Ive been on Sup Forums for 5 months .........................never got dubz ever

Ive been on Sup Forums for 5 months .........................never got dubz ever

Sucks for you

must be a trap
Traps never get dubs



come on only true newfags say "newfag"

Newfag. Check em.

nobody does
dubs are a myth

Dubz like the rims?


fuck off newfag

chek these buana

how exactly do people cheat on getting dubbzzz

poor you

Too soon

too late




What ae duubs



Op just killed himself


fuck you, you're an autistic newfag inbred by normie parents. go watch a jake paul video and then play outside.
>>you're not welcome here

Gimme quints or I hero


you are proasting at the correct rate. lurk more

It's the real true newfags that say that newfags call other people "newfag"

Come on trips

actual newfag found

lmao u little cunt, i got quads once

newfag watch those numerals

Checkem fags

Check my quints






wa r tripz

oh you mean like this?


Trips checking quads kek is strong

What the hell is going on!?


dubs get