I would like this show a little more if it wasn't so nihilistic

I would like this show a little more if it wasn't so nihilistic

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I would like this show a little more if I was in its target audience.

Sadly, I'm older than 12.


That's the whole charm and originality of the show

haven't seen it but since reddit jacks off to it everyday I don't want to see it.
is it even worth a watch?

I would like this show more if faggots didn't complain about something they didn't create and have the option to not watch.

If you like it. Watch it.
If you don't like it. Don't watch it.
Nobody gives a shut about what you think about anything op. You're nothing

pretty sad interpretation of "back to the future", real sad. Newfag material

Watch the pilot and decide. When I first saw it, I was sure it was going to be a hit.

I've liked most episodes, there are some that are just too edgy/cringy/unoriginal.

>I dont watch popular things

If theres any way to be more faggy than redditors you just found it.

My gf and I (I'm 30 she's 29) just started watching. We both like it and are almost done season 2. I would say it's like a mix of south park and futurama if you're into those at all.

it's funny stuff.. worth a try.

Like which ones??

you've had the same body pillow for 29 years?

Fuuuucccckkk, dude. You and your whore are grown fucking children. That's sad watching a cartoon at your age.


Tell us what an interesting life YOU're leading, user

I gotta hear this

I'd bet money you're not over 20.

I watched it a few times but.. Adventure Time is more mature than this.

Sometimes you find a hidden message with Rick and Morty (e.g. when mortys dad wanted the dog to be intelligent) but it's not as deep as in Adventure Time.


Lol R&M is fucking fantastic

Nicely said old chap

It goes downhill gradually, but the first few episodes are REALLY good.

Why are you projecting your insecurities onto others?

Pickle Rick is a good episode, but ruined by autistic normies screaming PICKLE RICK!!!1!11! at every opportunity

agreed there is like 3 golden episodes

It’s good. But the “fandom” and over hype surrounding it kinda ruin it.
1st season is good, I think the second was the best (so far)
3rd season is a little different but still good.
Good blend of absurd humor and breaking the conventions of typical shows.

It's good... But it's less good when you have hear "pickle Rick!" Every fucking day.

that's what 12yo do when they aren't furiously jacking off

I thought summer was over

adventure time sucks man

Its trying to be too deep and edgy now. One episode like that everynow and then, sure. But not every other episode.



not quite rude enough for my liking, more of a brickleberry type of humour guy. Too bad Josh.0 is such a faggot and show was cancelled

can almost smell the moutain dew and BO

I'd like the show if cartoons still brought me joy

hasn't been over since 2007

what the fuck

Hated Brickleberry personally. Seemed too much like a 13 yo trying to replicate Family Guy

I'd like it if it had better animators and every plot didn't get resolved with alternate universe deus ex machina

actually some of us do that while jacking off

If you've got the time then it's definitely worth a go. Maybe give it half the first season to see if you get in to it.
However in my opinion it's hyped far too much. There are a handful of truly great episodes but the majority range from pretty good to meh so don't go in expecting to defecate yourself laughing from the start like a lot of fanboys will have you believe.

>>A little edgy
Im sorry Im 13 now

you can only enjoy it if you dont give a fuck about anything.

if you watch it hoping for a good show then it sucks. if you watch it so you can understand the memes then it sucks. if you watch it because you think youre "intelligent" then it sucks.

you have to just enjoy the show as it flows at you otherwise it simply isnt that great.

apparently cups are a privilege
Same thought

No dick, no balls, still has prostate, which makes semen, aka ejaculate.

Nah adventure time is for the most part even better than R and M.

Adventure time actually resolves into a realistic tought whilst Rick and Morty ends in a child show at the end, it doesn't teach u anything most of the time.
With adventure time there was an episode.. outcome of a philosophy hard to understand man I can keep thinking into it for the next morning. With R and M I watch the episode, there was only a single life teaching in it which I found out before it ends and forgot about it.

Well I am not lookin to prove to you but whoever else reads should give Adventure Time a try, the further into the season the better.

Is this Justin?

dude if anything, you just gave me evidence to argue that AT is more childish.
R&M isnt forcing a moral philosophy in every episode, its more nihilistic, and more realistic in that way. everyday life doesn't impart lessons every day. those types of shows where they explicitly outline a moral point resemble winnie the pooh more than R&M does

Prostate manufactures seminal fluid, while sperm is manufactured in the testes. Semen is the name given to the mixture.

Season 3's iq drops a good 20 points, turns to garbage, season 2 is the series finale, enjoy.

>autistic normies
Isn't that a contradiction?

>I don't want to see it.
cool, more for me.

Season 3 is the best.

post pic of her used panties? make sure you get the crotch. I want to see her sugar & spice.

>Season 3's iq drops a good 20 points

maybe that's why I think it's getting better and better.

Yeah I checked the word nihilism. I agree with you irl the show has it's own kind of sense but it goes too far into stuff that is not real. Rick is like the main actor of the show whilst Morty is like AT always trying to find a deeper meaning behind it. Those kind of humans exist, both kinds and I say the fact AT takes place in an imaginary world also makes it more child friendly. It's only watched by older people because (like with spongebob) there is something for older people to enjoy.

I personally like getting my brain to do some work and it happens more often with AT then with R and M



What's wrong with nihilism? Morality is for 12yos & godfags.

What is this, an infographic for ants?

fixed it my man

I'm 35 and everyone my age fucking loves rick and morty. Don't ask me why. Maybe the sheer fear and loathing style nihilism like op stated.

Maybe it's just nice to have something that isn't trying to shove moral messages down your throat.




I'd place it just under south park, good show.

This is Rick. He's got my back. I would advise not getting killed by him. His portal gun traps the souls of its victims

Does the chad composition even exist?

yeah, it's an adult swim cartoon the character is named Xavier i think but i don't remember the title

Xavier: Renegade Angel

Xavier: Renegade Angel.
Checking it out right now.