America was never great hat

Sheboon "Krystal" decided to wear an America was never great hat to work
SJWs get CEOs fired for less
Why don't we give her employer a shout and tell them what we think

Home Depot Staten island number (7182735069)

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She's a retarded nigger who works at Home Depot. Gotta stop giving these people attention. We already have a degenerate idiot generation that swing for the fences with the "If I scream loud enough people will listen" mentality.

Being complacent wont stop the other side from pushing their agenda
They way I see it we fight fire with fire




>home depot worker
smallest of the small fry. No point.

I don't see it as being complacent. Giving her attention is exactly what she wanted. She's a worthless nigger in the purest sense of the word and she is now getting an affirmation that if she keeps being a worthless nigger, she'll get more bananas.

As much as I'd like to hang em high, I'd rather have my patience and wait for them to auto cannibalize like they do everyday

Even niggers admit that America at it's worst is x10000000 better than Africa at it's best. Getting shot by the police for committing crimes and being able to have all your friends say "he was a good boy, he dindu nuffin" on the news so white guilt cucks will feel bad for you is a hell of a lot more agreeable than being slaughtered in the thousands by warlords with armies of children.

Plus, if you're poor in America you can just say "The white man holdin' me down". In Africa, your problems can't be blamed on the white man, it's just because you're a dumb nigger.

Not South Africa or Zimbabwe

Bobby Mugabe blamed white people then had to have his nation pay for bananas with wheelbarrows

>thinking Home Depot will fire their black female cheap labor tax kickback over a hat
It would be a wasted effort because some other big box retailer will hire her for near minimum wage.


Who the fuck cares

>near minimum wage.
Not minimum enough

>fired for telling the truth
Sure thing fatass

>still butthurt 240 years later


Home Depot is a good job and I'm guessing she's not working the floor with that hat, so probably some management or HR position. It's ridiculous that you can't call out SJW pets without receiving penalty, why not fight back?

How is apathy a defense strategy? They burn our flags and mock our heritage, all while suckling at our tit.

Shit like this is a demonstration of their hatred for us. When they burn old glory, they're using a symbol to show what they want to do to you and your nation. When they display messages like this they show contempt for you, in your own homeland.

Free speech? OK, fine. We can use ours to tell these people to fuck off and pressure those who enable them. Ignoring it and sitting on our hands does nothing but make us culpable in our own destruction.

Both examples of niggers ruining a good deal. What was happening when the whites were around? Nations that were rising in prosperity and wealth. What happened when the nigger kicked the whites out? Everything went to shit.

what a salty nigger

100% correct

I was being facetious

>In Africa, your problems can't be blamed on the white man, it's just because you're a dumb nigger.

You must have missed all the leftist faggots that bitch about "muh imperialism is why Africa still sucks"
Never mind imperialism saw massive investment in local infrastructure and education.

That being said the IMF does currently fuck with African nations quite heavily but it isn't the main reason these nations are shit. It mostly has to do with the dumb knee jerk systems that African leaders put into place because "we don't need dem ebul whitey systems"
Said whitey systems being capitistic market economies with a solid rule of law have worked everywhere in the world they've been implemented in quickly improving the standard of living.

>all while suckling at our tit.
The real defense is to stop feeding them.
Anyone who pays taxes more into taxes then gets back should just stop paying then en mass

Doesnt this dumb sheboon know that by wearing this shes pushing more people to trump just think how many people saw that at home depot and were disgusted by it

>Home Depot is a good job
>I'm guessing she's not working the floor
>management or HR position
Stop I can't laugh anymore in text or it loses it's impact.
Home Depot is a shit job just like any other big box retailer. Floor jobs are not a men thing. Last time I went into a Home Depot there were nothing but women and a three guys in the entire story. I checked because I was shocked they had some black mammy working one of the areas as a sells person. Of the three guys one was Asian handing out pamphlets for home security, the other two were white and working the aisles. I was amused because going in I saw a woman trying to move a pallet type gimmick with some wood on it and she was struggling was waiting on another woman to come help her. I could have easily move the thing from the entrance she as block with one hand but did not. HR is probably a woman which is why all their employees in store were women, the management probably a man as lead and some women under him as ciphers.
Either way it's a waste of time to get her fired because she will find another job and will only do more anti-American shit after that.

I was anti Trump until I seen what the other side acts like. Now I want a Make America Great Again hat to honor our lord and savior.

African might be a shithole now, but imagine an Africa that never had whites trying to civilise it. Do leftist cucks seriously think it would be a prosperous continent without having whitey come along and uplift all the savages?

Also this nigger looks like a female version of bubba from forest gump

I know nigger, shit. Think I can't understand my own god damn language. People can reply to posts and agree with the content, not everybody is trying to school you on their dumbass opinion.

Then everyone is on fire and we get blamed while they play the victim. Remember your internet training do not feed trolls.

American was never great? Then imagine how puny the country were that they beat.

Thanks for killing off kraut scum.

> Sheboon
> she

nice try

>"Those liberals are always trying to take away our rights!"
>"Let's try to get someone fired for what their hat says!"

ITT:Hypocrites and assholes.

The way i see it NYPA

It's called tit for tat.
I personally don't think it works to well.

Holy shit dude, I died.

Stealing thunder in hat format?

Must be a starving artist.




I guess a third hat is needed: Make a America Great.

Niggers don't possess the ability to actually think. The groid brain isn't developed enough for forethought and prediction, or the understanding that actions might have consequences in the future. It's all muhdik all the time.

She didn't come up with the idea herself, either. All of these "protests" are 100% staged. A nigger doesn't have the initiative on their own. A Jew paid for the hat and told her to wear it. In exchange she got coupon off a bucket of fried chicken. She obeyed. That's all the thought involved.

>There is nothing to steal anymore.

nigger hell

>a nigger might actualy be earning a paycheck
>let's put it back on welfare

While the left deserves to have their weapons used against them such tactics are useless against them because they aren't really losing anything. When their mobs attack a CEO there is a loss. When we retaliate and get a nigger working at Wendy's fired, they shrug and go back to sucking the Government tit.

It isn't the same.

trailor-trash junk science - beep-beep, coming through.

She should get nigger ass back to Africa then.

Blacks were never great.

I'd have to base my experience off of the one out here in Kansas. They pay all right and offer some bennies. Knowledgeable staff, friendly. But yeah, the scenario you described is pretty common. It's common because we've rolled over and just taken it. Just stop accepting it. Even if nothing comes of it, it's fun rattling their cage and seeing them turn into fresh memes.

let people see her wearing it. she's doing our work for us

She belongs in a zoo.

This. Theyd fire a white and hire a black over controversy. Of course, they get a $2,225 tax credit for every black hired.

What the fuck? This bullshit was in the recommended section at the bottom of that article. Fucking niggers...


>tfw people use the argument from The Newsroom as a legit argument as to why America isn't great.

It's hilarious how butthurt you alt SJWs are over a fucking hat.

Literal nigger

I hope you anons are calling. Let's make this thread as good as the beach hut deli one