're trying to stay under the radar and keep our business with individuals as a discreet service.


>but income tax tho


>"Sandwich artist" whatever that is/drug dealer
>$7.25/hr and with the drugs like $100-500 per week.

>ITT: liying faggots
you are all 13yo turds

you fell for the most brain dead retarded bait on the internet

there's your problem

Medical Equipment
15/hour + monthly bonuses of $200-$600

>$22 an hour

Indecency is defined by the community standards. In other wards, a jury of old people. Also, credit cards won't let you use there billing if they don't approve of your content. If that doesn't worry you, I guess you aren't at that level (under the radar). Good luck.

Well you must be unemployed or make close to nothing

Businessman, Bachelor degree (law)
Consulting City Administrations / companies building sports related facilities (mostly soccer Stadiums)

>high school teacher
>€45 an hour

Thanks! We're still small time right now so we have a lot of hurdle to overcome when we come to it.

maintenance technician
20 an hour plus 500 off rent

About $965 US a month

I'm still in school so it's ok

>graduate student (cellular and molecular biology)
>UC Irvine
>200 a month after bills and shit. Thinking about doing part time at hipsterbucks just so i can get some more money

>prostitute/professional sub/drug dealer
>£1000-2000 a session/depends on how much i use, roughly £500 every 3 days

> medical student (just finished 2nd year)
> see above
> see above
> currently about 120,000$ in debt lol

>$9 an hour
I start tomorrow

OP, I’m going to side with this guy. $8.26/hour is pitiful for your age. I haven’t made that since I was 16 throwing pizzas on an oven belt. Call the job what you want but you’re getting shafted at a Taco Bell.

>10 an hour

>admin assistant

Quantum chromodynamics math theorist 7 dollars an hour

>truck driver/delivery

Not to bad of a job. boss is a cunt tho

I'm a welder and machinist
I work two jobs
My weekday job I get average 25$ an hr after commission
My weekend job I make 25$ an hr as well

>parents house
>whatever money my parents give me

I'd probably kill myself or be homless before I actually will work or earn money.

>IT consultant
>unknown small company
>90kEUR/year + 50/billable day +25/bill day for colleques in my projects + goodies (phone, car, paid overtime, 30 days paid leave etc)

That's a lot of fucking hours. Are you this meticulous to detail at work, too?


Amusement park restaurant helper
*Amusement park*

>Software Engineer
>around $36/hr

Web optimization analyst for porn
Free porn

>Machine operator
>$12+a shit load of overtime

>Mechanical Engineer with USCG license
>$8,445.21 a month plus overtime ($27.77 an hour)

>also cable technician
>Sub for Cox
>40K last year

oh yeah

>Railway operations manager
>Canadian National

>Kindergarten teacher

I am also closet pedophile. But my dedication to my work and seeing the little girls grow up and learn about the world outweigths my sexual desires. Only when I get home I fap the girls I do not know from real life.